Because the strategist deeply knows a truth, no matter how strong his means are, no matter how tough he is, he will definitely be broken one day, and if he does not want to be broken, he can only become smooth, and only himself becomes smooth When you get up, you can really walk between people and save your life!

And now when the strategist saw that Youhabach lost his temper here, he didn't even intend to take care of Youhabach, because now Youhabach was angry, even if it was him, at this time, he would not be able to deal with Youhabach. It won't have a little effect at all, but it is likely to arouse Yuhabach's disgust!

And now when Yohabach is venting, he is also venting his emotions. Only when he vents all his emotions can he return to normal.

So the current military division is also standing beside Youhabach coldly, watching Youhabach frantically vent here with a blank expression!

At this time, the deputy head of the Star Knights who was standing at the door was also very puzzled when he heard the frantic venting voice of Youhabach. In his opinion, as long as Youhabach was angry, as long as the military advisor came to him Say a few words, and Yohabach will be relieved immediately!

But this time, the strategist didn't say a word in it, and let Youhabach vent frantically inside, and thinking of this, he was also a little worried in his heart: it wouldn't be when Youhabach was angry and couldn't control it for a while. His emotions were directly killed by the military division? !

The deputy head of the Star Knights, thinking of this, also panicked in his heart. If the strategist was just killed by Youhabach, wouldn't the hope he just established be dashed again?He could have found a hope, but at this time he was actually killed by Youhabach, he just didn't dare to think about it!

Thinking of the deputy head of the Star Knights here, he couldn't help it. He risked being scolded or even punished by Youhabach, and secretly looked inside, and when he saw the military division there with his arms in his arms When he stood there with an expressionless face on his shoulders, he hurriedly retracted the head he had just stuck out!

Chapter [-] Awakening

Seeing that the strategist was okay, the deputy head of the Star Knights was also a little relieved. As long as the strategist did not die, his dreams and hopes would not be shattered, and he could continue to realize his ideals!

And just when the deputy head of the Star Knights was still thinking about realizing his ideals, he suddenly thought that since the strategist didn't die and was still standing there, why he didn't plan to persuade Youhabach at all. What do you mean?Could it be that the strategist is now ready to turn against Youhabach? !

The deputy head of the Star Knights thought of this, and his face changed slightly. If the military advisor chooses to turn against Youhabach now, should he still be with the military advisor?Is he going to be with Yohabach, or is he going to be with the current strategist?

He is also very headache now, he is also very hesitant now, he is not ready, who should he choose, because if he chooses the wrong one, then he will be the time when he perishes, if he chooses Yohabach , if the strategist wins, he will never let him go!

And if he chooses the military division, in case the military division is not powerful enough and is directly killed by Youhabach, then he will be worse than choosing Youhabach to be executed by the military division. Youhabach is true to those who betray him. He will kill him, and at that time he will truly be better off dead than alive!

And when the deputy head of the Star Knights was still struggling with which side he wanted to choose, the military advisor who had been silent beside Youhabach also said, "Sir, don't be angry yet, now this kind of In this case, you still have to calm down, otherwise, wouldn't you be caught in the trap of that kid Kirito?"

After the strategist finished speaking, he glanced at Youhabach. Although the anger on Youhabach's face had not completely subsided, but now that he heard the strategist's words, he slowly controlled his emotions and gave the strategist a slight sigh. Nodding, I feel that what the military advisor said is still very reasonable!

The strategist saw that Youhabach also controlled his anger at this time, and then nodded slightly, and he also had his own thoughts in his heart. He saw Youhabach nodded slightly at his suggestion at this time, and he also knew this. At that time, Youhabach also had no idea of ​​his own and was waiting for his solution.

So the strategist also slowly said to Youhabach: "Sir, you are following my method now, try again to see if you can break through this golden barrier? But I can't guarantee that I will be able to break through, after all, I am now I can only observe it, I can't personally experience this golden beam of light, so I can't guarantee it."

Hearing what the strategist said, Youhabach didn't mean to blame the strategist, because he had just felt the strangeness of this golden beam of light. , in fact, he has no choice.

Even if the strategist is here, his hope is not high. He just wants to try it with the strategist's method. Although he knows that even the strategist's method is useless, he still wants to use it for the last time. Once he tried, if he succeeded, he might be able to get this golden beam of light.

And even if he fails, he has nothing to lose, and he can control these two puppets, and then go after Kirito. At that time, he only needs to ask the strategist to pursue the other side.

So now Youhabach is all relying on the counselor's method, and when the counselor sees Youhabach looking at his eyes, he also knows that his calculation must be successful, because if his calculation fails, Yuhabach would never look at him that way.

The current self, in Yuhabach's heart, is equivalent to an existence like a guiding light, and it is the only light in the endless darkness!

Thinking of the military advisor here, a smile that was not easily noticed by others quickly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then disappeared in an instant, and Youhabach, who had been looking at him, did not notice such a faint expression on the face of the military advisor at this moment. smile.

At this time, the strategist also came out of his own thoughts, looked at Youhabach in front of him, and said what he had just thought word by word: "Sir, the two puppets of the Star Knights you are using now have on them. No damage or anything like that, or a wound?"

Hearing what the strategist said, Youhabach was stunned at first, and then directly checked the puppets he controlled. He unexpectedly found that the two puppets of the Star Knights under his control were unexpectedly ignorant to him. The front of the body has become a piece of scorch!

