When Kirito heard Kuchiki Kazumi's father's words, he couldn't help but fell into contemplation, and asked, "What is the rank of Ulquiorra who wants to arrest us?" Kuchiki Kazumei and the others couldn't help but become curious when they heard Kirito's question.

Kuchiki Kazumi's father thought for a while, and said, "Because I haven't fought him before, I don't know what his strength is, but I can feel that he should be at least Achukas level or above. ."

Chapter [-] on the eve of the war

Kirito listened to Kuchiki Kazuma's father's words, his eyes were full of desire for power, Kirito clenched his fist tightly, and secretly said in his heart, "Damn, that bastard who looks down on people is so powerful, no wonder he is inside when he meets. I look down on people's attitudes." Kuchiki Kazumei's father continued, "This trip is not for you to fight with me to the death, but come back immediately if something happens, don't be impulsive, life is the most important at this time. "The four of them nodded solemnly, and Kuchiki Kazumei's father continued, "I will talk about your battle next, not the battle of yours alone, but the battle plan of your group."

Kuchiki Kazumi's father said with a mysterious smile and looked at the four of them and said, "Do you all know your respective positions in the battle?"

When the four of them heard Kuchiki and Mei's father's question, their eyes showed thoughtful expressions. Kuchiki and Mei's father looked at Kirito and said, "Do you know? Kirito?"

Kirito was the first to be called, his eyes were a little tangled, and finally he said slowly, "I think I should be the striker."

Kuchiki Kazumi's father continued to ask, "Then do you know the strengths and weaknesses of your own hunger?"

Kirito thought about it for a long time, but Kuchiki Kazumi's father did not have any impatience, quietly waiting for Kirito's answer, Kirito said hesitantly this time, "My advantage should be that my explosiveness is relatively strong, But staying power doesn't work."

After listening to Kuchiki Kazumi's father, he continued to ask, "So, where should you be in a team battle?"

Kirito faltered and couldn't answer, Kuchiki Kazumi's father smiled, looked at the other three, and said, "I'm not trying to make things difficult for you, but in a group battle, we have to do our own thing. To choose, to use your strengths and your weaknesses to be made up by your teammates, that's what you need to train these days."

Kuchiki Kazumi's father looked at Kirito again and said, "You actually know your own strengths and weaknesses. I once heard Kuchiki Kazumi describe your battles. Although your fighting ability is strong, you cannot flexibly use all the spirits in your body. Because of your strength, you have no way to last, which is what you need to train these days, and so do you, you have to attack me together these days, thus increasing your teamwork ability,"

There was a little excitement in the eyes of the four people. After all, the four of them had not had any substantial attack training for many days. Kuchiki Kazumei's father made preparations for the battle and said, "Come on."

The four of them were ready, Kirito went out first, holding the Zanpakutō tightly in his hand, the red monkey followed closely and attacked to the side, Kuchiki Kazumi waved his Zanpakutō to the right again, Kuchiki Kazumi's father stood there calmly, while Kirito muttered "Tie to one" in his mouth, and the rope-like spiritual power flew out from his fingertips and rushed towards Kuchiki Kazumi's father.

Kuchiki Kazumi's father took a quick step and turned behind Kirito at once, avoiding the bondage of spiritual power. At the same time, a flying kick instantly kicked away the Zanpakutō in Kirito's hand, and the red monkey saw Kirito's hand. The person was attacked and hurriedly changed the direction of the iron bar's attack, turned over, and flew behind Kuchiki Kazumei's father.

Seeing that he was about to hit Kuchiki Kazumei's father's back, the red monkey seemed to see the dawn of victory. Before the red monkey could smile, Kuchiki Kazumei's father continued a blink of an eye and turned behind Kuchiki Kazumei. Silently recited the same trick of "One of the Binding Roads", but it was used by Kumu Kazumei's father, and it was obviously stronger, and the spiritual force was longer and thicker.

Before Kuchiki and Mei could see the position of their father, they were suddenly trapped by spiritual power, and the red monkey originally hit Kuchiki and Mei's father because Kuchiki and Mei's father took a quick step, revealing Kirito behind him. , The red monkey wanted to put away the move, but it was too late. Kirito could only bear the blow abruptly. Fortunately, the red monkey did not use all his strength, and Kirito just took two steps back, which was not a big problem.

The four of them looked at Kuchiki and Mei's father a little unwillingly. Kuchiki and Mei's father looked at the four with a smile on their faces, and slowly untied Kuchiki and Mei's spiritual bondage. Kuchiki and Mei's father saw their unwillingness, Kuchiki Kazumi's father said slowly, "Aren't you very unwilling?"

