“Lightning-Style. The technique of thunder clone!” I summoned a thunder clone, and then asked him to take a Flying Thunder God Kunai from Minato and rushed up.

“Landun·Black Madara is bad!” Lei clone has a lot of Chakra in my main body, so it would be too wasteful to use it.

This time, Angelica didn’t even bother to absorb it, so I used black receivers directly to break up the black panthers who were bad in Madara.

Just when Lei Clone was about to attack him, Angelica raised his hand.


At this moment, Minato moved to the top of the angelica and stabbed it down.

“I lied to you just now, and now it is…Shinra Tensei!”

“Thunder clone · Solve!” The moment he used Shinra Tensei, I immediately lifted the thunder clone.

Minato was bombed far away, and after my thunder clone was lifted, it turned into a small group of lightning, which would not be bounced away by the repulsive force.

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu Three Stages!” At the fleeting moment of lightning, I thought move and appeared in front of Angelica.

Now he is definitely still in the cooling of Shinra Tensei. At such a close distance, it is too late to use other Ninjutsu.

“Eighteen thunderbolts!” The short blade in my hand instantly turned into a phantom. In just one second, eighteen consecutive stabbings were made.

This move is a new Nintaijutsu that I realized after being guided by the sword art of senior White Fang. Inject Lightning Attribute Chakra into Azure Edge Sword in advance, and cooperate with Eight-Inner Gates to give full play to the maximum formidable power. It’s a pity that there is only this short blade, which is just an ordinary physical attack, and the formidable power is greatly reduced. However, Nagato’s Taijutsu is not strong. I am confident that with the blessing of Six Sect, he is impossible to take all eighteen thorns and will definitely get a few shots.

clang clang clang ……Angelica was obviously surprised by my move, but I immediately reacted and blocked the seventeen thorns with black receivers. The last thorn is really unavoidable. I was sworded Stabbed in the shoulder.

After being stabbed, he reacted very quickly. He immediately threw away the black receivers and held the short blade with both hands. The blade pierced two inches in and couldn’t get in.

I didn’t continue to exert any force. I just let go of the knife. I stuck it up and went hand in hand. I didn’t have time to hand seal. I could only rely on Taijutsu to fight melee.

“Inch punch!”

I didn’t expect that my inch punch didn’t hit him. Instead, he hit him with a punch, numbing my tiger’s mouth.

“How can Nagato’s skill be so powerful! This guy’s fighting ability is not below me!” Surprised and surprised, my attack did not stop, before Shinra Tensei’s five-second cooldown ended. , I must hit as many attacks as possible.

“Ears and knees!” I waved my fists and hit his temple, and my knees followed.

Angelica dodged backwards very flexibly, dodged the fists and pierced the ears, then stepped on my knees and twisted me with a python twist.

“damned…python twist…” I instantly lost my fighting strength and had difficulty breathing, “Who the hell are you! Why are you my Taijutsu?”

Angelica is silent Without words, it seems to be thinking about something.

No, I will be strangled to death by him if this continues, so I ran.

“Not good, Chakra is all absorbed by him, and Flying Thunder God Jutsu is no longer needed.” As soon as I clenched the teeth, the Eight-Inner Gates rushed up to the first gate, “seventh gate, Gate of Shock, open! ”

The blue steam rushed out of me instantly, hitting Angelica sinensis, making him much weaker. I took the opportunity to break free, turned around and gave him a kick.

“Shinra Tensei!”

With the blessing of seven-gates, I can resist most of the repulsive force, but I just stepped back and stopped.

Who is this guy anyway? Nagato is absolutely impossible to have such a powerful Taijutsu. In the entire Ninja World I know, Taijutsu is such a powerful, definitely not many. If Chakra’s blessings are excluded, without weapons, pure hand-to-hand combat can beat me like this, only Fourth Raikage and Guy.

Too late to think, I launched the next round of attacks.

“Daytime Tiger!” The powerful formidable power bounced out of my hand. Even if he can absorb Ninjutsu, it is impossible to absorb Daytime Tiger. Kisame in the original work suffered this big loss and was killed by Guy with a single move.

“Explosion-Style ·Tian Lei Fist!” Angelica reacted very quickly, hitting the tiger’s head with a punch. Since the *** was not fully formed, it was instantly broken up by the shock wave.

Danggui was shaken back and forth a few steps, but I was shaken out of the shock wave more than ten meters before I stabilized the figure and made a judgment.

“Hateful! He actually cracked the Daytime Tiger.” My brow furrowed. Over the years, I have used the Daytime Tiger quite a bit. This is the first time I have seen the Daytime Tiger Cracked man.

In the original work, Guy shared the Daytime Tiger three times. The first time he killed Kisame in seconds, the second time he flew Madara’s Complete Body must be done, and only the third time, when he was launched, he was Madara broke up, just as it is now.

“Is he Madara?” I thought to myself, “There is indeed a possibility, and the strength is also very suitable… But it shouldn’t be, where did Madara come from, and in Madara’s style, you don’t have to It’s concealed, it should be a direct declaration of war.”

“Hey! Are you Uchiha Madara of Gouri?” I cursed him tentatively.

The other party didn’t pay attention to me. It doesn’t seem to be. If it was Madara, he would have killed me early.

“The greeting is here!” Angelica said coldly, and then an imposing-manner broke out, and the blue steam also enveloped him.

“He will also Eight-Inner Gates?” I stared wide-eyed, surprised, I can’t beat his normal state even when I open seven-gates, then he opens seven-gates, I won’t die deal.

“I can only fight, I can’t escape anyway.” I assumed the pose of Revolving Heaven, which I learned from Hyuga Clan a long time ago, but because of my fighting style They are all based on offense as defense, so defensive style is rarely used.

Just when the angelica fist was about to fall on me, a ray of black inflammation climbed onto his arm.

“Amaterasu?” I looked back from the corner of my eye, and it turned out that Itachi came to help.

“very good! Itachi, you…uh…” Before I finished speaking, I saw Angelica ignoring Hei Yan and grabbing my clothes. The scene instantly switched to a piece of grass.

“Fuck, fuck! Amaterasu’s black inflammation burned on me!” I quickly cut my clothes with kunai, took off my clothes and threw them into the sky.

The clothes turned to ashes in the sky, and the black inflammation disappeared.

I was about to use Flying Thunder God Jutsu to escape from this place, I looked around all around, I stared wide-eyed.

“Isn’t this Izumo’s Horn!” I was stunned, and pointed to Angelica with trembling hands, “Is it…you…”

“Shinra Tensei !” Angelica dispelled Hei Yan, then slowly took off the mask, revealing a strange and familiar face.

“Hello! My name is…Hatake Kurone.”

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