

The moment Yang Yu gave the order, the 200 blood essence in his body was completely consumed.

First, he saw the light shining in front of his eyes, and two strange creature eggs fell out from the twisted void that appeared in the void.


The half-human-tall giant egg fell on the ground, not only did it not show signs of fragmentation, but once it landed, a lot of blood and flesh tissues like blood vessels stretched out, covering the ground around the giant egg for a meter, so that they stood high between a large area of flesh and blood tissue like eggs being hatched in a chicken nest.

Knock knock!

As if the heart was beating, the half-human-tall giant egg also contracted and shrunk rhythmically, as if with spirituality.

This time only lasted for a short time.

Then, Yang Yu sensed an explosion of breath, and at the same time that the fierce feeling appeared, the two giant eggs also broke almost at the same time, and the pitch-black insect claws also directly penetrated the egg shell, and suddenly drilled out two huge and terrifying monsters like big wolf dogs.

It was two terrifying insect beasts covered in pitch-black plate armor, somewhat similar in shape, with long bone tails and sharp claws, and obvious insect facial features.


When the black beetle soldiers were born, they also almost instinctively roared up to the sky, and the red light in their eyes loomed, exuding a terrifying killing intent that only veterans of the battlefield who have experienced a hundred battles can exude!

After a roar and venting, the two black beetle soldiers also turned their heads and directly devoured their own worm egg fragments on the ground. While eating egg shells, they also seem to absorb a lot of nutrients, and the whole body is growing and expanding!

In less than a minute, they had grown to a third of their size. The oily black carapace is also tougher and textured, and even reveals a hint of gold, this layer of carapace can definitely bring them extremely powerful defensive power, and the pair of mantis-like claws in front of him can easily tear an adult to pieces. The long tail with a flexible tail can not only wrap and bind the enemy, but also can be used as a long whip between swings, and the long needle with the sharp tip of the tail becomes a terrible murderous spear between penetrations!

“This is the Black Beetle Soldier?”

Yang Yu gasped, only felt his heart beat faster, just looking at them, he could feel a huge pressure at the moment, and even that pressure was stronger than many of the lower patiences facing the clan land. This made Yang Yu feel trembling, and at the same time, his heart was completely excited.

Because, these two powerful insect soldiers are absolutely at his command.

He is the most faithful subordinate!

As if sensing Yang Yu’s will, the two black beetle soldiers also suddenly put away their murderous looks, and in the next second, they came to Yang Yu’s side like loyal dogs and lay down, stretched out their small heads and arched Yang Yu’s legs, revealing a fawning look.

Even if they were lying on their stomachs, they were almost as tall as Yang Yu’s small body now, and the size of these two black beetle soldiers was also very large.

“You go over there, try it with that iron cage, and let me see how strong your attack is.” Yang Yu commanded a black beetle soldier to attack the iron cage containing the velvet beast before, and the iron bar railing that made up the iron cage was very thick, at least the thickness of an adult’s thumb.


The black beetle soldier roared low, and obediently came to the side of the iron cage full of blood, and then two sounds of breaking the air appeared. Yang Yu only saw the knife claw in front of the black beetle soldier fall, and the afterimage flew left and right, and then he heard a crisp sound when the cage iron bar broke and fell to the ground.

The iron bar cut is extremely smooth!

“Good!” Yang Yu shouted excitedly.


“Blood essence consumes 100 points, and the strengthening of physical qualifications begins!” The cold voice of the zerg system came again, and the two black beetle soldiers stayed quietly on the side, guarding Yang Yu’s safety. Yang Yu, on the other hand, found a clean place to sit cross-kneeled.

As soon as he sat down, he sensed that his body was like turning over the sea, and a warm current instantly spread from the center of his body and spread all over his limbs!



It’s like returning to your mother’s arms in early childhood!

As if he had not yet been born, he was still staying in the amniotic fluid of his mother’s body that took great care of him!

This was the only feeling left in Yang Yu’s mind at the moment.

It is so comfortable, the whole body and mind seem to be sublimated by such a force at this moment, and a large number of impurities accumulated in the body have been removed, so that the whole body is as new as a newborn.

The strengthening of Yang Yu’s body by the zerg system is all-round, and this kind of enhancement that increases the level of body control and improves the qualification of the body potential to reach the perfect level cannot increase his strength much at once, but it can completely transform him!

Yang Yu is so comfortable, he is undergoing a metamorphosis process, explained in an ancient mythical phrase of the ancient eastern country on the earth… He is now undergoing a huge transformation from an acquired mortal body to an innate immortal body!

Once completed, Yang Yu will have the most perfect qualification body, learning any ninjutsu will be extremely easy to learn, and even the body can fuse the bloodline power of many ninja worlds, compared to the powerful immortal body possessed by the six immortals, his physical potential is stronger!

Whether it is the body’s resilience, strength level, ninjutsu learning qualification, or Chakra growth qualification, all of them will become the best.

The perfect body will make the entire world of Naruto tremble, giving him the potential qualification of an unprecedented one!

Reinforcement does not last long.

Just half an hour later, Yang Yu, who was sitting cross-kneeled, finally woke up.

As soon as his mind cleared, the incomparably comfortable feeling disappeared quickly like the tide faded, and when Yang Yu opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding world again, he only felt that his whole head was ethereal, and the world around him became extremely clear, and it seemed that there were many places that were different from when he watched it before.

He got up, and his bones crackled like fried beans.

On the surface of the body, some black sludge discharged from the depths of the pores of the body also stained the clothes, resulting in a foul smell.

“All this dirt comes out of my body?” Yang Yu smiled bitterly.

“Now it’s time to wash well.”

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