“It seems that we are here at the right time.” Itachi controlled Susanoo, turned his head and smiled at me, “Fifth-Kage has controlled the situation, and the people of Akatsuki have been wiped out. It’s almost done. There are a few more powerful ones who are still putting up a desperate struggle.”

“Kurone, where did you hurt? Is there anything wrong?” Xiaoxue hurriedly treated me with Medical-Ninjutsu “There is a little bunny to tell me that you have fought in Izumo no Kok. The Fifth-Kage Lord is worried about your safety, but can’t tell you too many manpower, so I asked Itachi and I to help you. , I met Senior White Fang on the road, and we came back together.”

“Kurone, it doesn’t matter.” White Fang was expressionless, holding a shiny short blade in his hand.

“I’m fine, this guy is very strong, far better than First Hokage, you have to be careful.” I was slightly relaxed, but the form was still severe.

“Oh? Reinforcements are here.” Angelica moved Azure Edge Sword back into his hands, “But…”

“How long is this guy… Are you exactly the same as Kurone?” Itachi asked suspiciously, “Azure Edge Sword is still in his hands.”

“This guy is a counterfeit, but he will all I will Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, Even strength is much stronger than me.” I stood up, feeling that my injury was fully recovered, “He is the leader of Akatsuki, Angelica.”

“Since you are called people, in order to be fair, I am also called Three.” Angelica’s mouth raised a strange curve, “Four rows of melee, I like it!”

“Summoning Justu!” Angelica’s hands clasped fiercely, and three figures suddenly appeared. By his side.

The three people are all masked. One of them is taller and has a white long hair. It is easy to tell Jiraiya.

I suddenly woke up, no wonder that many Jonin was missing from the village, and he was taken away by him.

“It turns out that the missing Jonin in the village was kidnapped by you. It’s good to plot against.” My eyes narrowed, trying to tell who the other two were.

“Need not guess, they are all your acquaintances.” Angelica waved his hand, and the three people took off their masks.

“Shisui! Lord-Jiraiya! Shinnosuke-senpai!” Koyuki exclaimed, “How come?”

“Surprised, isn’t it? Are you curious, how do I control The three of them, especially Shisui, Kotoamatsukami is one of the strongest Genjutsu of second only to Infinite Tsukuyomi.” Angelica gave a weird smile, “It’s actually very simple, Shisui trusts me 100%, then I use the plan , Let him impose on himself Kotoamatsukami who is obedient to me, it is rational and clearly structured. Controlling Shisui, I can control other people, how about it, am I genius, hahaha!”

“Damned! Itachi, can you disarm Shisui’s Kotoamatsukami?” I tightened my frowned head. “The total strength of the opposite side is stronger than ours. There will be casualties in hard hitting.”

“It can’t be lifted, although mine The eyes-power is better than Shisui, but his Genjutsu attainments are much better than me.” Itachi shake one’s head, “Kotoamatsukami can only be solved by himself. If he is also controlled, the impossible will be lifted forever.”

Suddenly, Itachi covered his eyes and squatted down, and Susaku disappeared. White Fang’s eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he held him back.

“It’s okay, it’s just too much use of the eyes.” Itachi wiped the bloody eyes, and said, “From what I know about Shisui, he uses Kotoamatsukami at most to control four Kage Level experts at the same time. , Including himself, there are three in front of you now, you have to be small…”

puci! A short blade pierced Itachi’s chest!

“Um…” Itachi spit a mouthful of blood on White Fang, “Fourth-Kage…you…”

“I am…the fourth !” The corner of White Fang’s mouth raised a strange arc, and his originally kind and kind face looked extremely gloomy.

“Itachi!” I slammed it up, “Explosion-Style·Beng Lei Fist!”

“Konoha instant!” White Fang drew out the knife, and it went smoothly. I got to Angelica’s side.

Actually, my punch was just an ordinary punch, just to save Itachi.

“Itachi! How are you!” I held Itachi and turned my head and shouted, “Xiaoxue! Quick! Save him!”

Xiaoxue also ran over immediately, Immediately use Medical-Ninjutsu to treat Itachi. But as soon as I checked it, my face became gloomy: “No… I hurt my heart… I can’t save it…”

“Kurone big brother! Hurry up…Run!” Itachi used the last word. “You can’t beat them…Hurry…Run…”

His hand suddenly loosened, slipped down, and the Sharingan in his eyes changed back. Normal eyes, and gradually lose their luster.

“Itachi!” Xiaoxue burst into tears.

“Itachi! hateful!” I thumped the ground fiercely and glared at the angelica, but my brain was spinning fast.

Although this is not the Itachi that I am familiar with, his death made me extremely angry. For the purpose of this plan, Angelica had exhausted all its facilities and even controlled White Fang ahead of time, and let him act as an undercover agent to fight back at a critical moment. As for other people, will there be other undercover agents, such as…

I glanced at Xiaoxue without leaving a trace, will she also be an undercover agent? But Itachi said that Shisui can only control four people at a time. He shouldn’t be lied to me. She didn’t respond when White Fang broke out just now, so it shouldn’t be. But whether it is or not, as far as she barely reached the strength of Kage Level Early-Stage, her role is not as good as a medical-nin.

“Xiaoxue, you go first, I will hold them!” I stood up and stood in front of her.

“no! You are not their opponent, I will stay to help you, and die together!” Xiaoxue wiped away her tears and stood firmly beside me, “We haven’t been fighting together for a long time.”

“It’s very touching!” Angelica felt a little green on his head, and finally couldn’t help speaking, “Xiaoxue, look at it! I am your Hatake Kurone, the one next to you is just a fake It’s just a product! Didn’t you find him suspicious? Come here, I controlled that many people, but I never intended to control you!”

Fuck! What he said is very reasonable. With Xiaoxue’s IQ, it’s easy to figure out the truth, in case she will pass too…

“Don’t confuse the crowd!” Xiaoxue shouted, “My heart Hatake Kurone in, is the hero who protects Konoha! It’s not your insidious villain who destroys the stability of Ninja World!”

“Hoo…” I am relaxed. Fortunately, Xiaoxue knows righteousness.

“I wanted to take you home with you. Since you failed to appreciate somebody’s kindness, then don’t blame me turning against a friend. Anyone is impossible to stop my homecoming plan! “Angelica waved his hand, “Come on! Kill them for me!”

When the four people saw it, they rushed up together.

“It’s been a long time since we fought together, Kurone.” Xiaoxue’s tone became gentle, “I miss this feeling.”

“Don’t worry! No matter which world you are in, I will not let you hurt a little bit more.” I have made a plan to die, ready to open the Gate of Death.

At this moment, four white light dropping from the sky fell among us and stopped the four people from attacking.

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