And when he was just behind Youhabach, when he was still thinking, on the one hand, it was intentional, and on the other hand, it was also unintentional, because now this matter is really bothering him, if he can't think of it, he really There is no way to do other things, to think of other schemes!

On the other hand, it was intentional that he wanted to take this opportunity to test Youhabach. Although he had tested Youhabach countless times before, he was still worried. He felt that Youhabach might be hiding something special. Deep, use your own temptation to hide yourself at a deeper level!

So he also felt unwilling, so he continued to test Youhabach. He deliberately stood there thinking, just to see if Youhabach was really as he expected, and his mood had improved a lot, even I can't deceive him!

However, the subsequent scolding from Youhabach also directly shattered his previous worries. All his previous worries seemed to have turned into bubbles at this moment!

Although he was in the midst of Yohabach's abuse, he didn't feel how sad he was, and even he felt very lucky that the last thing he didn't want to see happened!

And after Youhabach scolded him, he also knew that since he had already tested out that Youhabach's state of mind had not grown, he should also ask, what did Youhabach mean? He asked if this matter was not In order to perfunctory Habach, but he has two purposes in total!

His first purpose, and the purest purpose, is nothing but to see what the deep meaning Yohabach wants to express. In such a short few minutes, at least he thought about it hundreds of thousands of times in his mind!

But even if the strategist thought so, he didn't come up with the so-called real idea of ​​Yohabach. Everything he just came up with was rejected by himself!

And his second purpose was to deal with Yohabach. He knew that if he had delayed for so long without any reason, if he didn't give Yohabach a reason, Yohabach wouldn't spend his time with him. He is so joking, and with Yuhabach's temper, he must be furious!

Therefore, in order to prevent Youhabach from getting angry, the strategist also gave himself an excuse to prevaricate Youhabach, and also thought of such a compromise!

So the military advisor, who kept his head down, slowly raised his head after Youhabach scolded him for a few words, but at this time, his face was no longer the same smile, nor the same The face is apologetic, but it shows a very cold look!

And Youhabach was also startled when he saw the strategist's expression. He didn't expect the strategist's expression to be so terrifying now, so he calmed down his emotions and said to the strategist: "What's the matter, Sergeant? What are you doing? , so strange today?!"

After hearing Youhabach's words, the strategist still had no expression on his cold face, and said to Youhabach word by word: "Sir, I ask you one thing, this is what I have been thinking about just now. things!"

Chapter [-] rest assured

When Youhabach heard the counselor's words, he was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the counselor to suddenly say something like this to him, "Could it be that the counselor discovered what I was thinking?" Youhabach's mentality at this time Thinking, if that is the case, the military division should not stay here!

But Youhabach thought about it, and now the strategist hasn't asked himself what the matter is. If it wasn't for this, wouldn't he be a false alarm in vain?The most urgent task now is to quickly ask the military advisor what he is talking about!

So Youhabach also had a cold face, and said to the military adviser word by word: "What? Military adviser, do you want to ask me something? If you have anything you want to ask, you can ask, but I have to remind you. You, after you ask, you must give me a reason, otherwise, you will know my temper!" Youhabach said to the strategist calmly.

In fact, it's not that Youhabach said this on purpose. He knew that if he didn't say it, his status in the eyes of the military advisor would be reduced. He is the leader of the entire Quincy Division, although the military advisor looks a little scary now. It's time for him, but he still has to guarantee his majesty!

At this moment, after hearing Youhabach's words, the strategist was also a little panicked, but he knew that now is the most critical moment. If he panics at this time, it means that he and Youhabach's relationship If the confrontation is defeated, he may have lost his life here for a long time!

So the strategist forced himself to calm down, and asked Youhabach earnestly, word by word: "Sir, the question I'm going to ask you next is very serious, even related to my stay and whether I can continue. Come up with countermeasures, so this is a very serious issue!"

After the strategist finished speaking, he glanced at Youhabach and found that there was no wave on Youhabach's face, and he also said to him: "Sir, what do you mean by those two words you just said to me? Isn't it just a superficial meaning, or a deeper meaning?"

After the strategist finished talking about the problems that had troubled him for a long time, he also observed Youhabach. He wanted to see Youhabach's psychological activities from his every move!

However, Youhabach was also calm in his heart. When he heard that the military advisor asked him such a question, he was stunned. He did not expect that the military advisor would always think about this matter, so he also asked the military advisor: "You said what I said, has a deeper meaning?!"

When the strategist heard Youhabach's words, he also frowned. He didn't expect Youhabach to answer him like this, and he couldn't tell now whether Youhabach was pretending to be confused, or he really didn't know what he said. That sentence, so he is also quietly observing Youhabach.

When he saw that Youhabach's face really didn't show any turbulence, he also knew that Youhabach really didn't know what he just asked him, because if Youhabach was pretending to be confused If it is, no matter how similar it is, the expression on his face will betray him!

And now the expression on Youhabach's face hasn't moved at all, which also proves that Youhabach really doesn't know what he's talking about!