Seeing Youhabach here, he frowned. He didn't expect the power of the golden beam of light just now to be so powerful. While knocking him off, he also slammed the chests of his two puppets. It was scorched. Although his current puppet only had [-]% of his power, the bodies of the two puppets were deliberately strengthened by him!

Although ordinary damage may also cause damage to his two puppets, it is impossible to cause such terrifying damage, let alone now, the front of the body is completely scorched!

Moreover, Youhabach felt that if he had just controlled the two puppets to rush faster, it is very likely that half of his body would be directly penetrated!

Although his puppet will not stop moving because of these injuries, the injury on his body will inevitably affect the next battle. Although he thinks that the two puppets he controls will definitely defeat Kirito, but Kirito has been in this period of time. The inhuman strength displayed made him have to pay attention to it.

Because in a real battle, even a little damage may affect the situation of the battle, let alone such a serious injury. Yamamoto was attacked from behind by the enemy and was directly attacked by the enemy with the Zanpakutō. Pierced the body, the strength will be so greatly reduced.

So much so that Yamamoto seemed to struggle so hard when facing the King Slayer that he could easily defeat, and even when he was fighting the King Slayer, he was beaten into a coma!

So when Youhabach found out that the puppets of the two star knights he controlled had suffered such serious injuries, his face changed greatly, so he couldn't hide anything from the strategist, and said to the strategist: "Master, this is The two puppets are really hurt!"

Chapter [-]: The Silent Youhabach

When hearing Youhabach's words, the strategist also asked Youhabach indifferently. He didn't think that the golden beam of light could hurt the two puppets of Youhabach, even if they were injured a little. , that is, a little injury.

After all, he had seen with his own eyes how Youhabach had strengthened the puppets of the two Star Knights. Even he did not dare to underestimate the puppets of these two Star Knights. When the puppets of the two star knights just carried out a long-distance attack, it was also for the strategist to see the physical strength of the puppets of the two star knights with his own eyes!

Because these two puppets started to run long distances when the military division just left, and the military division did not go out for too long. When he came back, he saw that the two puppets controlled by Youhabach had already reached this golden color. The beam of light is here!

Originally, he didn't care too much. After all, long-distance raids consume some energy, but they can be recovered after a while. It is even said that with the help of spiritual power, the energy consumed by long-distance raids will soon be completely recovered. recovery!

But when the strategist just returned here, he also calculated the speed of the two puppets rushing, and roughly estimated the distance from the virtual circle exit to here. When he calculated it, his face was also He showed a shocked expression directly!

Because he calculated that if it was the time from when he left Yohabach to when he came back from Yohabach, if it was a normal person who kept rushing, he might have only run about half of it. It is a powerful person, and can only attack one-third of it.

However, the puppets of the two star knights controlled by Youhabach actually used [-]% of Youhabach's strength in such a short period of time, without using any skills, only relying on their own legs. , and ran for such a long distance!

This is also really unexpected for the military division, because no matter who it is, as long as it is a long-term attack, there will always be a time of fatigue, and if you choose to force a long-distance run during this fatigued time, no matter who it is, it is the fundamental problem of the body. Unbearable!

If you have to carry out long-distance and fast rushing attacks when your body can no longer bear it, it will not only consume energy, but also the lifespan of the body and the strength of the body!

According to the strategist's calculation, if these two puppets ran for a long distance in this way, it would be impossible to consume their lives. After all, the puppets of the two star knights are already dead, but according to this distance, the strength of the body should be consumed. From the looks of it, the puppets of these two Star Knights should have been disabled long ago!

And now it seems that the puppets of the two Star Knights are not uncomfortable at all, and their bodies are not damaged at all, which shows how strong the puppets of the two Star Knights are. Terrifying, their physical strength is even stronger than that of Youhabach himself!

When the strategist thought of this, he did not take Youhabach's words to heart. After all, he had already calculated the physical strength of his two puppets, and general attacks were ineffective at all. As he expected, these two puppets might be the same Just a little injured.

Because after all, it is around such a high-level treasure, the power to protect the treasure must be terrifying. If such a terrifying power can't even hurt the bodies of the two star knights, this is what can really make him unbelievable. , so he was also absent-minded, and said to Youhabach: "It's okay, my lord, for such a powerful treasure, the power to guard the treasure around it must be very powerful, not to mention the physical strength of your puppet, even if it is Your spiritual protection cover is fully open, and it may not be able to withstand the attack of the mysterious power around this golden beam of light."

After the strategist finished speaking, he also looked at Youhabach, but he found that Youhabach was not a little excited because of his words. On the contrary, Youhabach even looked a little depressed at this time, but the strategist was I've never seen this look on Yohabach's face before!

Moreover, he is now observing Youhabach's face and found that Youhabach seems to have changed his face since he just told him about his puppet's injury. From just now to now, Youhabach's expression has changed many times. This situation was not even expected by the military strategist!

So when the strategist saw that Youhabach's expression changed to what it is now, he also quickly said to Youhabach: "What's wrong? Sir, why is your face so ugly? Could it be the two star knights you control? What happened to the puppet of the regiment can't be solved? Let me take a look and I will help you solve it!"

When Youhabach saw the military master look so confident, he also sighed and said to the military master: "Okay, then look at it, you don't need to observe anything else, you just need to look at my control You will understand the wounds on the puppets of these two Star Knights!"

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