But when the strategist thought of this, he also raised his head, just in line with the eyes of Youhabach looking at him, and when he saw Youhabach's meaningful eyes, he also quickly lowered his head. , but what I thought was: Why does Yohabach look at me like this?Did he find something? !

But the strategist thought again: Youhabach shouldn't have found anything, at least he hasn't found his own flaws. His meaningful eyes are likely to attract me to expose, if not because of this, then I'm exposed!

Thinking of this, the strategist also secretly said: "If this is the case, then I still have to hide my thoughts first, or cover my current purpose first, if my purpose is too strong, Youhabach is still very good. May find out what my heart really thinks!"

Thinking of this, the strategist also raised his head, with a smile on his face, and said to Youhabach: "Sir, let's start now? Continue to decipher the mysterious guardian power around the golden beam of light in front of you, earlier If you crack it, you will be able to pursue Kirito and the others sooner!"

After the strategist finished speaking, he also looked at Kirito with a smile on his face, as if he really wanted to crack the secret of this golden beam of light with Youhabach!

But apart from the strategist himself, no one else knew about it. He actually wanted to take advantage of this topic and quickly divert it from the topic. If Yohabach were to focus on this, he would probably be exposed!

Although Youhabach is not as high as his IQ, nor his ability to calculate, but Youhabach is still very suspicious. If you let Youhabach think about it, then Youhabach is likely to directly crack his psychology. of ideas!

After listening to the strategist's words, Youhabach also directly thought of the current affairs. They still have to seize the time to crack the secret of this golden beam of light. If the secret of this golden beam of light is cracked, they will pursue Kirito and the others, but Just around the corner!

And at that time, the only worry left in his heart will be eliminated directly!

Chapter [-]: The Change of Youhabach

Because the strength shown by this golden beam of light just now really shocked him. The puppet he built with his heart couldn't even withstand the blow of the mysterious guardian force around this golden beam of light, and was hit directly in the chest. The scorched, directly broken defense!

The mysterious guardian power around the golden beam of light is already like this. Could the real golden beam of light be worse than the guardian power around him?If it is bad, it is the golden beam of light guarding this mysterious power!

So now Youhabach is also looking forward to it very much. What kind of power can this golden beam of light bring him, and what level of treasure is this? !

Thinking of Youhabach here, he also feels that the future is bright, and he even feels that he now seems to have obtained the power of this golden beam of light, directly ruling the soul world!

But after thinking about it for a while, Youhabach quickly returned to reality. After listening to the counselor's words, he also nodded without any expression on his face, and said to the counselor: "Okay, then let's continue to study that A golden beam of light!"

However, after Youhabach just finished saying this, he seemed to have thought of something again, and said to the strategist: "What happened just now, you have to report it to me next time, no matter what happens, this time, let's not set an example first. If there is a next time, it's not that you don't know my temper!"

After Yohabach finished speaking, his expression became even colder, and he seemed to be very angry!

In fact, Youhabach was not very angry. After he knew that the strategist explained it to him, he was actually not very angry, but he knew that he could not forgive the strategist so simply, otherwise the strategist would be very likely next time. Continue to prevaricate him with other excuses!

This time the strategist gave his reasons, but it was still very sincere and credible. What about the next time?If the strategist sees that he has forgiven him so easily this time, he will definitely think that he has forgiven me so easily this time, and he will forgive me so easily next time!

So in order to fear that the military advisor would rely on this kind of forgiveness from him, and to prevent the military advisor from taking over the power and deceiving him from concealing him, he also said this to the military advisor.

However, even though Youhabach's psychology is so simple, in the mind of a military advisor, he is not as simple as he thinks. After listening to Youhabach's words, he frowned and felt that things were not what he seemed on the surface. It's that simple!

Although with his IQ, it is easy to understand the meaning of the words of Friends Habach, that is, let him not become dependent so easily, and do not let himself deceive himself with other excuses.

But the strategist thought about it carefully. The sentence Youhabach just said was probably not what he meant on the surface. The sentence he casually said was probably not that simple. It is very likely that in this simple sentence, There is a deeper meaning hidden, but I haven't heard it yet!

Thinking of the military advisor here, his face is getting colder and his brows are getting tighter and tighter. He knows that his current situation is probably not as optimistic as he just thought, so after careful consideration, the military advisor is also Once I lifted my heart that I had put down!

He found that he was really dangerous now!

But now is not the time for him to think about these things. His thoughts just now were formed in an instant after listening to Youhabach's words, so Youhabach seems to be only slightly stunned after listening to his words. That's it, it didn't stay there.

And the strategist also knows that Youhabach must be watching him now, and he can't continue to think about it here anyway. As for the deeper meaning of Youhabach's words just now, it's better to find a chance to think about it!

The strategist also jumped out of his own thoughts and said to Youhabach: "Okay, my lord, I will tell you in advance no matter what happens next time, and I will never hide it from you again, please rest assured. Me, I will definitely not disappoint you!"

