However, even the military advisor did not expect that Youhabach's thoughts are so strong now. He even caught himself by surprise when he had just finished speaking, and asked himself what he had just said!

But the strategist also reacted quickly. You must know that what is in front of Youhabach is not something that is insignificant. It is a naked treasure. If Youhabach doesn't even look down on treasure, So what can he see? !

Therefore, the strategist also expressed his full understanding of Youhabach's behavior just now, and then thought for a moment in his heart, and then his face was straight, and he said to Youhabach: "Well, sir, if you did not observe If there is an abnormality on this golden beam of light, then only I can remind you!"

After the strategist finished speaking, he also glanced at Youhabach, and then said: "Sir, we can use this method, I can observe the rapid fading of this mysterious golden beam of light, and I just discovered that this bleakness is a regular pattern!"

And after hearing what the strategist said, Youhabach also said to the strategist, "Is there a rule?!"

At this moment, Youhabach doesn't seem to believe his ears. He never thought that such an ordinary golden beam of light, with a little fluctuation of power on it, is still regular!

Thinking of Youhabach here, he also said directly to the strategist: "Okay, Sergeant, now help me to see the speed of this law!"

After listening to Youhabach's words, the strategist shook his head lightly and said to Youhabach: "Sir, you still think too much, although I can remind you, but don't forget what I said. And your reaction time is time!"

"And the bleak above this mysterious golden beam of light is only for a moment, but it is very fast!"

After the strategist finished speaking, he also turned his eyes to Youhabach. At this moment, all his eyes were full of trust!

And when Youhabach saw the strategist's eyes, he also felt a little bit of peace of mind. Although he knew that he was very anxious now, after seeing the strategist's eyes, he actually became a little calmer!

But even so, Youhabach still directly asked the question in his heart: "The strategist, what do you think we should do? Are we so close, do we need to transmit the voice directly in our hearts?!"

After hearing Youhabach's words, the strategist shook his head slightly and said to Youhabach: "No, no, no, sir, even if it is sound transmission, your reaction will take time. If your reaction is slow, Even sound transmission is useless!"

After the strategist said this, he also seemed to see a little sense of loss on Youhabach's face, so he immediately said to Youhabach: "However, sir, you don't need to worry about this matter, I just need to do the math!"

After hearing the counselor's words, the flame of hope that had just been extinguished by Youhabach was ignited again in an instant, and Youhabach couldn't wait to ask the counselor: "Forget it? Counselor, can it still be counted? Then tell me how to do it!"

The strategist shook his head helplessly and said to Youhabach: "Sir, I can do the calculation in this regard. All you need to do is to cooperate with me for a while!"

After the strategist finished speaking, he also directly focused his eyes on the screen in front of the two star knights who were now controlled by Youhabach, hoping to find the time distance of the mysterious phenomenon around the golden beam of light. Average!

And the strategist immersed himself in the calculation for a long time, and finally came out, how often the dimness on the golden beam in front of him will flash!

Just when the strategist was about to figure out how often the dimness above the golden beam of light would flash, Youhabach was still thinking about what the strategist said to him just now: "Cooperate with him? How will I cooperate with him? He hasn't Tell me what to do, and let me cooperate with him?!"

However, Youhabach also knew that since the counselor said so, it proved that he must be able to do something with the counselor, so Youhabach also quietly waited for the counselor's next sentence.

And when the strategist came out of this interval, he kept shouting to Youhabach: "Sir, attack the ground!"

Youhabach was startled by the sudden sound of the military division, but after he reacted, he also instantly attacked the ground, and when he saw that there was nothing in the ground attacked by him, he also instantly controlled The puppets of his two star knights are ready to gather their strength to attack the ground under their feet once again!

When seeing Youhabach doing this, the military advisor also hurriedly stopped Youhabach. His purpose was not to let Youhabach know what was on the ground around this golden beam of light. He just wanted to pass this A sudden word, test the reaction speed of Yohabach!

During the period from Yohabach's reaction to attacking the ground, the strategist also directly collected the most accurate data, and directly began to study the next step of this matter!

In fact, in fact, Youhabach is now directly controlling the puppet of his own Star Knights, and he can directly get this mysterious golden beam of light that he has always wanted!