Although Nishang didn't play, he witnessed the whole process and was a little surprised. Kuchiki Kazumei's father looked at the four and said solemnly, "I know you are very unwilling, but this is a group battle, and the test is the tacit understanding between you. , if you people do not cooperate well, it may even bring danger to your companions. It is even better than you challenge me alone. In the next few days, you will eat and live together and cultivate a tacit understanding." I am willing to have such a result, but think carefully about this situation in previous battles, and as the strength of the four people increases, this shortcoming is constantly magnifying.

In the next few days, the four of them were together, attacking Kuchiki and Mei's father during the day, and practicing together at night. As time went on, the tacit understanding of the four of them continued to improve, and Nishang was not only with Tong during the day. People and others fought together, and was also trained by Kuchiki Kazumi's father to find someone to train alone, learning the answer of the god of death.

It was another early morning, and the four of them were looking forward to the battle with Kuchiki and Mei's father today. However, after waiting for a long time, the four of them could not see Kuchiki and Mei's father. Later, Kuchiki and Mei's father sent a message saying that today, let the four Train yourself.

The four people probably guessed that it was about entering the virtual circle. The four people were nervous and there was a trace of anticipation. Kirito even felt that his arm was a little painful. Kirito felt that he would definitely meet Ulquiorra, but , Kirito also has the confidence to escape back, and if he doesn't go, he won't worry at all.

The four anxiously waited for the news of Kuchiki Kazuya's father, and the time passed slowly under the urging of the four people. By the time Kuchiki Kazumei's father called them to discuss things, it was already night.

Kuchiki Kazumei's father looked at the four people with worry, nervousness, and more joy and pride in his eyes, Kuchiki Kazumei's father said, "The forty-sixth room has already arranged a team, and you are among them, but, You can think about it, once you don't want to go, you can not go, you can think about it, and once you make a decision, you can't change it." The four looked at each other and clasped their hands tightly together, not saying anything in a nightmare. , Kuchiki Kazumi's father smiled and looked at the four of them, and finally said only one sentence, "In that case, go back and pack up, gather tomorrow morning, and I will take you to find the members of Gotei Thirteenth Team."

Chapter [-] in the encounter with Ulquiorra

Early the next morning, when Kuchiki Kazumei's father pushed the door open, he saw Kirito and the others standing neatly at the door waiting for their arrival, Kuchiki Kazumei's father smiled and said without too much language, "Since everything is ready, Let's go then."

When Kirito and the others gathered with the Gotei Thirteenth Team, even the captain of the fifth division was in the ranks, and the captain stood in front and said, "Your next mission is not to fight Xu to the end, but to find out about Xu. Please remember not to fight recklessly, we will wait for you at the entrance, remember? Remember." Kirito's heart was shocked by the uniform answer. "Let's go then." After speaking, some members of the Gotei Thirteen Team of the Soul Society entered the virtual circle. No one knew what would happen next. However, everyone entered the virtual circle with the belief of winning.

Kirito and others and some members of the Gotei Thirteen Team had just entered the virtual circle, and Aizen who was sitting in the virtual night palace suddenly opened his eyes and said, "They are here." Ulquiorra was in his palace. Inside, he opened his eyes at once, and said slowly, "After waiting for so many days, it's finally here." This is destined to be an uneasy day.

Kirito and the others moved slowly along with the members of the Gotei Thirteenth Team. Kirito watched the surrounding situation closely, and whispered to the Red Monkey and the others, "Follow me, no matter what happens, don't do it. Lost." Kuchiki and Mei and the others nodded nervously, Nishang's body kept shaking, as if recalling what happened before, Kirito held Nishang's hand and said, "You can't be impulsive if you want revenge, otherwise, you will If you die, there is no way to avenge your revenge. Follow my instructions in everything." Nishang heard Kirito's words, felt the temperature of Kirito's injury, constantly adjusted her breath, and slowly began to calm down, Nishang pointed to Kirito. nodded.

Kirito saw that Nishang was slowly calming down, and only then did he let go of Nishang's hand. The gloomy sky in the original circle was even more visible, and the dark clouds overwhelmed the city, making people unable to breathe. Kirito closed his eyes and felt the spirit around him. force fluctuations.

The surroundings are quiet, and Kirito always feels that something is wrong. Although Aizen may know that Soul Soul World will take action, Aizen will not have too much preparedness. After all, Aizen doesn't know the specific plan, and this time Tong People and the others are here to inquire. Did Aizen already know about it?

Kirito couldn't help but get nervous. Seeing that the members of Gotei [-] were still advancing, Kirito hurriedly shouted "Stop, stop, there is a situation." There are still some members of Gotei [-]. Some are not very convinced of Kirito. After all, the members of the Gotei [-]th team are carefully selected from the gods of death. The people of Gotei [-]th team do not know the details of Kirito, so they are not very convinced of Kirito. if.