After listening to the counselor's words, Youhabach felt a lot more at ease. Originally, he was not very at ease with the counselor, but when he heard that the counselor who had always been so aloof was showing his loyalty to him so seriously, it was not easy for him to continue. How about the strategist, if the strategist is really loyal to him, and he still doesn't forgive the strategist, then he himself feels that he has deceived people too much!

But the position he is in now is the relationship between the superior and the subordinate, and it is impossible for him to show such generosity to the military division. Otherwise, his majesty in the heart of the military division will be lost at all!

So after listening to the counselor's words, Youhabach's expression was not touched at all, and he said to the counselor indifferently: "Okay, you understand it, then I will forgive you this time for the time being, I hope you remember what you just said. If so, don't do it again, understand?!"

After the strategist just finished speaking, he also lowered his head directly to show his loyalty to Youhabach and the difference in status between Youhabach and him. When Youhabach replied to him, he also put his heart on the back. He put it down a bit, but he still hadn't thought about the meaning of what Youhabach just said, so he couldn't be completely relieved!

And then the strategist also looked up at Youhabach's expression, and found that Youhabach's expression didn't move at all, not even a trace of turbulence, no expression at all, he just put down a little bit of heart, again Hanging up again!

Because Youhabach is usually not like this. If he makes any mistakes, if Youhabach chooses to forgive him, Youhabach will not be as cold as he is today, as if he is dissatisfied with him. He would laugh wildly, pat him on the shoulder and say to him, "It's okay!

And sometimes the strategist will be infected by Youhabach's sincere emotions, laugh with Youhabach, and even spend a good time with Youhabach temporarily!

But today, Youhabach hid his own signature laugh, and replaced it with a look of indifference and coldness. It seems that the present Youhabach has lost the boldness and enthusiasm of the past, replaced by It's all about calculation and scheming!

Thinking of the strategist here, I can't hold my breath anymore. If he can't think of Yohabach's deeper thoughts now, the strategies he connected will be difficult to implement. He even said that he doesn't even have his own plans now. I can't think of it, after all, this is related to my future development, and it can even be related to life!

Chapter [-] confrontation

If Youhabach knew that an idea he came up with out of thin air actually made the strategist think so much, and even made the strategist close to collapse, I don't know what Youhabach would think!

However, Youhabach doesn't know that what he said so casually now can have such great lethality on the military division, and even let the military division rack his brains to analyze the meaning of his words, so he is also direct now. I walked to the place where the puppets of the two Star Knights were controlled, sat down directly, and prepared to control the puppets of the Star Knights!

And when he sat here for a long time, waiting for the next step of the commander, the voice of the commander did not come for a long time. In the current air, it was as quiet as himself, and he was even the commander of the commander. Can't hear breathing!

So Youhabach also turned back curiously and said to the military advisor behind him, "Master, what are you doing now? Why don't you come and crack this golden beam of light? What are you thinking?"

When he heard Youhabach's shout, the strategist was also stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and said to Youhabach: "Okay, sir, don't worry, I'm here!"

After hearing the commander's answer, Youhabach was also a brand-new puppet manipulating his two star knights, waiting for the commander's order. However, he waited for a while this time and found that the commander's order was still not available. Arrived, and even the military advisor behind him did not move at all!

This time, no matter how good-tempered Youhabach was, he couldn't help but get angry. He stood up directly from the ground and shouted loudly at the military officer who had been keeping his head down behind him: "Master, what are you thinking about? What? Didn't you say that just now? You said you want to come over and crack the secret of this golden beam of light, why are you there now?!"

At this time, the strategist seemed to have known about Youhabach's behavior for a long time, and even said that the strategist who had been thinking about things heard Youhabach's shouting at this moment, as if his mind was relieved a lot!

Because Youhabach shouted at him, it proves that Youhabach's ability to control his inner emotions is not so strong now, so the most important point he was worried about just now was solved directly, and he was directly relieved because of this. a lot!

And what the strategist has been thinking about just now is nothing but the few words that Youhabach just said to him. He always thinks that there is a mystery in these words, so he has been thinking about it all the time. Just now, Youhabach What is the deeper meaning of what you say? !

As for the strategist, he thought about it for a long time, but he really couldn't think of any deeper meaning. Then he thought about it again. Could it be that the state of Yuhabach's heart has improved, and he can hide his own thoughts?

When he thought of this, he also felt very terrified. If the thoughts he just thought were true, and Yohabach's mood really improved, then all those thoughts he just gave were given by Yohabach. See through?Who is he going to join next?Is the deputy head of the Star Knights still reliable? !

The strategist was full of these things just now. These things kept spinning in his head, constantly bothering him, and making him feel an unusual headache. He even felt that he was going to die soon. He will be executed by the man of Yohabach himself!

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