The owner of the house received the money, and immediately became different. He wrote a name to Kirito with a smile, and even feared that Kirito could not find a map and sent him a map. Although the drawing was a bit ugly, it was finally able to be seen. clear.

The owner didn't stay any longer, and immediately turned around and left. Kirito looked at the empty room covered with dust, so he stopped thinking about it and started to act immediately. Soon the room became clean, and Kirito was still a little bit. Weak and sweating profusely, Kirito just wanted to drink something. After all, he is no longer in a state of soul, but the house is clean.

Kirito picked up the piece of paper written by the owner and slowly searched for it. During the period, Kirito almost couldn't find his way back several times. Fortunately, he finally reached the destination safely.

Kirito bought a lot of daily necessities in the supermarket, but also lost some food. After all, now he has to live on his own, Kirito also bought a map, a mobile phone, and a few clothes before slowly went back.

Kirito took a lot of things, and accidentally ran into a girl. Not only did the girl not fall down, but Kirito took two steps back, and Kirito looked at the woman in surprise.

The woman was dressed in a sailor suit, with braids and big eyes, covering her facial expression. Seeing Kirito fall to the ground, she hurriedly put down the magazine in her hand, lifted Kirito up, and said with a shy expression, " I'm sorry, sorry."

The woman's apology made Kirito a little embarrassed. Kirito wondered, is he already weak to this point?Is it easy to get a girl knocked down?Kirito scratched his head and decided that he would go to the Taekwondo class for training tomorrow, otherwise, Nishang would be able to defeat himself easily.

Kirito scratched his head and said, "No, don't say that, I broke into you first."

The two shied away for a long time, and finally looked at the mess on the ground, and hurriedly squatted down and started to help Kirito pick up the things that took off. When Kirito looked up, the two broke into each other again, and Kirito almost flew out.

The severe pain in the head made Kirito squat down and tightly covered his head. The woman was embarrassed at first, but she was even more embarrassed when she broke into Kirito, and hurriedly pushed her glasses. , said "Are you alright?"

Kirito squatted on the ground and slowed down for a long time. He couldn't believe it in his heart. He became more and more suspicious of his own strength. Kirito vowed in his heart that he must quickly recover his strength, otherwise, he would be bullied to death by girls sooner or later. .

Kirito stood up slowly and said embarrassedly, "No, no, no, I'm so weak."

The woman didn't know what to say for a while, and handed all the things that Kirito had just broken up with to Kirito, the two said goodbye awkwardly, and the woman ran away at once.

Kirito looked at the woman's fast figure and was a little stunned. He just stretched out his feet and was about to go home. The unusual feeling under his feet made Kirito slowly lower his head and found a magazine lying under his feet.

Kirito suddenly remembered that it should be the woman who put him on the ground just now to help him. Kirito bent down and slowly picked up the magazine. As a result, the contents of the magazine suddenly made Kirito's eyes widen.

The magazine was filled with photos of various male models. Kirito was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly put away the magazine. He looked around to see if there was anyone around him, and finally put the magazine away in embarrassment.

After Kirito returned home, he put the things he bought, and recalled what happened today. Kirito drank the water and felt that he could not be so weak. Moreover, his spiritual power was constantly cultivating. It is impossible to be so vulnerable, unless Kirito suddenly stopped drinking water, his pupils were fully enlarged, and he said to himself, "Unless, she is also a capable person."

Kirito suddenly remembered what the mysterious man said, that is, an experiment that Aizen once did, which led to the formation of the mask, and, at first, they were all gods of death.

Kirito frowned and said, "Is she the mask that the mysterious man said?" Kirito didn't know, and only hoped that the next time we met, he would understand.

Kirito slowly entered the state of cultivation, and now Kirito is constantly cultivating every day, slowly recovering the spiritual power that had disappeared. However, the current level of cultivation is obviously slower than before, because the current concentration is getting more and more bigger.

However, there is no way for Kirito to enter the state of cultivation tonight, and his heart is beating continuously. Moreover, Kirito has not entered the inner world for a long time. There is no news about the mysterious person and Bai Yihu, and neither does Kirito. Know how Mysterious Man is doing now.

Kirito felt a little bored, and slowly shook his head. Looking at the quiet weather outside, Kirito slowly walked out. Since he couldn't continue his cultivation, let's go out for a walk.

Because it was already late at night, there was no one on the street, and only a few cars were shuttled constantly. Kirito slowly ran up, enjoying the feeling of sweating.

Kirito sat sweating profusely on the stool, drank a gulp of water, panted heavily, and let the sweat flow down his head. Kirito rested for a while and walked home slowly. Suddenly, Kirito saw the front. There is a person who is constantly jumping and running on the roof.

Kirito threw the water in his hand at once, and hurriedly walked in the direction of the figure. Although Kirito has lost a lot of spiritual power now, he can barely keep up with the speed of the figure.

