So he can't help but feel a little proud now, but he is only showing it in his own psychology. In fact, his expression should be very serious, otherwise, Youhabach will definitely think more, and If he laughed directly, then Yohabach would probably treat him directly and seriously!

After all, if he laughed directly, no matter how tolerant Youhabach was to him, he would definitely think that he was making fun of him, and no matter who it was, as long as he dared to make fun of Youhabach, he would basically be punished by Youha. Bach beheaded on the spot!

Even if he is a strategist and has a very important psychological status in Youhabach, there is no way to escape the fate of being killed. After all, Youhabach still values ​​his dignity and status very much!

Thinking of this, the strategist didn't talk nonsense anymore, and said to Youhabach: "Sir, you are now waiting for a dark flash on the surface of this golden beam of light, you seize this opportunity to control the Star Knights that you control. The puppet's hands wrapped in spiritual power can be inserted directly under the golden beam of light!"

After the strategist finished speaking, he glanced at Youhabach and added again: "By the way, don't forget, you must seize this opportunity, neither fast nor slow!"

After the strategist finished speaking, he also turned his eyes to Youhabach, and looked directly at Youhabach with his serious and serious expression and eyes.

And when Youhabach saw the strategist's eyes, he also knew that the strategist must be very serious and serious now, so when Youhabach thought of this, his originally expressionless face was instantly filled with seriousness. The expression looked at the military division.

And in the eyes he looked at the military advisor, the slightly unsteady eyes before, also became very firm in an instant!

When the strategist saw Youhabach's reply to his eyes, the two of them also looked at each other and nodded to each other almost at the same time.

Now they both know each other's minds, but what they know is a little bit different from what the other party really thinks!

When the strategist saw Youhabach's eyes, at first glance, he thought that Youhabach was really looking at himself so seriously, and he was really serious about this matter, but just when the strategist thought that Youhabach was now When his attitude was already so good, he also suddenly saw something wrong from Youhabach's expression!

Although Youhabach's expression now seems to be very firm and serious, but from his expression, Youhabach actually forced himself to become like this in order to successfully win this golden beam of light!

However, when the strategist thought of this, he did not think it was too strange, because based on the strategist's understanding of Youhabach for so many years, Youhabach really likes treasures, and even likes treasures to an obsessive level. Even if the value of the treasure is not equal to the price paid, he will definitely go back and snatch it!

Unless the value of the treasure is really too different from the value that you want to pay, Youhabach will not give up to win the treasure, so when the strategist saw the expression on Youhabach's face, he didn't say anything. What, just nodding to Yohabach!

On the side of Youhabach, when he saw this look from the military advisor, he obviously did not think so much as the military advisor. What the military advisor considered, and his various psychological abilities were added together. If Youha Bach can see the psychological thoughts of the counselor with the eyes of the counselor alone, so I am afraid that Youhabach will not be able to use the counselor for a long time!

And Youhabach has only one solution for the things that he can't use, and that is to kill them all. After all, Youhabach doesn't care about anything else at all. What he really values ​​in his mind is only It's only himself, but he won't leave him troubles!

It is precisely because the strategist realized this that he would always count friends Habach everywhere. It is not that he really wanted to count friends Habach, but if he did not count friends Habach too much, Friends Habach might. Inadvertently, if you feel that you are useless, you may directly kill yourself!

Just now, Youhabach saw the strategist's eyes, and only saw the firmness and trust in the eyes of the strategist. After Youhabach thought about it, he didn't think of anything really useful, although Youhabach felt that the strategist had nothing. There seemed to be something wrong with his expression, but he didn't see what was wrong.

So now Youhabach still decides to trust the strategist. After all, the strategist can still help him win the treasure, so after the strategist finished talking to him, he has been observing the golden beam of light, waiting for the strategist just now. The phenomenon that was said to him.

And he waited for a long time, but he didn't find out that the mysterious phenomenon that the strategist said was there.

The first thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight chapters of the military division's assistance

In fact, the phenomenon that the strategist said to Youhabach was discovered when the strategist just discovered the secret of the golden beam of light, and when the strategist said it to Youhabach, in fact, this phenomenon was won with Youhabach. This golden beam of light has nothing to do with it!

And the purpose of the strategist saying this to Youhabach was just to plot against him. The strategist knew that Youhabach was a lot suspicious. If it was so simple, you would have been caught by Kirito who was hiding in the dark. Trap, Yuhabach might even suspect that he was plotting against him with Kirito!

So, just in case, the strategist also used a lot of steps for Youhabach. In fact, it was not just the step just now. Even Youhabach just wrapped his spiritual power in the two star knights he controlled. When the puppet's hands are in his hands, he designed it with his own hands. In fact, there is no need to work so hard at all!

