“It turns out that the name Angelica came from this way.” I couldn’t help but feel a little moved. It seems that he really tried his best to go home. In contrast, I feel at home wherever one is. .

“Guess what the result?” Angelica laughed playfully, “Unexpectedly, because I saved White Fang, the entire history has changed! White Fang survived, became Fourth Hokage, and even prevented Attack of Nine-Tails, kill Obito!”

“So Danzo was completely suppressed, Uchiha Clan did not launch coup-d’état, and there was no Uchiha tragedy. Shisui and Xiaoxue survived. Itachi did not leave the village. Minato also survived and became the Fifth-Kage Hokage.” I couldn’t help feeling, “This is much better than the original plot, it’s almost like a dream.”

“Yes, it’s probably a butterfly effect. But although everything is messed up, things are going in a good direction.” Angelica laughed, “Even me, I have become a candidate for the sixth generation.” “

“That’s not right… You made the historical trend like this… Don’t the Mian Lingguan kill you?” I suddenly thought of this question, “This timeline doesn’t seem to be easy to correct. “

“Mianling officer? Leiling officer? What a mess.” Angelica waved his hand, “What are you talking about!”

He doesn’t seem to know Leiling officer I haven’t seen them in the existence of Hemian Lingguan, and it is even more impossible to have seen the Light Lingguan. Could it be that… he doesn’t even know the inheritance of Izumo no Kaku?

I decided to knock on the side, so I asked tentatively: “Then, apart from Senjutsu in Mount Myōboku, do you learn from Senjutsu in Ryuchi Cave and Shikkotsu Forest?”

“Learn What do that many Senjutsu do? Just one. I only learned Senjutsu to get a huge amount of Natural Energy.” Angelica said disdainfully, “Learning a few more is turning the cart before the horse. Where can I get that many time.” ”

It seems that Great Toad Sage didn’t tell him anything, and he didn’t know about the inheritance of Izumo no Kaku. The current realm was brought up entirely by his own training forcibly, of course, plus Rinnegan’s Increase.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Angelica was a little confused, “Why did you say the same thing?”

“It’s okay, just sigh, your training road is completely different from mine , You are more diligent than me.” In order to avoid his doubts, I quickly changed the topic, “then what is the ultimate goal of your plan?”

“I am going to use the power of Ten-Tails to forcefully tear Split time and space, then break through the dimension wall, and return to my original world.” As he said, the corner of Angelica’s mouth raised a strange arc, “At that time, with my strength, isn’t that doing whatever you want? hahahaha!”

“It turned out to be like this. No wonder you want to control Akatsuki.” I couldn’t help but smile. I didn’t expect that in the end, I myself would become a “big villain”, which is really ironic.

“How about, cooperate with me, when the time comes, I can send you back by the way.” Angelica reached out his hand to me, showing a hideous and weird smile, “Two Hatake Kurone, How can I ask this whole Ninja World, who else can compete?”

“Although I don’t know how I got here, but depending on your situation, I am mostly caught in the world limited to Tsukuyomi. “I laughed disdainfully, “As long as you kill the fake, I should be able to go back.”

Angelica’s smile disappeared, and his hands froze in midair.

“In this case, kill you.” He stretched out his hand and tore off Akatsuki’s trench coat, revealing a black tight-fitting armor with an Azure Edge Sword behind his back. “It’s a pity.”

A strong aura instantly assaults the senses. I have never felt such a big impact. “This guy, I’m afraid it’s half a fairy Peak, only one short of it. Nine-Tails is the next Sage of Six-Paths.”

I didn’t dare to slack off, I immediately opened the Lightning-Style armor and matched the Eight-Inner Gates to maximize the speed.

“He can absorb Ninjutsu. I lose Sharingan now. I can’t use any Senjutsu. I can only deal with him through Taijutsu.” The cold sweat slipped from my cheeks unconsciously. The trickiest opponent I’ve ever been to turned out to be myself.

“He can crack Daytime Tiger and has the blessing of Azure Edge Sword. I can’t use him in close combat.” My brain works quickly, but I can’t think of any countermeasures, “Unless I turn it on Eight-Gates, otherwise I have no way to deal with him.”

“Why? Scared?” Angelica also appeared a lightning current of faint trace, it seems that he is ready to do it. “Then let me see, Hatake Kurone, how many catties do you have?”

“Lightning-Style · Thunder sword qi!” Angelica quickly waved the Azure Edge Sword, one after another small lightning towards I fly.

“Wood-Style · Wood Locking Wall!” I quickly hand sealed, and a semicircular wooden wall stood in front of me.

crackle! Lightning scorched the wooden wall to black, but it was blocked.

“Crescent Moon Dance!”

I turned into three phantoms and rushed towards Angelica.

“boring.” Angelica laughed contemptuously, and didn’t react at all.

Just when my knife was about to stab him, he suddenly turned around and slashed behind him.

clang! puci! Azure Edge Sword with no difficulty split the Longsword in my hand and made a big hole in my chest. The Crescent Moon Dance made by clone in front of me disappeared with my injury.

“Hateful! My tricks are basically perfectly clear, too passive.” I quickly stepped back several tens of meters, avoiding his attack.

“Water-Style · Water Gun Technique!” Angelica raised his hand, made a gun, aimed at me, and threw the Azure Edge Sword at me, “Lightning-Style · Hundred Step Flying Sword! “

“Earth-Style · Mud Wall!” I quickly hand-seal, summoned an earth wall, and calculated the flying angle of Azure Edge Sword with my peripheral light.

pu! The water bullets from the water gun technique are all submerged in the Mud Wall.

bang! Azure Edge Sword smashed the whole Mud Wall, and the remaining power continued to spin towards me. I calculated the angle, and flashed past it dangerously.

“No, what is the purpose of his move?” I was puzzled, “Not good…”

“Bansho Tennin!” Angelica waved, and I was whole It flew straight towards him uncontrollably. What’s more, I could hear the whirling sound of hu hu behind my forehead, and Azure Edge Sword flew back like a boomerang.

“Fucking in the trough!” My hairs are standing up, there is no way, “Eight-Inner Gates ·Gate of Death…”

“Finally Have you opened Eight-Gates?” The corners of Angelica’s mouth raised a strange arc, looking very excited.

At this moment, a crimson skeleton pulled me up and wrapped me up, while a spring breeze of Chakra was blowing on my whole body.

clang! A white light flashed by, and the spinning Azure Edge Sword was also shot out.

Three people appeared beside me, and they surrounded me tightly.

“Itachi! Xiaoxue! Uncle White Fang!”

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