Although Kuchiki Kazumi and Red Monkey were very unwilling, they also knew that Kirito's decision was right. The two gritted their teeth and hurriedly helped the Gotei Thirteen Team below.

Kirito's Zanpakutō flew out violently, Ulquiora hurriedly dodged, and when Ulquiorra turned back, Kirito had blocked his way, Ulquiora was cold to Kirito. "You can't stop me."

Kirito poured his spiritual power into the Zanpakutō, and chanted in his heart, "The Thirty-Three of the Destruction - Cang Huo Pendant." He looked at Ulquiorra and said, "Stop talking."

The red fireball flew out from Kirito's Zanpakutō and rushed towards Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra was expressionless, stretched out his hands, his palms turned into fists, and hit Kirito's condensed hard. On the red fireball, the red fireball disappeared at once.

Ulquiorra looked at Kirito coldly, and before Kirito could react, Ulquiora turned around and punched Kirito hard, hitting him hard.

Kirito felt that his blood had solidified, and he couldn't even believe Ulquiorra's delivery. "Pfft" Kirito spat out a mouthful of blood and fell heavily to the ground.

Ulquiorra seemed to have known this for a long time. Without turning his head, he ran directly to Kuchiki and Mei and the others. Kuchiki and Mei, Red Monkey, and Nishang were slowly walking with Goting Thirteen. Receding back, Xu, who was caught, struggled constantly, the red in his eyes getting redder and redder.

The three of them saw Ulquiorra approaching, and their hearts trembled violently, "What are you relying on now?" Ulquiorra looked at the three of them coldly.

Before Kuchiki Kazumi could refute Ulquiorra, Kuchiki Kazumi looked behind Ulquiorra and was stunned, and then her eyes turned red, and she couldn't even believe what she saw.

"I haven't arrived yet, bastard." Ulquiorra was stunned when she heard the voice, and when she looked back, Kirito looked at Ulquiorra stubbornly with blood all over his face. He staggered, but still tried his best to support his body with the Zanpakutō and slowly stood up.

Ulquiorra seemed a little unbelievable, but in the end, he turned to look at Kirito with a calm expression and said, "What if you don't fall down, you no longer have the ability to fight, even though you have recovered to In the original realm, you can't beat me either."

Kirito tried his best to support his body with the Zanpakutō, and blood kept dripping from the corners of his mouth and on his head, even blurring Kirito's sight. Kirito felt a burning pain in his chest, but Kirito didn't dare to have it. any slack.

She still said with a nonchalant expression, "So what? It's enough for me to drag you." Nishang looked at Kirito like this, covered her mouth, stopped her choking, and dared not let Kirito listen. to distraction.

The red monkey shouted angrily, "Withdraw, let's send the Gotei Thirteen Team to the portal, and we can help Kirito, otherwise Kirito will be wasted."

When Kirito heard the red monkey's words, his heart widened. As long as he sent Xu back to the soul world, he would have completed this mission. Ulquiorra seemed to have no understanding of the meaning of Kirito's actions at all, and was a little confused. Ask Kirito.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

Kirito struggled to hold his Zanpakutō, resisted the feeling of fainting, and said to Ulquiorra, "In this world, there are more important feelings than death, it's dignity, it's friendship, this is your virtual forever. What is incomprehensible is also your missing heart." After Kirito finished speaking, he rushed to Ulquiora again. Ulquiorra seemed to be thinking about what Kirito said, and felt the blow of Kirito's powerlessness, Ur Kiora didn't even bother, and simply returned Kirito's wounded effort with ease.

Ulquiorra couldn't understand the feelings contained in Kirito's language, looked at Kirito coldly and said, "I don't understand what you said, but what I know is that it is impossible for you to defeat me now."

After speaking, Ulquiorra ignored Kirito's life and death, and rushed in the direction where Kuchiki and Mei were, and the black light condensed in the palm of her hand hit Kuchiki and Mei and the others.

Before the black light could hit where Kuchiki Kazumi and the others were, Kirito's Zanpakutō flew out, causing Ulquiorra's black ball of light to deflect and hit the ground, which was already bare. There was a big hole in the ground.

Ulquiorra didn't have much patience and became a little upset. He frowned and looked at Kirito and said, "Your vitality is really tenacious."

