Kuchiki Kazumi suddenly thought of something, and said to Nishang, who lowered his head, "Nishang, you can tell the forty-sixth room at that time, they should be able to locate your mother and sister, you return to the world. You'll know in time."

Nishang's eyes suddenly lit up and asked, "Really?"

Kuchiki and Mei nodded and said, "They should know. After all, the forty-sixth room is in charge of the soul's return. Even if there is no hell, the news of the soul world is more accurate."

Nishang clenched her hand tightly and said, "If this is the case, even sacrificing anything for me is fine."

Red Monkey and Rui Qiao Yifeng also hurriedly nodded and said, "Change our rewards to neon clothes."

Kirito also nodded heavily and looked at Kuchiki and Mei. Everyone looked at Kuchiki and Mei with anxious eyes. Kuchiki and Mei suddenly became stressed, and Kuchiki and Mei said with a black line, "I try my best to let it go. My father asks."

Everyone cheered and enjoyed the happiness.

A few days later, Aizen's trial was carried out as scheduled. Aizen didn't say anything or quibble, but calmly replied to the question, admitting his own mistakes. Later, Aizen looked at the forty-sixth room. member, and said, "My broken face army is all I used to control their minds with Bengyu. I hope you can let them bury their souls and have a good home."

After saying these words, Aizen didn't say anything, just waited quietly for the result of Room [-]. Aizen, Nishang and others stood not far away, watching Aizen's every move.

Kirito always felt a lot of emotion. At the beginning, he was not a match for Aizen at all, and even the most common virtual under Aizen might not be able to beat him. At the beginning of contact with Aizen, Kirito regarded Aizen as a The goal is that Kirito wants to surpass Aizen every day and night, so he never dares to waste a shred of time.

Now that Kirito defeated Aizen with his own hands, Kirito looked at Nishang and other partners next to him. Kirito thought that he should return to the world, and he didn't know what the reality was like now. He had not been there for so long. gone back.

"Now, after discussion in Room [-], it has been decided to detain Aizen in hell, where she will endure the scorching fire of hell for [-] million years."

Aizen didn't have any mood swings when she heard the trial in Room [-]. She just glanced at the sky quietly, and before she could enjoy the feeling of freedom, she was forcibly taken away by the black warrior.

Chapter [-] Goodbye!partner

After the forty-sixth room finished the trial of the blue dye, it looked at Kirito and others, and the god of death, headed by him, raised his hand abruptly, and a golden light rushed towards Kirito, hovering beside him for a long time. , and finally, entered Kirito's body at once.

The person in the forty-sixth room said slowly, "I noticed the abnormality of your body, and I have nothing to give you. This golden light can protect you once, and once you are severely attacked, it can save you once. "

Kirito looked at the members of the forty-sixth room and said, "First of all, I am very grateful for your rewards, but I have a request to exchange my rewards for a wish of my friend."

"This friend of mine, her mother and sister were both blurred by Aizen's collapsing jade. In the end, my friend couldn't bear to see his relatives become irrational and only swallowed up, and buried their souls with their own hands. Your own relatives, you are in charge of the return of the soul, can you let her know where her mother and sister are?"

The personnel in Room [-] were not surprised when they heard Kirito's words, and said slowly, "I have heard Kuchiki Byakuya say this. Originally, this matter would not be allowed, but we also After careful discussion, you organized Aizen's plan to save the stability of the entire world, so we will tell you about this in an exceptional way."

When Nishang heard this, the heart in her chest was thumping, Nishang felt like her heart was about to fly out, and Nishang said at a loss, "Thank you."

Kirito and the others couldn't help but be overjoyed when they saw Nishang's excited look. Kirito said, "If that's the case, my lord, please withdraw your gifted power."

The person in the [-]th room said, "I have helped them realize her wish. Your current physical condition is no longer what it used to be, and we can't help you. Don't shirk the power of the gift."

When the Red Monkey and the others heard this answer, their eyes were full of excitement. After all, Kirito no longer had the strength he had before. Although Kirito was no longer as sluggish as before, it was always good to have a guarantee.

After thinking about it, Kirito no longer shirks. After all, he is the most in need of protection in this group. Kirito clenched his fist, and he must quickly restore his strength.

Everything ended like this. The red monkey felt the crisis of Kirito at that time, and hurriedly sent his master to send it over, but the cultivation was not completely successful. Now that everything has settled down, the red monkey should go back to practice again.

Nishang will also return to the world to find her mother and sister. Kuchiki and Mei and Rui Qiao Yifeng stayed in the soul world, and the two were promoted to captains of Gotei Thirteen, replacing the dead third and fifth captains. team leader.

