
The sound of splashing water sounded.


At this time, it was summer, although it was not midsummer, it was already very boring and hot, and Yang Yu was taking a cool bath. After some washing, the black sludge material that was discharged from the pores on the body was washed away, and the heat that had been brought about by the arrival of summer was also swept away.

Refreshed and uplifted!


Yang Yu smiled slightly, reached out and took the white towel that the black beetle soldier like a puppy took over, and soon he dried his body and changed into a new loose kimono, and his hairstyle was slightly trimmed and changed by him, becoming much more handsome than before.


The clogs under his feet made a crisp collision with the floor, Yang Yu pushed the door and walked outside, looking at the sunset outside the house, and his eyes turned to a tower-like place in the central area of the Uchiha tribe.

“The problem of Chakra control in my body has been completely solved now, whether it is [Illusion Enhancement] or [Chakra Control Mastery] passive talent ability has all advanced to the perfect level, and even the Sharingan seems to have been improved a lot, and I feel that the potential of the eyes has become stronger and more perfect, although it is still a single-hook jade writing wheel eye, but the pupil power is probably very close to the double-hook jade writing wheel eye.”

“The Black Beetle Soldier has also been summoned.”

“It’s time to learn psychic, and the basic sealing technique also needs to be learned… I believe that my current talent should be learned in an instant. Yang Yu thought like this, and quickly formed a seal with his hands together.

The dazzling seal was formed, and in just a second or two, Yang Yu’s eyes widened, and he drank low!



After a burst of white smoke appeared, Yang Yu had already appeared a similar self beside him, whether it was height and posture, his expression characteristics, including all the details of his body, he was completely the same.

This is the temporary avatar constructed by the Doppelganger!

Avatars, which will disappear in a short period of time unless attacked, can almost fool most people with false truth.

At the same time, doppelganger is also one of the classic ninjutsu of ninjas, and many tactics need it to be used together.

Even the key moment can cooperate with the doppelganger to carry out a sneak attack, which can play a decisive effect on the battle!

It is not a super ninjutsu, but it is one of the three major ninjutsu that ninjas must master.

There are also two ninjutsu, which are naturally instantaneous and substitute.

“Is this my doppelganger?”

“It’s a really strange feeling to look at yourself up close, and it’s much truer than looking at yourself in a mirror.” Yang Yu carefully looked at the doppelganger beside him, and his heart was also filled with curiosity, and even reached out to touch the doppelganger gently, and the doppelganger skin also transmitted a soft touch, which was very real.

After studying for a while, the doppelganger arrived at the time limit, and the faint chakra in the body was exhausted, and the bang turned into white smoke and dissipated.

“Ten minutes.” Yang Yu counted the time.

“Without being attacked by anything, if Chakra is not replenished into the doppelganger, he will dissipate. And once hit by a certain force, it will immediately collapse and disappear. It’s really weak, although the doppelganger technique can be used with tactics, it has almost no attack power after all… There are so many Chakras in my body, it seems that I still have to think of a way to get the forbidden technique, the shadow doppelganger technique. Although the shadow avatar is also a doppelganger, its power is much stronger than that of ordinary doppelgangers, and it also has a good attack ability. ”

The art of shadow avatar is Naruto Uzumaki’s skill in the original Naruto.

Naruto, like Yang Yu, has a large amount of chakra in his body.

Casting the Shadow Doppelganger Technique, he even summoned thousands of doppelgangers in one go, and each shadow avatar is much more powerful than ordinary doppelgangers, and they have considerable attack power and anti-strike power!

This is a terrifying forbidden technique that consumes Chakra, and it is also extremely powerful!


The art of the shadow avatar is preserved in the ninjutsu place placed in the depths of the Konoha ninja school, and it can be regarded as the treasure of the ninja school.

The place was heavily guarded, especially now in times of war.

The supervision of all kinds of powerful ninjutsu is stricter, and Yang Yu cannot obtain this thing in a short time.

So, he simply didn’t think about it anymore.

For the time being, he still learned the basic sealing technique to seal the black beetle soldiers under him, and then cooperate with psychic techniques to summon them and arrange the black beetle soldiers’ affairs properly. For him, the most important thing is the opportunity to get out of the village to actually kill in the class competition after three days.

Although this body can already learn various ninjutsu normally, it is also extremely talented.

But just three days is too short.

Although this body can learn most ninjutsu instantly, ninjutsu is not fixed as soon as it learns its power.

It takes time to run in.

Long-term training will gradually increase the ninjutsu learned, and even the power is very different from when you first learned it!

Yang Yu didn’t dare to guarantee that his newly learned ninjutsu could be compared with those top students in the class who had been practicing for a long time, so it was more conservative to use the black beetle soldier, so the basic sealing technique and psychic art were now mandatory to learn. The task of domination is too important for him, and the price of not completing it is too great for him to be careless.

Only by going out of the village to hunt those mid-level and high-level fierce beasts could he make up 20,000 blood essences as soon as possible!

Yang Yu can also choose to pay for a large number of livestock similar to the Velelweiss to slaughter.

Unfortunately, fantasy is beautiful, reality is cruel.

He doesn’t have that much money.

A velvet beast could only provide 20 blood essences, and those twenty before had exhausted Yang Yu’s savings for a long time.

The Velvet Beast is just a creature like a low-level beast, and it can already provide so much blood essence.

I believe that once you go out of the village, hunting those intermediate and high-level beasts, you can get more… And this is Yang Yu’s only chance!

Gathering 20,000 blood essence points in a month seems to be a lot of demand and difficult.

But it’s not absolutely impossible.


“It’s there.” Yang Yu raised his head, his footsteps naturally stopped, and unconsciously he had come to the important place where the Uchiha family stored ninjutsu, the ninjutsu tower.

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