The speed of the silhouette began to slow down, and Kirito also hurriedly adjusted the speed. After all, Kirito is not as powerful as he used to be, and now anyone with a little tyranny can hit Kirito.

The figure finally stopped in a forest. Several people had gathered in front of him. Kirito crouched in the grass and stared closely at the front.

Chapter [-]: Invitation of the Masked Legion

Kirito watched the people come slowly, and finally Kirito counted the number of people, a total of eight people, five men and three women. Kirito could feel the tyrannical fluctuations in their spiritual power, which should be no less than the members of the Gotei team.

The eight people said something, and after playing for a while, they slowly became serious. They were divided into two groups and seemed to start fighting each other. Kirito watched and thought, "It should be them practicing with each other."

Suddenly, Kirito opened his eyes, as if he didn't believe what he saw. Those people took out their white masks and put them on their faces. The eight people suddenly changed their breaths, half empty. The atmosphere of the half-dead god suddenly surprised Kirito.

Kirito thought about what the mysterious man said, thinking that they should be the mask of the Aizen research that the mysterious man said, how did they control their emotional changes?

Kirito's eyes stared at the battle scene of the eight people. Although the eight people did not exert all their strength, their control over their emotions and their abilities is what Kirito lacks now, and now Kirito His spiritual power has been lost, and no matter how he cultivates, he feels that he is struggling, and Kirito feels that it is difficult for him to move forward.

Kirito watched their battle and carefully felt the change of emotions. Kirito had been squatting in the grass, his entire leg was numb, and Kirito did not notice it, and kept staring at the battle in front of him until everyone left. Now, Tong Cai stood up slowly.

Kirito breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes were full of surprised expressions, and while rubbing his legs, he said, "It's really amazing that they can control their emotional changes so delicately."

Just as Kirito kept thinking about the battle just now, a voice came from above, "You have been standing here for a long time, what do you think of watching our battle?"

When Kirito heard this sentence, the hair on his body shrank, jumped up in a hurry, and entered a state of alertness. He looked at the blond man in the book alertly. The blond man's eyes were tightly blocked by his hair, and he could only I saw the man smiling constantly.

Kirito looked at the man with a cold sweat on his face, and kept asking in his heart when did he come?Although his strength is so degraded, how come he didn't notice it at all?

The blond man jumped down from the tree, stopped in front of Kirito, looked at Kirito's nervous look, and said with a smile, "Why are you so nervous? Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, otherwise, you might You can't hear what I'm saying."

Kirito looked at the man solemnly and said, "What is your purpose?"

The man smiled and looked at Kirito and said, "I like your direct appearance, so I will say it directly. I want to ask, why, you have an empty breath, but you really look like a human?"

Kirito probably knew why the blond man didn't kill him. He probably felt that he was also part of the Aizen experiment. Kirito slowly relaxed and said, "Don't you know? What do you want me to confirm?"

The eyes of the blond man originally had dangerous eyes under his hair. After hearing Kirito's words, he still did not dispel his inner vigilance. The blond man asked, "Then what is your relationship with Aizen?"

Kirito remembered what the mysterious man said. They were all forced to experiment by Aizen. Later, because of the pedantic nature of the corpse soul world, these gods of death were put to death. Fortunately, someone secretly rescued them.

Kirito was hesitating whether he wanted to tell him the truth or not. Kirito stared at the blond man's eyes tightly. Although the mysterious man meant that these people should be kind-hearted rather than narrow-minded people, Kirito did not. I know if these people will change their minds. After all, Kirito is not the same as before, and his strength is tyrannical.

Although the blond man looked at Kirito with a smile, he had already held the Zanpakutō secretly. As long as Kirito answered any questions, the blond man decided to kill Kirito. Whether it is the god of death or the virtual, they are not allowed to exist.

Kirito gritted his teeth, and finally decided to tell the truth to the blond man. Kirito decided to trust the mysterious man. Kirito had an intuition that the mysterious man would not harm him.

Kirito said slowly, "Actually, I am in a state between the god of death and the void, but, I did not become the result of the Aizen experiment, but the power of the void that I realized in my heart, but, are you? Don't you know? Aizen has been punished by the forty-sixth room to be burned in hell by the fire of hell for [-] million years."

The blond man was stunned for a moment, and then lost control. He clenched Kirito's sleeve tightly and asked, "Is it true? Aizen was defeated? Now Aizen is in hell?"

The blond man took two or three questions, which made Kirito stunned for a while. Kirito was stunned for the last time and nodded slightly. The golden man saw Kirito's nod and let go of Kirito. The person's hand, the whole person lost his soul, fell to the ground all of a sudden, and muttered in his mouth, "How could this be, I haven't defeated him personally, he was defeated?"

Kirito was a little surprised by the blond man's sudden action. Kirito looked at the blond man's movements and was a little surprised. Kirito was about to get closer to the blond man and listen to what he said inside. The man stood up and scared Tong. People jump.

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