“Xiaoxue!” I held Xiaoxue back and forth a few steps, and quickly used Medical-Ninjutsu to stop her bleeding.

Danggui obviously did not think of this situation, and was shocked.

“Xiaoxue…why did you run in front of me…” I madly conveyed Chakra to her, but her life aura still passed quickly, “Didn’t I let you go quickly…”

“I’m leaving…what do you do…you fool…” Xiaoxue weakly grabbed my hand and prevented me from continuing to save her. “Don’t bother, I’m afraid Let’s go one step ahead. But I’m very happy to be able to help you… It’s just the last memory left to you, but it’s like me in such a difficult situation. It’s a shame…”

“No… You will always be the most beautiful Xiaoxue.” I hugged her body tightly, feeling deeply guilty, “I’m sorry…actually I…”

“Actually I…” Xiaoxue clings to my ears On the side, she said softly, “I knew you weren’t my Kurone… but the Kurone I love is like you.”

finished-speaking, she was proud of it. Smiling, the rays of light in his eyes gradually disappeared.

“Thank you.” I choked up, “For you, I will definitely beat him.”

“Particle-Style · Atomic Dismantling Jutsu!”

After sending off Xiaoxue, I got up again and faced Angelica. The last brass lock of within-the-body has been unlocked. My strength is undergoing Heaven and Earth turning upside down. Chakra is climbing up like a rocket, and his injuries are gradually healed.

“Your imposing-manner has changed. Sure enough, hatred can make people become stronger.” Angelica laughed playfully, “Hate it, hate can make you stronger, so I can I’m interested in fighting with you.”

“Don’t learn from Itachi. After a while, I’ll see how you face them.” I slowly draw the Azure Edge Sword inserted on the ground, condensed Chakra.

“Then let’s see if you have this ability!” Angelica holding a sword, suddenly appeared in front of me, “Flying Thunder God Jutsu!”

If I was a few minutes ago, this one would definitely be dead, but now…

I leaned back and escaped his mortal blow, then a slippery kneel and a sword hit His belly.

“This…how is it possible!” Angelica showed an unbelievable expression, “With your strength, how can it be possible to hide and fight back to me?”

” I am… not the me before.” I gradually adapted to the sudden surge in strength, slowly opening the eyes, “Mangekyo Sharingan!”

This strength breakthrough not only brought Sharingan back to me , My strength suddenly soared to the mid-Sage level, and even Senjutsu was unlocked. It can be said that the current me is stronger than ever.

Even in the face of Sage of Six-Paths, I am not ashamed, but in front of me is the same powerful myself, I can’t have the slightest underestimate the enemy.

“Unexpectedly, you actually own Sharingan or Mangekyo. It seems that I underestimate you…oh no, underestimate myself.” Angelica laughed, “I underestimate the enemy just now, now you show The strength that came out made me very interested.”

“I wanted to catch Naruto and use it again, but now it seems that I have to advance it.” Angelica took out a gourd, “This is Sage of Six-Paths’ Ninja Tool, remember it.”

“So what? Do you think I will be hit?” My mouth raised a weird curve, “I don’t know how to deal with this thing. People in the situation are still useful, do you think it is useful for me?”

“no no no, how would I use this to deal with you? Do you think I will treat myself as a fool?” Angelica laughed , And then opened the gourd, and the gurgling was poured into his mouth.

“Interesting, use Six Paths’ Ninja Tool to pack wine? Are you really…” Suddenly, my pupils shrank, “No, what’s inside…is Nine-Tails Chakra!”


“You want to forcefully gather only nine Tailed Beast and become Ten-Tails Jinchuriki!” I quickly threw Qingfeng out. If he enters Six Paths mode, it will be even more tricky, “Lightning-Style · Flying Sword in Hundred Steps!”

“I could enter the perfect Six Paths mode, but it’s a pity…” A huge Truth-Seeking Ball suddenly appeared next to Angelica, wrapping him up .

clang! Azure Edge Sword hits the Truth-Seeking Ball and bounces back. Truth-Seeking Ball with a heart-piercing roar came from my gazed, and I couldn’t help being serious.

Originally, I was quite sure to beat him, but now he has risen by another level. Even if he was only half Sage Level Peak before, he is definitely at Sage level, and it is definitely better than Six Paths Madara and Sage of Six. -Paths are stronger.

“But even so, I am not afraid.” The evolution process of Six Paths mode is difficult to interrupt, so I took advantage of this gap to quickly adjust the state to absorb Natural Energy, “It’s been a long time without using Senjutsu I’m looking forward to it!”

At this moment, a blood red barrier appeared in the sky, and a huge barrier covered me and Angelica.

“This barrier…is it?” Looking top of the head blood red barrier, I thought about it, “From the looks of it, it should be a series with the Four Ziyang Formations and the Four Red Sun Formations Barrier Ninjutsu, but it seems to be one point better than the four red sun formations.”

“Kurone big brother! We have beaten the opponent!” Shisui’s voice came.

“Don’t worry, we have used the four Blood Sacrifice Array together.” White Fang’s majestic voice also came from the top of the head, “Unless the four of us die, he is absolutely impossible to escape. “

“Play with confidence, spare no effort.” Jiraiya encouraged.

“Either kill the opponent, or we die together.” Shinnosuke also cheered up.

“I remember! Four Blood Sacrifice Array!” I suddenly remembered the name of this move. I once saw the introduction in Orochimaru’s notes on barriers.

Four Ziyang formations require four Elite Jonins to activate, which can trap the Kage Level expert.

The four red sun formations require four Kage Level experts to activate, which can trap other experts at half Sage Level.

Four Blood Sacrifice Array is even more domineering, requiring four super Kage Level experts to activate, and at the expense of burning its own life force, once trapped, even if Sage of Six-Paths is reborn, until Before all four casters burned their lives, they couldn’t break through.

“Furthermore, once the four Blood Sacrifice Array starts, they cannot be stopped until their lives are burned out.” I did not ask pester and chirp why they had to sacrifice so much, but accelerated the acquisition of Natural Energy Speed, “rest assured, I will not waste your efforts.”

“Mount Myōboku, Ryuchi Cave, Shikkotsu Forest three-in-one Senjutsu mode, open!”

I didn’t expect it However, for the first time, the three Senjutsu powers were perfectly integrated, but it made me within-the-body another power that was not so powerful, Awakening.

“This is…” I looked surprised that the characteristics that originally represented the three kinds of Senjutsu disappeared slowly, and the whole body emitted golden rays of light, “This is the true nature of Izumo no Kaku inheritance Is it power?”

“Izumo Secret Jutsu · Shine Mode!” Although it is not so dazzling, my whole body really does bloom with golden light, and continuous natural Energy floods into my within- The-body, all the more parts overflowed out of the body and turned into rays of light. I don’t even need to deliberately absorb it, every pore of the whole body is filled with Natural Energy.

At this time, the Truth-Seeking Ball opposite me split, and Angelica came out, with nine little Truth-Seeking Balls floating behind, and the body became exactly the same as Sage of Six-Paths Look like.

“Come on!”

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