Kuchiki Kazumei hopes that Kirito can stay. After all, the environment of the soul world is actually the most suitable for Kirito to practice. However, Kirito misses his previous life and misses everything in the past.

Kuchiki and Mei saw that Kirito had decided to leave, and knew that they could not persuade Kirito, so they could only let Kirito return to the world. Before leaving, the five sat together, ate and drank flower wine, watching the flowers that were already in full bloom at this time. Sakura, there is unspeakable sadness and melancholy in the hearts of the five people.

Kuchiki and Mei's tears kept rolling in their eyes. Originally, Kuchiki and Mei were a resolute woman, but now they have become a crybaby because of this group of people. Kirito has laughed at Kuchiki and Mei more than once, but they were both rejected by Kuchiki. Hemei lost her voice, but now, she hasn't heard the name "Crybaby" for a long time.

The moonlight shone on the young shoulders of the five people, all five of them were lying on the ground, Kuchiki and Mei looked at Kirito's face reluctantly, the cherry blossoms fell on Kirito's shoulders, Kuchiki and Mei sullenly said, "Can't we just leave? Can't we all stay together?"

Kirito heard the muttering voices of Kuchiki and Mei, and the sparkling light in his eyes, Kirito stretched out his hand, rubbed her head, and said softly, "There is a banquet in the world, this separation is for the sake of fulfillment. It’s the first time we met, so get better soon, don’t let me find out that you are not as strong as me.”

Kuchiki and Mei slowly closed their eyes, and the five slowly fell asleep like this. Even Kirito didn't practice tonight, and let the sleepiness slowly come, and the tears that kept spinning in Kuchiki and Mei's eyes finally came to an end. Slipped down, in the undiscovered night.

Early the next morning, Kirito had already embarked on the road back to the present world, and recalling that endgame was a memory that Kirito would never forget.

After Kirito returned to the world, he saw the appearance of a busy traffic, high-rise buildings only threatening the sky, Kirito slowly walked to his former residence along the memory, the original shining memory was already dilapidated at this time, but, Kirito felt that this was his home, the place where he once had all his relatives.

Kirito pushed open the door with some hesitation. It was already empty inside. He remembered how his sisters were fighting, and how his father educated him in his memory. and loneliness.

Just as Kirito recalled, a person came in at the door, looked at Kirito in doubt and asked, "Who are you? How did you come in here? This house is going to be rented out, get out."

Kirito was stunned and said, "I'll give you the money, can I rent this room?"

The owner of the house was still aggressive, but when he heard that Kirito wanted to rent this room, he suddenly changed his attitude and hurriedly said, "Then do it first, I'll pour you some water, and let's discuss the price."

Kirito was a little surprised by his sudden change of attitude, Mumu nodded, and Kirito thought to himself, "Fortunately, when Kuchiki and Mei left, he brought himself some money for the world, otherwise, he would have to live and eat. the street."

The owner brought a glass of water to Kirito, and reluctantly found a stool for Kirito. The two sat in the dusty house and discussed. Kirito raised the cup that the owner poured water for himself, and the quilt was full of water. It was dust, floating on the water, and Kirito rolled his eyes secretly and said, "This is too unconcerned." He put down the cup in disgust, and the owner of the house naturally saw Kirito's movements, and was a little embarrassed. Laughed.

The owner was about to tell Kirito some prices, when Kirito reached out and interrupted the owner and said, "No matter what price you have, I'll accept it." The owner was overjoyed, his eyes rolled, and just as he was about to speak, Kirito There was a dangerous look at the owner, who felt as if he was being stared at by a wolf, and was stunned.

Kirito smiled and asked, "How much do you decide?"

In the end, the owner didn't ask too much. Kirito saw that the owner didn't want too much, and agreed without thinking.

The first thousand five hundred and forty-one chapters start anew

Kirito took out the money from Kuchiki Kazumi, but did not give it to the owner immediately. After seeing the money, the owner's eyes suddenly became greedy.

Seeing the owner's eyes, Kirito said slowly, "But, I want to know where the people who used to live here moved to?"

Hearing Kirito's words, the owner of the house slowly fell into contemplation, and said while thinking, "I don't know, they just said that something happened and they moved out suddenly, so I was in a hurry to deal with this house."

Kirito frowned, thinking, "What is it that makes Dad and the others suddenly move out?" Kirito asked, "How long have they moved out?"

The owner said impatiently, "It's been more than two months. I don't know the details."

Kirito looked at the impatient eyes of the owner, knowing that he didn't know too much, so he stopped asking, and gave the money to the owner, who immediately smiled and kept counting the money.

Kirito asked, "Can you tell me the location of the nearby supermarket?"

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