Thinking of Kirito here, he also started to observe directly, to observe the injuries on the puppet of the Star Knights in front of him, but in order not to frighten the snake, so now Kirito is only using his own eyes to observe the puppet of the Star Knights in front of him wound!

But Kirito just observed this puppet of the Star Knights controlled by Yohabach with his own eyes, and he saw a lot of things that made him feel incredible!

It even made him feel shocked, and made him feel that all of his own, including his previous simple inferences, was really too hasty!

When he saw the puppet of the Star Knights in front of him, he knew just how powerful the explosion of the golden beam of light was. As far as he could see now, he only saw the puppet of the Star Knights in front of him, and there was nothing on his body. Great place, the whole body is bloody!

What's even worse is that the body of the Star Knights, the connection of each bone has been broken and cannot be broken again. At the connection between the bones, there is only a bunch of minced meat left at this moment. There it is hard to support!

Even Kirito, who had seen the big scene, felt incredible about the scene in front of him. He knew that even if he hit with all his strength, or even overdrawn the strength of his body, he would never be able to do this!

However, although the current Kirito was deeply shocked by the explosion of the golden beam of light just now, Kirito is also very calm now. He knows that now is a perfect opportunity for him. If he can seize the opportunity, he can If you directly kill a puppet of the Star Knights controlled by Youhabach, then your pressure will be relieved a lot!

Thinking of Kirito here, he also directly summoned his own Zanpakutō. In order not to frighten the snake, he did not even inject his spiritual power into the Zanpakutō, but directly from the top to the bottom, towards the back of the Star Knights. past!

Chapter [-] Youhabach's reaction

Just as Kirito raised his Zanpakutō and was about to cut it down, the puppet of the Star Knights controlled by Yuhabach, who was under him, took advantage of the moment Kirito's sword fell, and suddenly Dodging Kirito's sword is basically a sure-kill attack!

It turned out that just after the sergeant and the deputy head of the Star Knights evaded the devastating attack of Youhabach, the sergeant also took the puppet of the Star Knights back to the room where Youhabach was. This house should not be considered a house!

Because this house was under the devastating attack of Youhabach's power, there were almost only some ruins left. It was a relatively luxurious house at first. At this moment, there are only a few walls left, and everything else is almost They were all destroyed directly by the destructive force of Yohabach just now!

But even if this room has become like this, when the military advisor arrived at the door, he still said to Youhabach inside: "Sir, I'm back!"

Afterwards, the military sergeant also walked directly into the house, and the deputy head of the Star Knights, also very consciously, stood at the door of the house again and did not go in, because the deputy head of the Star Knights was very clear about himself. position, so he is also standing here honestly!

In the house at this moment, there is almost nothing left. Youhabach slumped weakly on the ground. Although he looks very downright now, no one dares to question his strength!

So the current strategist also respectfully walked in front of Youhabach, stretched out his hand, and motioned Youhabach to get up!

At this time, Youhabach, who had just vented his strength, also felt a little collapse in his body, but he was only temporarily collapsed because of excessive release of strength, not really no strength, he Sitting here at this moment, he doesn't know what he is thinking!

And just when he was stunned here, the military advisor also walked in front of him, stretched out his hand to him, and signaled that he wanted to pull him up.

But at this time, Youhabach, who has always been very self-improving, did not refuse the hand that the counselor extended, but just grabbed the counselor's hand a little, and with a little help, he stood up directly.

At this moment, Youhabach, who had just vented his anger, seemed unusually calm, but Youhabach, who seemed so calm, did not forget the reason why he had just gone mad, that is, he had clearly gotten the The golden beam of light suddenly exploded?

He sat there just now and thought about it for a long time. Now that the military advisor is back, it is time for the military advisor to give him a reasonable explanation.

So Youhabach said to the military officer with a blank expression: "Master, you came back just in time. I ask you, why did I just get the golden beam of light in my hand, and it suddenly exploded? Why has it been good all the time? Will the golden beam of light explode?"

When Youhabach said this, it can be said that he was very calm, and there was not even a little turbulence in the calm, but the strategist knew that Youhabach had vented his anger now, but it did not mean that Youha Bach can have a little tolerance for things that irritate him!

If his answer is not good, Youhabach will not even give himself any opportunity to explain, and directly brutally kill himself here!

Therefore, the strategist understands that he must answer the question of his friend Harbach today, otherwise, his life may be over!

But the strategist is not very nervous now. On the way back here, even when he just left from Youhabach, he had already calculated that Youhabach would ask him about this, so he thought about it for so long. , he also came up with an almost perfect response to Yohabach's words!