In fact, at this time, the counselor's psychology is already a vague answer, but the counselor has always been cautious. He can't directly determine the current situation with a simple answer, or even there is no clear answer, so now Yes, he still has to make sure!

So he also said to Youhabach: "Sir, do you really not know? What I just asked you is what you said to me just now, and what you said to me yourself before you sat here. Those two sentences, what are the deeper meanings of these two sentences?!"

After the strategist finished speaking, he also added another sentence and said to Youhabach: "And my lord, I will not hide from you, just because of this, I was thinking there, and I just stood behind you, all the time. Thinking about this again, if I don't understand this problem, I really can't do anything else!"

After listening to the counselor's words, Youhabach couldn't help laughing and laughing. He never dreamed that the two words he just said casually to warn the counselor would actually make him think so much in the eyes of the counselor, and the counselor was so serious. Ask yourself, is it because of his own casual words!

But even if he can't laugh or cry now, he can't show it, just looking at Youhabach, in a helpless and slightly serious tone, he said to the strategist: "Master, how did you think of this? Why did you? Do you think there is a deeper meaning in what I just said?!"

After hearing Youhabach's words, the strategist also knew directly that his psychological answer just now should be inseparable, but he was cautious and decided to explore to the end!

So he explained to Youhabach: "Sir, it's not that I think too much, and I don't want to think too much, but many times, I have to pay more attention, and what you just said is really meaningful, otherwise what will I do? How can you think about it for so long? Otherwise, I would have cracked the secret of this golden beam with you now!"

After listening to the counselor's words, the last bit of seriousness in Youhabach's tone also disappeared, only to hear Youhabach helplessly say: "You, what are you thinking about? I really didn't have any deeper meaning just now, I What you just said is just a literal meaning!"

After Youhabach finished speaking, he glanced at the military advisor and found that the cold expression on the military officer's face had also eased a lot, so he said helplessly to the military officer: "Besides, don't you know me? Are they all hiding the character of tuck? When did my order not say it directly and clearly, do you need to think more?!"

After hearing Youhabach's words, the strategist was completely relieved. At this time, he also believed that Youhabach really had no deep meaning. Of course, the strategist didn't say that he was from Youhabach. He came to this conclusion directly. From the moment he just asked Youhabach, he has been observing Youhabach's expression!

And he also directly analyzed from Youhabach's expression that all of his own thoughts were made by himself!

Chapter [-] suddenly realized

Thinking of the strategist here, he is also a little amused by the strange thoughts he just had. He now completely believes in Youhabach. What he said just now has almost no other meaning, it is all superficial. It's just a matter of thinking about it!

So the strategist didn't want to think any more, so he respectfully said to Youhabach: "Sir, I'm relieved when you say that, I was a little worried before, I was worried that I couldn't guess what you meant, now It seems that it's not that I didn't guess what you mean, but that I thought too much!"

After the strategist finished speaking, the cold expression on his face disappeared, replaced by a respectful expression, which seemed to show his loyalty and loyalty to Youhabach. Bach's vigilance has also dropped significantly.

However, the strategist knows that although Youhabach is still inseparable from him now, he is still very dependent on him, but he cannot easily give up developing his own power. If he gives up developing his own power now, wait until Youhabach really wants to When he was about to be destroyed, he would have no ability to resist at all!

And now the strategist knows that Youhabach's mood has not improved. Even if it has improved, it was barely improved at the beginning. No matter how much more, there is no big improvement, which means that Youha has improved. Bach has never doubted his intentions until now, and he has not set up this trap with the deputy head of the Star Knights!

So he can now carry out his previous plan with confidence, that is, when this matter is temporarily over, discuss the cooperation with the deputy head of the Star Knights, but while this matter is still in progress, the military division He still hasn't given up on Yohabach, and he will still observe Yohabach all the time!

Therefore, Youhabach is still under the observation of military advisors!

In fact, it's not that the strategist doesn't trust Youhabach, it's because the strategist is too cautious. After the strategist experienced that incident, the strategist is cautious all the time, for fear of another negligence of his own. , and once again brought disaster to himself!

However, when the strategist thought of this, he also saw the helpless expression on the face of Youhabach opposite him. He knew that it was time to give Youhabach an explanation, so the strategist did not hesitate at all, nor did he take his own face into consideration. Or his own arrogance, and bowed directly to Youhabach!

After the strategist bowed, he also said respectfully to Youhabach: "Sir, I'm sorry, I was wrong before, please forgive me!" After the strategist finished speaking, he bowed to Youhabach again. A bow!

When Youhabach finished the first sentence of the strategist, his mood had eased a lot. Just when he was about to say something, the strategist suddenly bowed deeply to him. The bow made him feel very surprised!

He didn't expect that the military advisor who had always been so arrogant and cared about his face would actually show weakness to himself at this time, give up his arrogance, and bowed deeply to himself!

After bowing, the military advisor apologized to him again, and after he apologized, he bowed to Youhabach again!

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