Through the observation just now, the strategist has actually seen that Youhabach is really suspicious now, and the golden beam of light, after observing it for so long, he has roughly determined that this golden beam of light does not even need to be Two puppets of Yohabach together!

It only takes one of the two puppets to enter the mysterious guardian force around the mysterious golden beam of light, control one's own power a little, and then directly give the mysterious character hidden under the golden beam of light. Just take it out!

However, the strategist thought: Since Youhabach prefers to do some formal things, then let Youhabach do more of these useless things, and what is even more ridiculous is that Youhabach is now doing nothing. The more meaningful things, the more he believes in himself!

Thinking of this, the strategist also smiled inwardly. When he quietly watched Youhabach observe the surface of the golden beam of light, he was also observing Youhabach!

In fact, even the strategist himself, trying to observe the phenomenon on the golden beam of light, is very laborious. You must know that when the strategist just observed the different phenomenon, but he was in a state of meditation, then At that time, he was both mind and spirit concentrated!

When the strategist just exited the state of meditation and tried to find the change in the golden beam of light, he also searched for a long time before he saw a momentary dim flash on the golden beam of light!

So others may not know it, but the strategist knows that it is almost impossible to truly observe the bleak flash above this golden beam of light without constant concentration!

The worst thing about Youhabach is patience and concentration. Although Youhabach's observation skills are admired even by military advisors, there is no way to maintain your concentration and patience for a long time, so This is also the reason why Youhabach has always had to rely on military advisors!

And it is precisely because of this that the strategist asked Youhabach to find this thing that he basically couldn't find. You must know that he is now the hope of Youhabach to win the treasure!

Just when the strategist was thinking about this, Youhabach also gave up the search directly, turned his head and said to the strategist: "Master, does the dimness on the golden beam of light you mentioned really exist? If it is true If it exists, why haven't I found it for so long?"

At this time, although Youhabach said this to the counselor, Youhabach did not mean to question the counselor at all, but Youhabach really couldn't find the mysterious bleak color that the counselor said, so Youhabach Only then will he turn his attention to the military master!

And the words that Youhabach just said were all helpless words that he felt that he really couldn't find what the strategist said!

When the strategist heard Youhabach's words, he also understood what Youhabach said in the words. He knew that Youhabach said these words, and he really did not doubt his words, but really There's no way to find that mysterious bleak he's talking about!

And the tone of Youhabach just now was only because Youhabach had already felt desperate about finding something, so he would say such words. In fact, Youhabach still trusts the military advisor very much, but Now he, no matter what, he has to find a military advisor to get a plan!

Thinking of this, the strategist also said directly to Youhabach: "Sir, have you just been looking for it seriously? I can tell you responsibly that the dimness on the golden beam of light I just mentioned is exactly what you are looking for. In the process, it has flashed three times!"

After the strategist finished speaking, he also looked at Youhabach with a serious face. He knew that although Youhabach had been looking there just now, he must not have been looking for it seriously. If Youhabach was really looking for it seriously. If so, it is impossible to find a trace!

After hearing the military advisor's words, Youhabach's face also showed a surprised expression. Although he knew that the golden beam of light had probably flashed past and was dim, he did not expect that the flash was dim. The speed is so fast!

So when Youhabach listened to the counselor's words, he also said to the counselor: "No way, I just stared at the golden beam very seriously,,,"

Just halfway through Yohabach's words, the military advisor gestured for Yohabach not to speak, and then he also said to Yohabach: "Sir, did you really not notice a little difference? If you find If not, then our plan will be difficult to implement!"

After the strategist finished speaking, he also turned his attention to Youhabach, and Youhabach has been looked at by the strategist for so long, and Youhabach is a little hairy!

So Youhabach also said directly to the military advisor: "Military advisor, what do you say? I was really serious about looking for the trace you mentioned, I really didn't see it, or else What do you think I can do? And I can't find the trace you mentioned now, can't I get this treasure?"

As Youhabach was talking, he was getting more and more angry, and his temperament was getting more and more angry, and he even felt a little bit about to attack.

However, the military advisor at this moment did not seem a little flustered when he saw Youhabach like this. You must know what happened before Youhabach, which made him look like this. It is not a minority at all, so the military advisor I'm almost used to it!

After thinking about it for a while, the strategist also said to Youhabach: "Well, my lord, I have a way, which may be a little dangerous, but are you willing to try it?!"

Chapter [-] do useless work

And when Youhabach heard the counselor's words, his eyes lit up instantly. He didn't expect that at this time, the counselor actually had his own way, so when the counselor said he had a way, he almost blurted out to the counselor and said: "What can you do?"

At this moment, in Youhabach's heart, almost no matter what the strategist says, Youhabach will basically not refute it, so Youhabach's thoughts just now are also directly known by the strategist, and the strategist has always Taking advantage of Yohabach's psychology, he calculated him step by step!

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