Hearing what the strategist said, even Yohabach was a little tempted. He is now worried about how to find Kirito and the others. Now it seems that he can try his luck to see if this treasure is what the strategist said. Powerful, and if this treasure happens to have the function of tracking, it will be even better!

So he also condensed his power again and transmitted it to the two puppets, and after receiving his power transmission, the two puppets also went from the power that was about to reach [-]% to the peak of [-]%. , and the two puppets of the Star Knights, at this moment, are actually showing a slight red light!

And the puppets of these two star knights are also under the control of Youhabach, and they quickly retreated. Youhabach may be retreating on the surface, but the truth is that Youhabach is now accumulating strength. See if you can directly break through the protective light curtain around this golden beam of light!

At this time, Kirito, who was hiding in a tree, also looked at the movements of the two puppets controlled by Yuhabach and expressed that he did not understand at all.Why was it bounced off by the golden beam when approaching the golden beam?

You must know that when the puppets of the two star knights were about to encounter the golden beam of light, Kirito also planned to directly detonate this golden beam of light, because Kirito just when the golden beam of light was about to form, in order to be safe For the sake of keeping this secret, I did some tricks under the golden beam of light!

As long as his mind moved a little, the small spiritual power group he placed under the golden beam of light would explode in an instant, and as long as his small spiritual power group exploded, the golden beam of light soaring to the sky would collapse instantly. The secret of the beam of light can be preserved, and if you are lucky, you can also blow up the puppets of the two Star Knights!

Chapter [-] Shocking Lightning

But what made Kirito puzzled was that the puppets of the two star knights were pushed away by an invisible force without actually walking to the edge of the golden beam of light, which also puzzled Kirito. Because when he just released this golden beam of light, there was no repulsive force at all!

And now, this golden beam of light not only prevented the two puppets of the Star Knights from entering, but even drove them away, which made Kirito feel a little depressed now. He still wanted to use this golden beam. The beam of light came to sneak attack on them, but I didn't expect that the sneak attack could not be attacked now.

Because as long as he succeeds in the sneak attack, he will definitely rush to the two puppets, and take their lives directly when they are attacked, even so that they don't even know that they have been killed!

In this case, not only can Kirito solve these two big troubles and weaken Yuhabach's strength, but he can also take this opportunity to buy time for Kuchiki and Mei to retreat, which can kill two birds with one stone!

Even if they can't kill the two puppets, as long as they cause a little damage to them, then they must not be able to pursue themselves so fast again, so they can still win precious time for themselves and Kuchiki Kazumei!

But now it seems that Yuhabach, who controls the two puppets of the Star Knights, now seems to have given up on continuing to attack the golden beam of light, and quietly prepares to leave. When he sees Kirito here, he sighs slightly. After taking a sigh of relief, he was ready to destroy Jinguang and went to Kuchiki and Mei and they would reconcile.

And just when Kirito had given up the idea of ​​ambush the puppets of the two Star Knights, and was about to jump from the tree to find Kuchiki and Mi, he also suddenly heard from the puppets of the two Star Knights just now. A loud bang from the direction back!

After hearing the loud noise, Kirito slowly returned to the tree, wanting to see what tricks Yohabach was trying to manipulate these two puppets to play. Did Yohabach know that he was here and deliberately retreated. Going aside, want to show your flaws? !

Thinking of Kirito here, his face changed slightly, but Kirito knew that he was in the dark now, the two puppets were in the light, and he had a natural advantage over them, so he was not in a hurry to come out, but Brake statically and see what tricks Yohabach is up to!

Therefore, Kirito also intends to continue to stay in the tree, slightly hiding his figure and not showing it.

If there is a person passing by this forest now, if you don't use spiritual power to investigate, even if you stand beside Kirito, you may not be able to find Kirito!

And Kirito also hid his figure on the tree, and stared at the direction of the retreat of Youhabach's two puppets, so that he could find out what the hell Youhabach was trying to do at the first time. !

And just after Kirito stared in that direction for a long time, the sound that had been ringing just now stopped suddenly. Just when Kirito stared at his eyes a little sore, he saw a piece of wood, and it rushed straight. Come here, and those two puppets of Youhabach are actually controlling that log!

This operation of Youhabach really made Kirito a little stunned. He really did not expect that Youhabach actually used this method in order to rush into this golden beam of light that might look like a treasure!

At this time, Kirito also shook his head slightly. He did not expect that Yohabach had fallen into this state now, but at this time, Kirito suddenly remembered something. He also knew directly about the loud noise he just heard. What is the sound!

It must have been the loud noise when Yuhabach cut down the tree and the huge tree fell directly to the ground!

At this time, looking at the two Star Knights puppets controlled by Youhabach, although they were holding a tree many times longer than their body, they did not feel any discomfort because of holding such a large piece of wood. On the contrary, they held this wood and ran even faster than before!

At this time, Kirito also knew the mysterious power around this golden beam of light.

Because this method of Youhabach looks a little crude, but it is very useful. Such a big wood, coupled with the two Youhabach's puppets, hit the beam of light at such a fast speed, even if this No matter how strong the beam of light is, it will definitely not be able to withstand such a powerful offensive!