Kirito said while spitting blood, "As long as I'm here, don't try to get close to them."

There was a dangerous look in Ulquiorra's eyes, Ulquiorra spread the black wings behind his back at once, sweeping the strong hurricane, and the spiritual power was constantly condensed in his hands, and the black spiritual power turned black The sphere of light keeps getting bigger.

On the other side, Kuchiki Kazuomi and the others endured the feeling of heartache. The commander Gotei [-] evacuated. The three of them were at the back, enduring a large number of virtual attacks. The iron rod of the red monkey even flashed red light. You can see the anger of the red monkey, and the three of them have the same idea at this time. "That is to send the Gotei Thirteen Team and the Xu they caught to the entrance of the teleportation, then I can help Kirito." So that the blood of the three people was sprayed on the faces and even the heads of the three people, all three of them were Did not notice.

The thirteen Gotei Team members with a high concentration of souls also kept fighting with Xu. The entire Gotei Thirteen Team was moved by Kirito's spirit, and the Shinigami, who was originally panicked, became more and more brave in his heart. Seeing these virtual screams, their hearts were filled with joy, as if this would relieve Kirito's pain.

Chapter [-] The awakening of Kirito's heart

Kuchiki Kazumi and the others were about to retreat to the portal to return to Soul Soul Realm, and the red monkey shouted, "Guardian Thirteen Team, you guys, take the Xuxian you caught and return to Soul Soul Realm."

The Shinigami of Gotei Thirteen was obviously unwilling to leave Kirito and the others in the virtual circle, and the leader blocked the virtual attack while saying, "No, you go first, our Gotei Thirteen are entering the guard. When I was with Team Thirteen, I was ready to die."

The red monkey hurriedly said, "Now is not the time to be braver than anyone else. You are familiar with the soul world. Kirito has the ability to travel through time and space. As long as we save Kirito, we will definitely go back. Report to Room Six."

What else did the members of Gotei Thirteen want to say, Kuchiki Kazumi shouted, "Now is not the time to talk about this, you all go back, we will have no worries after you leave, hurry up, or Ulquiorra will come in a while. , none of us can leave."

The members of Gotei [-] team bit their lips, and finally said, "Okay, you guys, please come back." After speaking, they instructed the members of Gotei [-] team to enter the entrance to the Soul World.

Kuchiki Kazumi and the others just sent the people of Gotei Thirteen to the entrance to the Soul Realm. The entrance can only be used once, and it disappeared all at once. When Kuchiki Kazumi and the others looked back for Kirito's trail, they only heard After a snort, the sky filled with gunpowder, and Kuchiki and Mei and the others suddenly felt a sudden shock in their hearts.

The three of them covered their eyes, and when the smoke dissipated, Kuchiki Kazuo and the others saw Kirito standing in the sky at a glance. The three of them couldn't see Kirito's expression clearly. Yun Dan closed his hand.

Then, Kirito slowly fell from the sky, the red monkey took the lead, rushed to Kirito's side without thinking, caught the trend of Kirito's whereabouts, the red monkey saw Kirito's appearance, originally angry eyes It turned into distress and more panic.

At this time, Kirito's face was covered with blood, his right hand no longer existed, and only the white bones of the left hand were left, and there was no blood on it. As long as Kirito's bones reflected the white light again, the red monkey's eye sockets suddenly turned red. .

Kuchiki and Mei and Nishang also quickly rushed to Kirito's side. Kuchiki and Mei covered their mouths all of a sudden, tears couldn't stop flowing, and one drop after another fell on Kirito's face. Nishang was on the side. Silently shedding tears, he silently used spiritual power to heal Kirito, but no one knew whether this would work.

The red monkey handed Kirito to Nishang, and held his iron rod tightly. Kazuki Kuchiki dragged the red monkey and said, "What are you doing?" The red monkey shouted, "I want to kill him, look at Kirito. , do you have the heart? That is Kirito who has covered us countless times, why did you let me stay here." Kazuki Kuchiki heard the red monkey's cry, and it felt as if someone had been stabbed with a dull knife one after another. Separated, Kuchiki Kazumi said, "We can't beat him at all now, do I want to watch you die in vain? I have seen Kirito like this, do you want to do this again? What should I do with Nishang?" Ulquiorra stood quietly in the sky, watching the four people's every move, watching the beautiful tears of Neon clothes and Kuchiki, Ulquiora had a strange feeling, Ulquiora touched himself The chest on the left, although covered by white clothes, could not hide the fact that it was empty.

