And he only needs to judge the direction to determine the direction that the puppet of the Star Knights who was blasted by the mysterious golden beam of light flew out. At that time, he only needs to observe that direction, and at the same time be careful about the anxious surroundings attack on it!

But he can't do it now. Although he can see at a glance that the puppet of the Star Knights that was knocked out flew in that direction, he is not sure that the puppet of the Star Knights that was knocked out will definitely be there. that direction!

After all, there is such a big smokescreen now, let alone him, even Yamamoto, there is no way to know the unknown things ahead!

Therefore, Kirito must now calculate and observe this handprint a lot, calculate how far this mysterious handprint is from his current position, and his heart can also have a mental preparation!

At that time, you can know the approximate location of the place in advance, and you can also roughly guarantee that you will not be attacked!

Chapter [-]: Kirito's Raid

So now Kirito is also making crazy calculations in his own brain. He needs to calculate from such a little trace how far the puppet of the Star Knights was blown out by the mysterious golden beam of light!

In this way, you can also save a little time to the maximum, and rush to the past directly and quickly. Otherwise, if the other party is not in a coma, [-]% of the other party will observe everywhere, and now the surrounding is so quiet, although you have moved. It's so slow, but the sound is still very obvious!

It's better to figure out how far the enemy is from you now, and you can easily give the enemy a surprise attack, kill or seriously injure the enemy with a lightning-quick momentum!

Thinking of Kirito here, he once again accelerated the operation of his brain. He needed to find the specific location of the puppet of the Star Knights who was knocked out from the little clues!

And the current Kirito's brain is even more busy. If it is a very sunny weather and the visibility is very high, other people can even find a trace of white air on Kirito's head. It was something like steam and nothing else, it was the gas evaporated from Kirito's fast-moving brain!

Now the sweat that just flowed from Kirito's head, I don't know when, all of it dried up, and all of it turned into a trace of steam and floated upwards!

If there is a person beside Kirito at this moment, then this person will definitely feel very cold, because all the surrounding heat is converging on Kirito's brain, and it is this invisible heat , provides power to Kirito's fast-moving brain!

Just when Kirito felt that his brain could be melted directly, a string of numbers suddenly appeared in his head, and no one could understand this string of numbers, except for Kirito. outside!

Because this is a series of numbers with its own independent characteristics that Kirito thought up when he was just running his brain rapidly. This string of numbers can even play a special secret role. Moreover, Kirito can also allow the designated person to understand this string of numbers, thus secretly conveying things that he does not want others to know!

But now it seems that Kirito does not need this string of numbers for the time being. He can only use it when Kirito really needs to pass on secrets in a very critical situation, so Kirito also thought of this string of numbers he just came up with. The special numbers have recorded their own psychology, which is convenient to use when there is time in the future!

At this moment, he has also calculated the set of data he has been calculating. Based on a very simple thing, the bloody handprint on the back of the kraft paper he just observed, he directly deduced that he and the gold-colored The distance between the two Star Knights puppets that the beam of light flew out of!

And when Kirito got the data he needed, he didn't hesitate at all. He took a step and rushed directly to the direction where one of the two Star Knights' puppets that he had just seen was shot flying. All he wants to do now is to destroy them one by one!

After all, under the current situation, breaking one by one is undoubtedly the best choice for Kirito, and it is also the most correct choice. Under this choice, he can use all his strength to fight against the one he wants to kill. person, so that you can temporarily avoid the threat of another person!

At this moment, Kirito, when sprinting, did not forget to use his own mental power to explore the surrounding environment to find out what is around him. If there is, then he can be the first The discovery of time, and then go to solve what you found!

After all, if something appears on the path that he has already judged, then nine times out of ten, he is ambushing himself. If he turns a blind eye, then he is likely to be controlled by the two star knights controlled by Youhabach. The puppet is attacked by the front and back!

Thinking of Kirito here, he also spread his spiritual power farther. He has almost nothing to be afraid of now. What he is afraid of is that if he is really attacked here, or if he is attacked back and forth, What should I do!

However, the environment here is relatively friendly to Kirito. When Kirito rushed forward, he did not find anything strange on the path of his raid, so now he is also relatively of ease!

But even like this, Kirito still has no intention of giving up his vigilance.After all, the environment around him is full of unknowns, and he doesn't know if something strange will suddenly appear in the smokescreen around him!

Thinking of this, Kirito felt even more numb, but Kirito still did not hesitate, and continued to rush forward in the direction of his own judgment!

However, even Kirito feels very inconceivable now, and even has a little fear, because the distance he just estimated is even more than the distance from the golden beam of light at the ambush location he just had. It's a lot farther, and it's even close to reaching the maximum distance of the little black shadows that he summoned!