Looking at Kirito with a questioning face, he said, "Why is your courage so small, how can those illusory be comparable to the death gods of our Gotei [-]th team, move on, let's end the return to the soul world earlier." Kirito listened At his words, although he was a little angry, he still had to be responsible for the lives of these people. Kirito took a short step and was at the forefront of the team. Kirito gritted his teeth and fiercely confronted the thirteenth team of the Guardian. The members of the team swung a heavy blow, and a deep ravine appeared on the ground, and it quickly spread in the direction of the Gotei Thirteenth Team.

The members of the Gotei thirteenth team hurriedly retreated, and Kirito jumped back in a hurry. The stone wall kept rising from the ground, surrounding the position where Kirito and the others were standing just now.

The members of the Gotei Thirteenth Team became serious all of a sudden, holding the Zanpakutō tightly, and Kirito stood at the front and shouted, "This is not the time for infighting, I have entered the virtual circle, now you listen to my command. , otherwise, we may all die here." The person who was still arrogant just now experienced this incident, and also restrained his arrogance. Kirito shouted to form a square array, the strong ones are distributed on both sides, and the weak ones are on both sides. In the middle, don't panic and help each other. "

After all, the members of the Gotei Thirteenth Team are also selected members of the gods of death. Although there were some unexpected situations, everyone did not panic.

The dark green pupils were looming in the black smoke, and there was a lot of emptiness behind him. He stared at Kirito and the others with open fangs and claws, drooling in his mouth and prostrate on the ground.

Kirito saw the dark green pupils at a glance, like a wild wolf, captivating, Kirito's heart trembled, it seems that this time he met Ulquiorra again.

Kirito shouted "Don't fight recklessly, we are responsible for containing Ulquiorra, you are responsible for the broken face army behind him, remember, we will retreat after we have caught it, don't fight. It's my command." Kirito looked at Ulquiorra's every move.

Ulquiorra looked at Kirito coldly and said, "You can't escape this time."

Kirito frowned and said, "You are so long-winded." After speaking, Kirito shouted loudly, "Crush!"

The thirteenth team of Gotei continued to advance, and soon they fought against the broken-faced army. Nishang was fighting in the air, looking at Ulquiora angrily. Kirito was worried about what happened to Nishang and said, "Nishang, pay attention to Goding Ten. In the case of the three teams, once there is an injured person, help them immediately."

Nishang breathed a sigh of relief, took one last look at Ulquiorra, and turned away from Kirito and the others.

Kirito threw the Zanpakutō fiercely, and Kuchiki Kazumi and the red monkey slowly surrounded Ulquiorra. The three of them knew that they couldn't beat Ulquiorra now, and they didn't even know that they could fight in Ulquiorra. How long did Ola's subordinates hold on, but as long as he had to capture a ghost and take it back to the Soul Realm for research, that is, how did Dao Bengyu affect some ghosts, and everything became much simpler. "Ulquiorra looked at the three and said, 'You can't beat me. "

Kirito rushed out first, and the Zanpakutō reflected a dazzling light. Ulquiora turned and teleported to Kirito's father. The huge black wings continued to instigate, the strong wind, The child let Kuchiki Mei fly out, and the red monkey jumped to catch Kuchiki Kazumi.

Kirito sang "Broken Road Eleven: Lightning Technique, the electric current followed Kirito's Zanpakutō and hit Ulquiorra who was about to attack the red monkey, Ulquiorra's wings flapped fiercely. , The direction of the thunderball changed at once, and rushed towards Kirito. Kirito was shocked and turned around in a hurry. The thunderball flew past Kirito's ear, and Kirito felt his ears slam.

Before Kirito could recover, Ulquiorra waved his wings and attacked him continuously. Before Kirito could touch his injury, he swung the Zanpakutō fiercely, hoping to stop Ulquiorra. s attack.

A huge wing flew over fiercely, and suddenly knocked Kirito flying. Kirito hurriedly used his spiritual power to control his body, and shouted loudly "Hurry up." After a while, a sound The voice of surprise shouted "Okay, retreat." Chapter [-] The battle with Ulquiorra

Kirito heard that the people from the Gotei Thirteenth Team below had successfully captured a ghost. As long as they return to the Soul Realm, this battle will be over. Kirito shouted at Kuchiki Kazumi and the red monkey, " You go first, I will cover."

Ulquiorra heard the shouts of the Goting Thirteenth Team, and rushed down fiercely, the target was close to the member of the Gotei Thirteenth Team who caught Xu, and the surrounding Xu also gave up their goals. , rushing straight to the captured companion.

When Kirito saw that Ulquiorra was about to rush down, he found that Kuchiki and Mei and Red Monkey had no intention of leaving. Kirito frowned and shouted, "Go and help them, and come back to us. If you are here, you can return to the Soul Realm, and I will stop Ulquiorra, otherwise, our efforts will be in vain."

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