With my current strength, combined with Flying Thunder God Jutsu three paragraphs, wherever the rays of light on my body can shine, I can reach instantly. thoughts move, I came to the last trace of aura.

“Uncle White Fang…” I hurriedly lifted up White Fang, who was left with the last breath, and gave him life force. “Relax, now I have surpassed Sage of Six-Paths, I must I can save you.”

“Don’t waste your life force.” White Fang pushed my hand away from somehow, “Our mission has been completed, Jiraiya, Shinnosuke, Shisui and the others Go ahead, I am going to find them too.”

“I respect your choice, do you have anything else to explain to me and Kakashi?” I sighed.

“No, I am proud of Kakashi now. I hope he will not lose his heart. No matter how strong his personal strength is, it doesn’t matter. Protecting his companions is the most important thing.” White Fang He squeezed out a smile, lay flat on the ground, gazed the sky, and slowly closed his eyes, “I have been in the dark for many years, this time, let me leave under the blue sky…”

I stood up, bowed deeply, and then separately cooked the remains of the other three people, and found the suicide note written by the three people in advance.

Xinzhi helps me take care of Konoha Maru when I have time; Shisui advises me to strengthen my conviction and never give up; Jiraiya is the most free and easy, writing “I Jiraiya, I can go by myself, no regrets.” “A few numbers.

“Well, this world has nothing to do with me. I should go back to participate in the big battle.” Finally, I looked at the corner of Izumo in the Infinite Tsukuyomi world. This land was fought fiercely by us. The fight was completely unrecognizable, and the battle ended, showing peace and harmony.

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu four paragraphs! Start!” Thoughts move, I came into a void.

If you compare ordinary movement to from one point to another on a piece of paper, then Flying Thunder God Jutsu folds the paper in half, greatly shortening the distance of movement. The narrow space between the two points is the Flying Thunder God Jutsu space.

Flying Thunder God Jutsu is to move from the starting point to the Flying Thunder God Jutsu space, and then use the technique formula to determine the coordinates, Chakra is used as the transmission cost, and then move to the destination Body Flicker Jutsu again. And flying Thunder God Jutsu one to three paragraphs, all experienced in the Flying Thunder God Jutsu space are only split second, so it is difficult to detect the existence of this space. Even Second-Kage and Fourth-Kage, I’m afraid they don’t understand this space.

I also found it by accident. When I was using Flying Thunder God Jutsu, my Chakra was just exhausted and I couldn’t reach the location of the technique formula, but I had already activated Flying Thunder God Jutsu. As a result, it happened to stay in this Flying Thunder God Jutsu space.

So, the fourth stage of Flying Thunder God Jutsu was born. By activating the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, you can disperse the Chakra instantly, and you can stay in the Flying Thunder God Jutsu space. According to my current analysis, the Flying Thunder God Jutsu space can only be entered by the person or the person or thing carried by him, and other Flying Thunder God Jutsu users cannot enter directly. The space of each Flying Thunder God Jutsu user is independent of each other and does not affect each other.

Although this is an independent space, there is an empty space supported by Chakra, like an empty space, people floating in it, nothing can be seen, and there is no way to store items .

Chakra was recondensed in the empty space, and I really felt the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu I marked earlier, including the Flying Thunder God Kunai for Kakashi.

The words are divided into two parts. At this time, Naruto and the others are dragged into the overweight space by Kaguya, and the battle has also entered a white-hot stage.

“Hateful! It’s difficult to move…” Naruto gritted his teeth and stood up slowly.

“Here should be a super Gravity Space. We need to withstand tens or even a hundred times the gravity.” Sasuke analyzed.

“But it seems that Kaguya can’t rely on the influence of supergravity, otherwise we will be over.” Kakashi stared at Kaguya intently and said, “Obito, has your Kamui cooled down to time? “

“My Chakra is not enough. I can only launch the small Kamui again. I can’t take you out.” Obito was expressionless, shaking one’s head.

“End here.” Kaguya slowly raised his hands, “Kill the ashes!”

Two bone spikes grew out of Kaguya’s palms, running towards Naruto and Sasuke Shoot away.

“Hateful…can’t hide…” Naruto and Sasuke gritted their teeth and moved their bodies, but they were still very slow.

Instead, it was Kakashi and Obito who, with their strong will, actually stood in front of Naruto and Sasuke, respectively.

“Kakashi teacher! Obito!” Naruto exclaimed.

“The battle at this level, I am already a burden, let me help you one last!” Kakashi turned his head and smiled with relief.

“Kakashi, you still…” Obito was about to say something, suddenly a dazzling rays of light appeared in front of him.

“Guangdong·Senju Guanyin!” A huge Guanyin appeared in front of everyone, gently stretched out his hand, thousands of light glow swallowed the ashes of the killing, and the remaining power was unabated, and it flicked towards Kaguya.

Kaguya saw that the situation was far from good, immediately activated the space-time ability and fled.

“Really strong! Who is it? Old Six Paths?” Sasuke squinted, looking towards rays of light, “No! Even stronger!”

“dont tell me…” Kakashi covered his eyes with his hands, guessing, “Is that you?”

“Kurone teacher!” Naruto, the strongest in sense, immediately called out.

I landed steadily on the ground and waved to everyone: “It seems that I am here at the right time.”

“I originally thought that this battle , Nothing is wrong with you.” Kakashi laughed, “Unexpectedly…haha…I was rescued by you.”

Obito lowered his head and didn’t dare to look my eyes directly. I ignored him and turned to Team-7.

“Kurone teacher, how did you unlock Infinite Tsukuyomi?” Sasuke asked first, “A few hours ago, you obviously fell in Uchiha Madara’s Infinite Tsukuyomi and were hung up on the Divine Tree.”

“Yes, Kurone teacher, I feel that you are different than before, and why your whole body is shiny, more dazzling than Naruto’s Nine-Tails mode.” Sakura also had an incredible expression on his face.

“Worthy-of is a Kurone teacher, and I am not surprised to surpass Six Paths Great Grandpa.” Only Naruto did not ask much, and gave me a thumbs up, showing White Fang, “Neither did we I’m dragging you back, I’ve played back and forth with Kaguya.”

“It’s a long story, I’ll talk more about it when I have a chance.” I smiled and said, “You’re doing very well. Next , Let’s defeat Kaguya together.”

“Naruto and I accepted half the strength of the old Six Paths man, half Sage. Sealing Kaguya takes a lot of effort.” Sasuke still didn’t give up, and continued to ask. Then, “Kaguya is definitely Sage-level Peak or higher, Kurone teacher, what kind of strength you are now, how confident are you.”

“My current realm is similar to Kaguya. Four.” The corner of my mouth raised a strange curve, “Kakashi, Sakura and… Uchiha Obito, you three can stay here and wait. Kaguya It shouldn’t be back, it’s safe here. I take Naruto. Sasuke will chase and come back to pick you up after the fight.”

“How to chase? Kaguya just ran away, I don’t know which space to go to.” Naruto asked, “She seems to have a lot of weird spaces. “

“The light escape that I used just now seems to have just knocked out her co-killing ashes, but the speed of light is extremely fast, and the light particles that brought me Chakra have already touched It’s her.” My mouth raised a strange arc, “No matter where she goes, she can’t escape my Flying Thunder God Jutsu!”

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