Therefore, when Kirito saw such a powerful offensive, he shook his head slightly. He originally wanted to rely on this golden beam of light to sneak attack on the puppets of the two Star Knights, but now it seems that it is not only the golden beam of light. The surrounding mysterious power, even the golden beam of light, may be directly smashed by this simple wood!

And just when Kirito was about to leave, what happened in front of him made him feel unbelievable!

I saw that just when the wood was about to approach the golden beam of light, the mysterious power around the golden beam of light actually directly knocked the two Youhabach's puppets holding the giant wood into the air!

Because the speed of the two puppets controlled by Youhabach this time is many times faster than just now, the impact force they both received is also countless times that of just now!

And when the two puppets of Youhabach were directly knocked into the air, when the giant tree was about to smash into the golden beam of light with impact, the dark clouds in the sky had been traveling through the dark clouds. Lightning seems to have received some instructions at this time, and it splits down instantly!

And that lightning strike was not anywhere else, it was the place where the log was about to hit. I saw that lightning strike at the log at a speed that was countless times faster than that of Tongren just now, and I saw When that piece of wood was chopped down by that lightning bolt, it had no resistance at all, and was chopped into powder!

And that lightning, when it hit the log, also shrank its power instantly, without even touching the ground, it turned a corner, and returned to the dark clouds in the sky again, as if nothing happened. The same happens, continue to shuttle in the dark cloud!

But Kirito, who witnessed all this with his own eyes, was shocked at this time. It seemed that he had not recovered from the scene just now. He never dreamed that this lightning would still do this, and this lightning, It was really being manipulated!

It turns out that this lightning bolt actually has its own consciousness!

Chapter [-] The strategy of the military division

"It turns out that this lightning, and possibly even this golden beam of light, was probably caused by his own consciousness!" Thinking of this, Kirito also forgot that he was still hiding his figure, and lowered his head and muttered. said: "If this lightning has its own consciousness, then he just hit me..."

At this time, Kirito was also a little afraid in his heart. It turned out that this lightning bolt might have just let him go on purpose. If this lightning bolt just hit him, he wanted to hit him wholeheartedly, and if he didn't keep his hand, then This lightning bolt would never hit the ground just because it was a little off!

After thinking about this, Kirito also bowed slightly to the terrifying lightning that was constantly passing through the dark clouds in the sky, expressing his mercy to the merciless act of the lightning with terrifying power just now that struck him with terrifying power. A heartfelt thanks!

And the lightning with terrifying power that was constantly shuttling in the dark clouds in the air seemed to have received thanks from Kirito, and actually drew a tick in the air, as if he wanted to do it in this simple and easy-to-understand way. , tell Kirito that he has received Kirito's thanks!

And seeing the lightning in the air, he actually did such a behavior, and he was even more shocked. This proved that the lightning in the air really had his own consciousness, although he didn't know why he let him go just now. , but since he let himself go, it proves that he still has a certain reason!

At this time, Youhabach, who was in the Soul Realm, slapped the floor angrily, and smashed the surrounding things frantically. He had already smashed the things inside before, and just after he was hit by this golden When Guangzhu was so humiliated, he couldn't control his temper, and smashed his things again!

And while he smashed, he also vented his emotions, cursing at the surrounding: "What the hell is this damn golden light? Why is it blocking me like this? Is it intentional to not get along with me? Am I fucking going in today? Go to this damn beam of light, I won't be called Yohabach today!"

And the military advisor watching Youhabach venting, quietly watched Youhabach venting his temper, and didn't care about him, because the military advisor had already guessed the current situation, and he knew Youhabach This is basically impossible, because if the mysterious power around the treasure can be broken so easily, it is not a treasure!

The reason why the strategist did not stop Youhabach was because he still wanted to help Youhabach when he was most helpless. Although he now has a feasible plan, he did not plan to tell Youhabach now. One is Because the current Yohabach is furious, but there is no real help.

The second point is that if he tells Yohabach about his method now, then Yohabach will pay less attention to him, or even disappear a little bit. Only he really can do anything in Yohabach. If he didn't, tell him this way, not only will the attention that Yuhabach attach to him will not disappear, but it will get higher and higher!

The third point is that even if he is a military advisor, he is not sure that his plan can ensure that the two puppets controlled by Youhabach can enter the middle of the golden beam of light. If his plan fails, then the current Youhabach Not only is there no despair, but he even doubts his usefulness and even the value of his existence!

And at that time, even if the strategist is really useful to Youhabach, Youhabach will not care so much at all, and will kill himself directly!

The strategist also avoided these things he expected, so he also kept a little means by himself, and now temporarily controls Youhabach's mentality, so that Youhabach temporarily has a certain dependence on himself, although he is very weak now. , but it does not mean that he will always be so weak.

Once his power reaches the level where he can compete with Yohabach, he won't be able to deal with Yohabach like he is now, and he can speak a lot harder!

But even at that time, he would not take the initiative to turn against Youhabach, because he knew that no matter how powerful his own power was, he would definitely not be able to compete with Youhabach, as long as Youhabach was not right to him If he shoots, he will definitely not take the initiative to shoot Youhabach!

The strategist now cherishes his life very much. He is not a last resort. He will never turn against anyone. He will take advantage of his own advantages and make full use of everyone around him, unless one day, He really stood at a height that no one could reach, otherwise, he would live like this forever.

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