But even so, the strategist is still very careful, because he knows that as long as he is not careful, he may be killed by Youhabach directly. Even if he shows something wrong, Youhabach will never give up easily, after all , this is the treasure that Yohabach has been thinking about for a long time!

So the strategist also brewed for a long time in his heart, after thinking about his words, he also straightened his face, and said to Youhabach seriously: "Sir, what you want to know is why You have already obtained the mysterious golden beam of light just now, but why did the golden beam of light suddenly explode, right?!"

Youhabach didn't speak, but he nodded slightly on his expressionless face, and signaled the military division to continue talking.

When seeing Youhabach like this, the military advisor nodded slightly, but his face was even more serious, he said to Youhabach: "Sir, think back carefully, you just got the When the mysterious golden beam of light appeared, what did you do?"

At this moment, Youhabach was waiting for the strategist's answer. He suddenly heard the strategist's question at this moment, and he was also stunned, but then he responded quickly and replied to the strategist's words: "I just, I was taking When I arrived at that mysterious golden beam of light, didn't I tell you that the mysterious golden beam of light was very light?"

After hearing Youhabach's words, the strategist nodded slightly, and then said to Youhabach: "Well, yes, I know this, my lord, what's next?"

When he heard the counselor's words, Youhabach also felt inexplicable. He clearly asked the counselor himself, but now he has become the counselor and asked himself, but in order to find out why his golden beam of light suddenly exploded, he also said to the counselor: "I In order to show that the golden beam of light is very light, I also want to change someone..."

Before Youhabach finished speaking, the military advisor interrupted him directly and said to Youhabach, "Sir, stop!"

Chapter [-] The excuse of the military division

When Youhabach hadn't finished speaking, the military advisor also interrupted him suddenly, with a serious expression on his face, he said to Youhabach: "Sir, you just said that you are replacing the golden beam of light that you just got in your hand. Another person is holding it instead of two people holding it, right?"

When the strategist said this, his expression was terrifyingly cold, and even Youhabach, who had always been fearless, was startled when he saw the strategist's expression now!

But Youhabach, after all, is also a person who has experienced big scenes. When he saw the military division like this, he was only frightened for a while, and then he was relieved in an instant, and he also eased his emotions. The strategist said slowly: "Yes, what's wrong? I just wanted you to see the weight of that mysterious golden beam of light."

Although Youhabach said these words in a normal tone without any emotion, it was not difficult to hear from his words that Youhabach actually didn't take this matter to heart at all, or even didn't at all. Take what the strategist just said seriously.

Seeing the strategist here, he also pretended to be very angry. Although the strategist is not very angry now, the strategist also has to pretend to be very angry. Otherwise, there is no way for him to do the next thing. Keep talking to Yohabach!

Thinking of the military advisor here, the expression on his face became even colder, and at the same time he frowned hard, and said to Youhabach word by word: "Sir, you are sure, you let go. Hand right?!"

Before You Habach responded to the counselor, the counselor followed this sentence and said to Youhabach: "Sir, do you know what I told you when I asked you to take the golden beam of light just now? What is it? Did it tell you that you have to listen to me in all the details, right?!"

After the strategist finished speaking, he also kept pretending to be very angry. If the strategist didn't pretend to be very angry, then Youhabach wouldn't believe it, so the strategist also tried his best to show a good attitude for the next thing. It looks like it's burning with anger!

Sure enough, when the strategist looked like he was burning with anger, Youhabach also felt a little surprised. You must know that the strategist has followed him for so many years, but he has never been angry, but during this period of time, from When I controlled the puppets of these two Star Knights, I got angry twice!

And still more and more angry!

Thinking of this, even Youhabach feels a little bit wrong, but Youhabach is also the leader of the Star Knights after all, the king of destroying the empire, how can he be easily frightened by the serious and angry expression of the military adviser Woolen cloth?Wouldn't that be detrimental to his face?

So even if Youhabach knew that the strategist was already burning with anger, Youhabach still had no expression on his face, and said lightly to the strategist: "What's the matter, Sergeant, is this important? "

Youhabach is still thinking that he is on the favorable side, so he has an indifferent attitude, and he doesn't take the military division in his eyes at all!

Thinking of Youhabach here, after saying these words, there was no expression on his face at all, and he just looked at the military division with cold eyes.

When the strategist saw Youhabach's current expression, he was actually a little bit angry. He was really annoyed by Youhabach's current attitude. The appearance of burning in anger is not the same!

So the strategist also said to Youhabach with a little anger: "Sir, do you know why I keep telling you the most important point, that is, all things follow my arrangements, and all details must be Do as I say?!"

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