He is also faintly admiring the power of that golden beam of light. You must know that being able to blow a person so far is not only about his strength, but if one person wants to blow another person If it blows up so far, many conditions must be met!

But if it is a simple explosion, if you want to blow a person so far, it will be even more difficult. It is equivalent to a person who only uses brute force to directly push a heavy person out that way!

Therefore, the power of this explosion now seems to be far beyond Kirito's expectations. He is even thinking, when will he be able to have such a strong power, just rely on a little brute force, directly Throwing a person out such a distance? !

But Kirito just thought of this, and he shook his head with a slight smile. He knew that if he wanted to achieve this kind of power, then basically there would be no one in the entire soul world who could be his opponent, even Yamamoto. , you will respectfully call yourself a senior!

When Kirito thought of this, it was simply too beautiful, but he also quickly got out of his imagination, because of his current mental power, he discovered something!

Chapter [-]: A Quiet Raid

The thing that Kirito has discovered now, he is not sure what it is now. This thing is the mental power released by his body. The thing he found is not far from his left front, and this distance He can't see with his eyes yet!

And Kirito's current mental power is not very advanced, he can only judge that there is something in that direction, but he has no way to determine what it is, so he is also surprised, because normally, that There should be nothing in the direction, but at this moment there is actually a mass of things!

So Kirito is also heartbroken. He doesn't know what that thing is now, but according to his inference, that thing should be a person, but his mental power should be able to detect what shape it is. Ah, the shape of that thing does not look like a person!

Therefore, Kirito decided to take a look at it himself to see what it was. After he was sure that it was safe, he would continue to move in the direction he had just made, because according to the distance he deduced, the star knight group's The distance that the puppet was flew out by Ji, and the distance from him now, still takes a little time!

And his error can't be so big, so Kirito also decided to go and see for himself, what is the thing that he detected with his spiritual power!

Thinking of Kirito here, he also said to his heart: "I have to take a look for myself, otherwise I really can't put my mind down!"

Kirito, who finished speaking to his heart, nodded slightly, and walked towards that mysterious thing step by step!

And he also kept an eye on it. He circled directly and walked towards that thing, which should be in the back direction, because he deduced in his heart that this thing might be one of the puppets of the Star Knights. a puppet!

However, according to his inference, even if the puppets of the two Star Knights were blown away in different directions, the distance they flew should be roughly the same, but now it seems that the distance that this mysterious thing was blown away, Just a little more than half of the distance I deduced!

But Kirito thought about it carefully again, he should have made a mistake, it is really like this, then why is this thing, or this person, flying so close?

All of this will not be known until Kirito really arrives in front of that strange object. Before that, everything about Kirito is just conjecture, rather than a random conjecture that is useless here, Might as well see it for yourself!

And this time, Kirito's footsteps are also a little faster. It only took a few minutes for Kirito to come directly to the side of the mysterious thing he just discovered. At this time, He once again used his mental power to probe the outside, and it also reflected more clearly what this thing beside him was!

At this very moment, it seems that because of the passage of time for a long time, the smoke screen in the sky has also dissipated a lot. When he saw this, Kirito couldn't help but cursed in his heart. : "Damn, is this damn weather specifically against me? When I was about to observe just now, the smoke screen was so heavy, and now I want to hide it, it has become lighter?!"

However, Kirito also understands that now is not the time to complain, just when Kirito thought of this, he glanced down, but with such an ordinary glance, he also saw the person next to him. What the hell is this thing!

This thing is nothing else, it is one of the puppets of the Star Knights controlled by Yuhabach, and what Kirito observes for the first time is not the injury of the puppet of the Star Knights, he observes it for the first time. , is the hand of the puppet of this Star Knights!

When he saw the hand of the puppet of the Star Knights, he also sighed slightly. The puppet of the Star Knights was obviously not the one he had cut up before, but the one who was killed by himself very happily. The one that was dropped, this also proves that his inference is still correct so far!

After seeing this, Kirito felt a little relieved in his heart. After all, he already knew that the puppet of the Star Knights in front of him was not the one that flew so far as he had just deduced. The puppet of the Star Knights who was dismembered by himself!

But what makes Kirito puzzled is why this puppet of the Star Knights is clearly standing with another puppet of the Star Knights, so why is this puppet flying so close, while the other puppet is almost About to fly to the limit of your own little black ghost?

But the current Kirito also feels that thinking about these things now does not seem to be of much help to his next battle and the actions he is about to take, so he is also starting to do some things that he was particularly suspicious of just now. After that mysterious golden beam of light exploded, how lethal was it?

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