“What’s the matter with this light?” Angela looked puzzled, but still full of confidence, “No matter what trump card you hide, I don’t know it, in front of absolute strength. It’s meaningless.”

“I also agree with this sentence, but…who occupies absolute strength, it’s hard to say.” I waved his hand, “Indeed, the power of Sage of Six-Paths It can make you stand at the top of Ninja World, but…you may have forgotten that I don’t belong to this Ninja World completely.”

“Really? You are too arrogant.” Angelica is sinister. Smile.

“Your Rinnegan is from Nagato, actually Madara, I remember. In addition to those basic Ninjutsu, there should be another trick…what is it called? Oh yes, Limbo: Border Jail!” I With a sharp turn, Mangekyo instantly launched, “Hachiman of Light!”

Black’s sharp arrow, attached to golden rays of light, created eight arrows and fired towards all directions, which should be Yawata’s strongest form.

Four clones of Limbo: Border Jail were directly hit and disappeared, blood was slowly flowing out of the orbits of Angelica.

“This move caused me a lot of losses at the beginning, but now it’s an indirect revenge.” My mouth raised a strange arc, although I don’t have Rinnegan, I can’t see Limbo directly: Border Jail’s clone, but the strong sense power at this stage can be fully sensed. And as Izumo spell, which surpasses the power of Six Paths, it can naturally attack clone.

“It seems that I underestimated you. I didn’t expect that you could crack Limbo: Border Jail without Sage Body and Sage Eyes.” Angelica looked at the broken Truth-Seeking Ball in his hand. The arrow shot at him and was blocked by him with a Truth-Seeking Ball, but this Truth-Seeking Ball was also completely shattered, and his nine Truth-Seeking Balls became eight permanently.

“It’s not over yet, Guang Eun·Howl of Tiger!” I spit a light beam out of my mouth, and went straight to the angelica.

He didn’t dare to be big this time, doge sideways passed the attack, but although he avoided the light beam, he was still shocked by the sound wave.

“I remember, isn’t this Tiger King’s style?” Angelica wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled bitterly, “I didn’t expect that the formidable power you used and the Tiger King are really as different as heaven and earth. It’s a pity. At the beginning, I felt that the formidable power of light escape was average, and I didn’t study it in depth.”

“It seems that Izumo Cape still has many secrets. I didn’t know Akatsuki.” General Angelica A Truth-Seeking Ball turned into a lance and threw it at me, then turned another Truth-Seeking Ball into a sword, and rushed toward me, “When I defeat you, I will go to figure out this secret.”

“A person like you is not worthy of accepting the inheritance of Izumo no Kaku.” I lifted my sword and flew lance, and fought against Angelica.

The Truth-Seeking Ball is very strong, even if I inject Natural Energy into the Azure Edge Sword, the Truth-Seeking Ball cannot be crushed. Every time I was about to stab him, I was blocked by the floating Truth-Seeking Ball.

Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of the Azure Edge Sword not far away, the one he discarded at will. Obviously, he also noticed my gaze. After all, we are the same person, and there are many similarities in our fighting ideas.

No, to break his defense, you must strengthen the formidable power of Azure Edge Sword. Relying on light escape alone, it is easy to be avoided by his prediction. Yawata can beat him once completely unprepared, and the second time. It’s hard to succeed.

Danggui tried to beckon to take back Azure Edge Sword, but after entering Six Paths mode, Chakra had undergone a qualitative change, and the connection between Azure Edge Sword and him was temporarily severed. Sure enough, after glance at each other, we both moved at the same time, and moved towards the Azure Edge Sword on the ground rushed away.

“Guangdong·Hundred-step Meteor Sword!” I threw the energy-filled Azure Edge Sword as I ran, like a meteor across the sky, speed very fast.

Angelica sinensis had seen my throwing movement a long time ago, and flew the Flying Sword at the cost of losing a Truth-Seeking Ball, and avoided the attack, but the speed was also slowed down a bit.

I grabbed his Azure Edge Sword one step ahead of him. Natural Energy instantly filled the sword body, sending out rays of light that complemented each other with golden and azure.

Angelica fly into a rage out of humiliation, use the Truth-Seeking Ball to turn into a knife and smash at me. I blocked the Truth-Seeking Ball’s attack with a horizontal sword, and then with a move, my own Azure Edge Sword returned to my hand.

Under the alternate attack of the dual-wielding Azure Edge Sword, the angelica was a little weak, and after a flick of a shot, it retreated dozens of steps and began to gather strength.

“It seems that one move will determine the outcome.” I combined the two Azure Edge Swords into one, and the double Natural Energy makes the rays of light shine more brightly.

Angelica will fuse together the remaining seven Truth-Seeking Balls, and then gather them in the palm of the hand. The Truth-Seeking Ball seems to have changed into a black lightning and made a devil’s low growl sound.

I also not to be outdone. I made the Natural Energy materialization into a lightning shape and wrapped the Qingfeng double swords.

“Come on! Let me see whose Raikiri is better!” Angelica roared and rushed towards me.

Naturally, I was not afraid and greeted me.

“Dark-Style · Raikiri!”

“Light escape · Shining green front Raikiri!”

The collision of Darkness and Light… broke out After the weird rays of light, after the rays of light dispersed, only one person remained standing.

bang! Angelica fell straight on the ground, the right hand shattered, the chest was pierced, and only the breath was left.

“Sure enough… I lost…” Angelica laughed at himself, “Also… Maybe, I can go home…”

“Sorry , Perhaps without me, you will succeed.” Seeing the angelica gradually losing its vitality, I couldn’t help feeling a trace of sadness, “I’m sorry.”

“You are me, I am you, why apologize to yourself Now.” Angelica squeezed a smile, “Actually, I knew I did something wrong, but there is no turning back. I hope that you can…”

The rays of Angelica’s eyes have not fallen.

of light disappeared.

“Perhaps, my ending may not be much better than yours.” I used Atomic Dismantling Jutsu to deal with his corpse, dust returns to dust earth returns to earth, resting in Izumo corner, is also a Good destination.

“Congratulations, you successfully unlocked the last golden lock, and all the strength seals are lifted.” The voice of the light and spiritual officer sounded in my mind.

The extremely majestic energy erupted from me, and the shaking ground kept shaking. The imposing-manner is far more than being promoted to Sage Mode. The dim rays of light that I originally exudes suddenly become dazzling. Just like the rays of light of a firefly, it suddenly becomes the sun.

“Is this…the same as Kaguya, the power of God Level?” I tried to control this energy, converging the imposing-manner of leakage, “Naruto and a few half of them Sage Level It’s a miracle that his strength can beat Kaguya. It seems that Kaguya’s fighting experience is not very good.”

At this moment, the barrier disappeared, and I can clearly sense that the four strands exceed Kage Level. Aura, three strands have already disappeared, and one strand is still like a gossamer.

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