This series of bows made Youhabach feel a little bit overwhelmed. He didn't expect that the military advisor would take the initiative to bring his status to such a low level, and even took the initiative to apologize to himself several times!

After accepting these successive apologies from the strategist, even Youhabach could no longer control his serious emotions. He directly helped the bowed strategist, and then said lightly to the strategist: "Counselor, Well, I forgive you, don't bow again!"

After listening to Youhabach's words, I saw Youhabach's actions again. At this time, the strategist also put the heart that was hanging in his heart directly. He knew that now Youhabach's trust in him has almost reached its peak. Now, this move of his chess is also very perfect!

In fact, all of this, from the strategist's initiative just now to the apology, to the two bows made by the strategist now, are actually pre-planned by the strategist. In order to win the trust of Youhabach, the strategist also came up with this method. Very open, the strategist knows that now is not the time to save face, and face is not worth anything in the current situation!

Therefore, the strategist directly chose to give up his face and expressed his weakness to Youhabach!

And Youhabach still doesn't know that the military advisor has been blinding him since the beginning. He only knows that the military advisor is showing weakness to him now. He still simply thinks that the military advisor is really remorseful. Seeing When the military division is like this, Youhabach's psychology is even more self-blame!

He didn't expect that a random idea of ​​his own almost ruined a capable soldier under him!And a word he said casually would actually make the strategist think for so long!

However, Youhabach didn't think about it seriously. He didn't expect that a common sentence of his own would make the strategist think so deeply. Does that mean that the strategist has been speculating about him from before to now? Thoughts, have been pondering his words?

If the strategist has been thinking about these things, does that mean that the strategist has always been calculating himself and thinking about his next plan? !

However, Youhabach's current state of mind is not enough to make him think about these things. What Youhabach thinks now is more about the apology the military division has just made to him, and the sincere heart of the military division for him!

Therefore, the current Youhabach, did not consider these things at all, and did not even take these things to heart!

It's just that after hearing Youhabach's forgiveness, the strategist said directly to Youhabach: "Okay, my lord, then let's continue to study the secrets in this golden beam of light?"

After listening to the counselor's words, Youhabach also felt that it was right. Now their next step should be to study the next step, instead of studying the matter between the counselor and him just now!

But what Youhabach didn't know was that what the strategist just said did not simply want him to study the secret of this golden beam of light!

What the strategist just said, the deeper secret is to attract the attention of Youhabach, so that what just happened was completely attracted to the golden beam of light!

Chapter [-]: The illusion of the military division?

However, these Youhabachs did not know about it. He still thought that the military advisor was [-]% devoted to him, so he was also directly followed by the military advisor and directly thought of the secret of continuing to study the golden beam of light!

And now Youhabach is sitting directly where he was sitting before. When the strategist saw Youhabach sitting there without any hesitation after hearing his words directly, he also smiled lightly, as if this Everything is under his control!

And now Youhabach is still sitting there waiting for the next step of the military advisor. After sitting there and waiting for a while, he found that the military advisor hadn't spoken to him yet. The dazed military advisor there said: "Come here quickly, what are you doing?!"

After hearing Youhabach's words, the counselor went directly behind Youhabach and said to Youhabach, "Come on, my lord, I'm ready now, just wait for you to control the puppet!" After the counselor finished speaking , and also made a confident expression directly!

At this time, the confident expression of the military commander was not pretended, but he was really confident, and he didn't know if Youhabach would turn back just now, so he also made this expression under uncertainty. , In this case, even if Youhabach turns back, he still has a confident expression on his face, which can also make Youhabach feel more at ease with him!

I have to say that the strategist's calculation ability is really first-class. Ordinary people really have no way to calculate him. Even the always suspicious Youhabach never thought that the strategist would actually calculate him like this, or even It is hard to guard against the calculations of the military division!

At this time, the military advisor behind Youhabach also said directly to Youhabach: "Come on, my lord, have the arms of the two star knights you are controlling have stretched into the area around the golden beam of light? Have you gone to the mysterious guardian force?"

After hearing the words of the military advisor, Youhabach was also stunned for a moment, and then he reacted quickly and responded to the military advisor: "Yes, the two arms of the puppets of the two Star Knights that I control now are already stretched in. Now, it was directly held up by a mysterious force!"

After listening to Youhabach's words, the strategist nodded slightly. In his eyes, this situation is undoubtedly the best situation, and most of the things happening now are according to his expectations. The best developments ever!

Thinking of this, a mysterious smile appeared on the strategist's face, and then he said to Youhabach: "Well, my lord, now try to control one of your puppets, let him reach out and try to touch the golden beam of light, It doesn't matter if you can't touch it, just let his hand go to that!"

