“Hello, my name is…Hatake Kurone.” He said with a meaningful smile and a pair of tremble with fear Rinnegan.

“As expected, I do not belong to this world, and this world originally had a Hatake Kurone, I should have thought of it.” I patted my head and said helplessly, “Since you brought me here From the place, there should be something to tell me, and I am also very curious, what is going on in the end?”

“Actually, I am not very clear about it, probably parallel world.” Angelica shake one’s head, “Originally I made a clone in the village, but I suddenly lost my senses recently, so I went back to the village secretly. When you showed up at first, I was also very strange, and thought someone killed me. clone and pretend to be me. However, Xiaoxue is impossible to recognize me. So, after observing in secret for a long time, I was surprised to find that you seem to be me. But my image turned to clone but disappeared, so I guessed, Either you came from another time, or you came from another world, and replaced me like a clone.”

“Why impossible is someone else pretending to be?” I scratched Scratching his head, but there seemed to be an answer in his heart.

“We are not originally from this world, and my Chakra is also Ninja World unique and unmatched. I can sense that your Chakra is exactly the same as mine, but the strength is different that’s all. “The corner of Angelica’s mouth raised a strange curve, “This Ninja World, no one can fake me, Hatake Kurone.”

“Speaking of strength, I am curious what realm you are now? Although I am now restricted, I can still play the strength around the late stage of the super Kage Level, but it seems that it is not your opponent at all.” I frowned, and asked, “You are definitely above the super Kage Level, half fairy Early -Stage? Mid-term? Or more up?”

“You don’t need to know.” Angelica whited Byakugan.

“Well, the last two questions, why did you name yourself Angelica? Also, where did your Rinnegan come from?” I asked cautious and solemn.

“You have a lot of questions, but I also intend to tell you my plan.” Angelica lit a cigarette and started talking. “Since you are me, then our experience should be similar. Because of an accident came to Naruto World and came to Hidden Leaf Village. The accident arising from many causes saved Naruto and became Minato’s discipline…”

“It stands to reason that Minato shouldn’t be Fourth Hokage and died of Attack of Nine-Tails? Isn’t the plot of your world different?” I couldn’t wait to ask.

“It’s impolite to interrupt others, I’ll talk about it later.” Angelica glanced at me, a little impatient, “Although I came to Naruto World, I also met Xiaoxue, but I am always No longer thinking about going home and returning to the world that originally belonged to me.”

“I know that if you want to touch Time Law, you must have a very strong strength, so I worked hard to train, promote strength , And continue to collect various clues in Ninja World. Fortunately, because of the blood of the Chinese nation, my extraordinary talent and realm breakthrough are very fast. It only took seven years to break through the Kage Level. Became a candidate for Fifth-Hokage.”

“It’s worse than I am. I didn’t seem to have reached Quasi-Kage Level until seven years ago…” I was a little surprised. Home, how desperate it is!

“Finally, that happened, the Uchiha tragedy.” Angelica did not pay attention to me, and continued to talk about each minding their own business. “At that time, my strength completely crushed Obito, but because I have no way to crack Kamui, so I can only watch him run away.”

“So, I went to Hidden Rain Village to vent my anger, and with pre-calculations, I defeated Pain with no difficulty and captured After three years of consolidation in Rinnegan of Nagato, my strength has also reached the Kage Level Peak. So I left the village, and while training, I continued to look for ways to break through time and space. “Danggui looked at the fist he was holding tightly. , Said gloomily, “But for the next few years, I didn’t have the threshold of breakthrough, I reached half Sage Level, and I didn’t find any useful clues.”

“What happened later?”

“Later?” Angelica laughed, “Later I slowly discovered that the reason why I couldn’t improve is because Rinnegan’s consumption was too large. Although my Chakra was huge, it could only barely keep up with the consumption. So I stayed in Mount Myōboku for another year and learned Senjutsu. With infinite Natural Energy, this time, I finally succeeded in breaking through to half Sage Level and standing at the apex of Ninja World.”

” However, my Rinnegan was also exposed. I was wanted by Ninja World and hunted down by Akatsuki led by Obito.” Angelica’s mouth raised a strange curve, “But, I’m hiding in Izumo’s corner, no Anyone can find me. In order to continue searching for clues, I had to cooperate with Orochimaru, and finally, he found Ryumyaku in the Ruins of Roran.”

“You also entered Ryumyaku? Have you encountered Lei Ling? Officer?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. In order to find clues, I ventured into Ryumyaku with the realm of half immortals, and returned to several decades ago. Once I came out, I accidentally saved it. I created a Konoha Ninja. I didn’t expect the resulting butterfly effect to change the entire Ninja World.”

“Let me guess, what you saved was Senior White Fang. “I seem to understand the entire process of development.

“You only guessed half of it correctly. I saved the Konoha Ninja who was rescued by the White Fang who gave up the mission. I searched several decades ago to no avail, and I did not linger, and I was ready to return to the original time point. However…” Angelica’s mouth raised a strange arc, “The effort pays off. Ryumyaku from several decades ago also There is no waste, Roran still has many people. I actually found out that there is a stone tablet in Roran’s palace. It was passed down from unknown time ago, but no one can understand the content on it. So, I sneaked into the palace and looked at the stone tablet, almost laughing to death. “

“What is engraved on the stone tablet?” relativity? “I scratched my head, a little surprised. I didn’t pay attention to the stone tablet in Roran’s palace. I was patronizing other things at the time.

“Almost, the stone tablet recorded the breakthrough dimension wall method. , And listed a lot of physics formula calculations, there are relativity calculations, and various energy and Chakra conversions. I don’t know which God-level transmigrator colleague left. “Angelica Laughed,” You know, I am also a big student of science and engineering. Although I am not a physics student, I also know a little bit. In addition, the stone tablet has written in great detail. It took me ten years. After checking and calculating the conditions needed to break the Dimensional Wall, so…”

“After I went back, I made this series of plans and named them,” His eyes gradually became sharp. Get up, “Homecoming Project, my name is Angelica! “

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