The red monkey looked at Ulquiorra standing in the air expressionlessly, seeing Kirito unconscious and losing his arms, as well as Kuchiki Kazumi and Nishang crying and helpless, the neck of the red monkey. The artery below protruded, and the iron rod in his hand was tightened, loosened and tightened by the red monkey. Finally, the red monkey slowly returned to Kirito's side, without saying a word, but his eyes were red.

Ulquiorra walked slowly beside them, looking at the three sad people and the unconscious Kirito, Ulquiora didn't know what was wrong, and said, "I only want Kirito. People, let's go." The red monkey turned around when he heard this sentence, just about to speak, "You send them back to the Soul Realm, and I will go with you." A familiar voice grabbed the red monkey at once. words.

The red monkey was stunned, and hurriedly looked at Kirito. Under the nourishment of Nishang's spiritual power, Kirito slowly opened his eyes and said weakly. Nishang saw that Kirito woke up, and his heart that was hanging in the air suddenly fell. When I got down, I couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly burst into tears, tears flowing down Nishang's cheeks and onto Kirito's face.

Kirito looked at Nishang, who was crying bitterly, and couldn't help but say, "I thought it was raining, silly Nishang." Nishang heard Kirito's words, restrained the feeling of crying, squeezed out a smile, and flowed Tears said, "I'm not as stupid as you." The red monkey held his iron rod tightly and couldn't bear it any longer. Catching the attack of the red monkey, the red monkey was pushed back all of a sudden.

The red monkey suddenly protruded a mouthful of blood, but the red monkey still looked at Ulquiora with an unwilling look on his face, Ulquiorra ignored the red monkey, looked at Kirito and said, "You and I." I'll go, I'll take your friend back to the Soul World." Kuchiki Kazuo and the others looked at Kirito, shook their heads vigorously, and said to Ulquiorra, "You don't want to separate us unless we die." Kirito was a little helpless. Looking at Ulquiorra, I understand.” But I’m going to trouble you.” Kuchiki Kazumi looked at Kirito and said in disbelief, “Kirito, didn’t you say that your partner is going to die together?” Resolutely said, "You can send me away, but I will come back when I return to the Soul Realm. Don't try to leave me." Kirito said, "I will not die, I am still useful to Aizen, but, If we are all caught, who will come to save me, the Soul Society will attack again soon, you can save me when the time comes, and I will definitely stick to that time. "The three of them are unwilling, The spiritual power of Ulquiorra's silent luck, the black hole, appeared at once. Ulquiorra sent all three of them to the Soul Realm. Struggling only to see Kirito closing his eyes weakly.

Kirito saw that Ulquiorra sent Kazuki and Miyuki back to the Soul Realm. He couldn't hold it any longer, and he fainted all of a sudden.

When Kirito woke up, he found that he was already in the Xuye Palace.

Kirito struggled to get up, but there was a sharp pain in his arms, and he couldn't get up. People jump.

Chapter [-] Meeting with Grimmjow Jacquard "Yo, isn't this Kirito? Long time no see." Familiar words, the white broken face mask on the right corner of the mouth, Kirito His pupils shrank, and he said slowly, "Grimmjow Jakarta?"

Grimmjow Jakarta said, "I didn't expect you to be able to fight me now."

Hearing Grimmjow Jacquard's words, Kirito suddenly remembered the battle with Grimmjow Jacquard in this world.

Although Grimmjow Jacquard was under Aizen, Grimmjow Jacquard was extremely arrogant and did not listen to anyone's orders.

When Grimmjow Jacquard first met Kirito, Grimmjow Jacquard had light sky blue hair, sky blue eyes and forehead, a few light sky blue bangs, lake water. The green eye shadow pattern is attached to his eyes, always showing a strong chest.

Kirito remembered his meeting with Grimmjow Jacquard, and Grimmjow Jacquard looked at Kirito with contempt, believing that Kirito would be killed by himself.

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