After Youhabach listened to the words of the military advisor, he was also puzzled, because Youhabach felt that it didn't seem to be of any use?Can the puppet reach out?Could it be that the puppet's hand will take the initiative to attract the golden beam of light? !Thinking of Youhabach here, it is also very difficult to understand.

But Youhabach thought about what the strategist just said. He couldn't have a little hesitation and thinking, and he couldn't leave any details behind. So Youhabach thought of this, but he still had a hint of helplessness and controlled his two stars. One of the puppets of the Knights, follow the commander's instructions!

But after Yohabach finished, what he didn't expect was that one of the two star knights' puppets he controlled was silently pushed inside by the mysterious guardian force around the golden beam of light. , even now even he himself can't control this feeling of being pushed!

Feeling these, Youhabach also turned his eyes to the military advisor, and when the counselor saw Youhabach's eyes, he felt a little strange. He didn't expect Youhabach to make such a look now. A look that someone with his character would almost never make!

Only seeing Youhabach's eyes at this time is very complicated, so that the military advisor has been by his side for so many years and has observed his eyes countless times, but he has hardly seen Youhabach showing such eyes!

Now Youhabach's eyes are more like a helpless child, showing a lonely feeling towards his distant relatives!

When the strategist saw Youhabach's eyes, he was stunned, but when he came back to his senses again, he found that Youhabach's eyes suddenly changed and became much normal. , is not the kind of particularly complicated look just now!

The strategist was afraid that he had just read it wrong, so he rubbed his eyes in a hurry, but after rubbing his eyes, he found that Youhabach was still looking at him with normal eyes, the kind of eyes that asked him what to do next .

The strategist didn't quite believe that his eyes just now would be wrong, so he also asked You Habach directly, and said to You Habach: "Sir, what's wrong with your eyes just now?" Wrong, I asked carefully, for fear of disturbing Youhabach!

When Youhabach heard the counselor's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then he said to the counselor with a particularly puzzled expression: "What's wrong with the counselor? Is there anything strange in my eyes?"

After hearing Youhabach's answer, the strategist also thought that he might have misunderstood just now. After all, the current Youhabach listens to him almost completely, so he does not doubt that Youhabach will What to say to lie to him, after all, Yohabach now trusts him almost [-]%!

So the strategist was also sloppy and said to Youhabach: "It's okay, my lord, I may have read it wrong just now, maybe I haven't had a good rest recently, and my eyes are dazzled, haha."

The strategist also forcibly explained a wave, otherwise, the strategist himself would not be able to think of what to say to Youhabach to explain his appearance just now.

After Youhabach heard the counselor's words, although he still had doubts on his face, he also knew that the counselor must be loyal to him now. If he really had something to do, the counselor would not hide it from himself. So the military division may have been really dazzled just now!

So far, Youhabach can only comfort himself like this, and Youhabach has not yet found out that he is actually being controlled by the strategist in some way, but he has not realized it yet, he is really. Too much trust in military advisors, trust is a little too much!

At this time, the military advisor was also saying to himself: "Maybe, I was really dazzled just now, didn't I?!"

Chapter [-] Success?

Youha Bach really trusts the military advisor too much now, because there are only two of them, and the only one who can see his trust is the military advisor himself, and it is impossible for the military advisor to remind him about this, so Youha Bach didn't feel like he was being controlled by the strategist at all!

This kind of control is not actually an actual control, it should be regarded as a kind of spiritual control at most. Youhabach did not trust the strategist as much as he does now. Even before he suspected the strategist, although he was very dependent on the strategist, he I have never trusted a military master so much!

And since the counselor took the initiative to confess to him just now that the counselor had concealed from him, he began to trust the counsellor almost unconditionally. Even when he trusted the counselor, he still doubted himself, blamed himself, and even had a little doubt. Your own decision!

But even at that time, Youhabach still didn't fully trust the military advisor. The real reason to make Youhabach fully trust the military advisor was when the counselor was thinking about Youhabach's words. After that incident, Youhabach told himself The self-blame is even more serious, and at the same time, he has almost [-]% trust in the military advisor!

And Youhabach will never know that from the first time until now, it is actually the layout of the strategist. Although some places are also arranged by the strategist unintentionally, most of them are the strategist. Set up by yourself!It's all arranged and planned by the military division!

However, if Youhabach realizes this, it is estimated that the military division has grown to an ability that he can hardly control and can almost fight against him!

And the current Youhabach doesn't take these things into consideration at all. He only knows that the counselor is really loyal to him now. If he doubts the counselor again, then he really has no conscience!

Therefore, Youhabach also chose to fully listen to the arrangements of the military division!

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