But Youha Bach was stunned by the strategist, and he just let himself be forced by the strategist to do so many things, so much useless effort!

In fact, thanks to Yohabach not knowing these things, if Yohabach really knew about these things, Yohabach would probably be pissed off?

Chapter [-]: The New Discovery of Kirito

In fact, there is no need for the strategist to calculate when the bleak above the mysterious golden beam of light will come out. After all, the phenomenon Youhabach can't see at all, and as long as he pretends to be a little bit like, that Youhabach must not be. Know if it's true!

However, in order to seek stability, the strategist also decided to provide real data with Youhabach. After all, if Youhabach really found out that he was talking about this matter casually, then he would be finished!

Therefore, he also wanted to reassure Youhabach and reassure himself. He didn't perfunctory Youhabach so casually, but really calculated when the bleakness on the golden beam of light would disappear. After all, this matter counts. It's not too difficult to get up!

And when Youhabach was just stopped by the strategist from his next move, he also had a doubt on his face, but when he looked back and saw the half-smiling expression on the strategist's face, he also knew why the strategist suddenly suddenly In between let yourself attack the ground!

It turned out that the military adviser just now tested his reaction speed when he suddenly hadn't reacted with the help of himself, and he now knows that his reaction speed just now should have been directly remembered in the military adviser's mind!

So he didn't say anything to the strategist, just nodded slightly to the strategist to show that he understood what the strategist just meant.

When the strategist saw Youhabach nodded to him, he also knew that Youhabach must have understood what he meant just now, and nodded to Youhabach.

it is more than words.

At this moment, when the strategist learned about the data he just had, he also instantly knew when he should remind Youhabach, but the strategist also pretended to calculate it in his own mind, and made a meditation. His expression lasted for a few seconds before he raised his head.

And these things that the strategist has just done are actually all to show off Youhabach. He wants to make a not so powerful appearance in front of Youhabach!

But just when the strategist just raised his head, Youhabach kept looking at him with a greedy look. He knew that the strategist had just done some psychological calculations and should have directly figured out what he just needed. Data is up!

At this time, the strategist should be able to tell him directly, and the strategist must have figured out when he should act. When he thought of this, Youhabach's eyes became even more greedy. Now he Looking at the golden beam of light, it seemed that he had seen the treasure waving to him!

As soon as the strategist raised his head, he found that Youhabach looked a little helpless now. He knew that Youhabach was very greedy, but he did not expect Youhabach to be so greedy, and he kept observing himself. Look at yourself only when you look up!

Looking at Youhabach's expression, the strategist couldn't say anything, but nodded slightly, indicating that Youhabach could now control the puppet of his own Star Knights.

When Youhabach saw the counselor nod, Youhabach also instantly controlled the puppets of his two star knights, and walked directly to the place very close to the golden beam of light, ready to wait for the counselor's next instructions!

The strategist's eyes at this moment also showed a trace of light, and when he saw a difference flashing on the golden beam of light, he also said softly directly to Youhabach: "Sir, prepare! "

After hearing the counselor's words, Youhabach also directly faced the puppet of the Star Knights who controlled him, bent down slightly, and was about to insert the spiritually wrapped hands of the two Star Knights' puppets he controlled directly into this place. Below the golden beam of light!

At the same time, what Yuhabach didn't know was that Kirito, who was hiding himself on the side, was already thinking about it, ready to detonate the trap he had been preparing!

When Kirito just saw the puppets of the two Star Knights who were controlling him, he was also shocked. He knew that his chance was finally coming. The opportunity of the trap, so he is also suddenly very excited!

And when he saw Yohabach control his two star knights' puppets to approach the bottom of the golden beam of light, his nerves became more and more tense. You must know that he really feels that he has always been The wait is over!

So when he saw Yohabach control his two puppets to walk over, he was also very excited, just when he saw that the two star knights' puppets controlled by Yohabach were close to the explosion range of his trap At that time, he was also about to detonate the trap that he had prepared for a long time!

And just when he was about to detonate his own trap, he saw the puppets of the Star Knights under the control of Yohabach, and suddenly listened, and then bent over there, wondering what they were doing?

Seeing Kirito here, he was also stunned for a moment. He didn't detonate his trap right away, but he wanted to see what Yuhabach was doing!

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