At this time, the strategist was also very angry, so the strategist did not want to save face for Youhabach at all, but the strategist has always been known for his calmness, so the strategist will not shout at Youhabach.

But the strategist has his own unique way of expressing anger. When the strategist speaks, his demeanor and his words can reflect the very angry look of the strategist now!

And now Youhabach felt a little bit wrong when he saw the appearance of the military advisor, and when he listened to the military advisor carefully, he also felt even more wrong, although he didn't know what was wrong now. , but he always felt like something was missing!

So now he is also a little restrained from his arrogant and ignorant look just now, and asked tentatively to the military officer: "Then, military officer, what did I do just now? Is it the wrong place?"

After Youhabach finished asking, the indifferent look on his face disappeared completely, and was replaced by an expression that was a little wrong!

When seeing Youhabach like this, the military advisor knew that Youhabach must have been fooled by now, otherwise, Youhabach would not make such an expression to himself, when Youhabach looks like now When you show weakness, it means you are successful!

In fact, all of this was designed by the strategist early in the morning. The strategist knew that Youhabach wanted to look like this, so when he told Youhabach about his plan, he had already left a very hidden one. The trap is to leave a way out for yourself!

Because the strategist knew early on that no matter what he said, Youhabach would never have any objection to his plan, and Youhabach couldn't take that golden beam of light no matter what, so let Youha Bach was angry at himself for not being able to get the golden beam of light, it would be better to play a play with Kirito himself!

Anyway, Kirito has been in ambush there, it is better to let Kirito end a little early, and make a little excuse himself!

So from the very beginning, the strategist planted a trap in Youhabach's plan, a very deadly trap!

Thinking of the strategist here, I am also very fortunate. I am glad that I have just left a hand. I am also glad that I have just left an excuse that I am very small. What happened just now, even asking Yohabach to apologize to him is very possible!

You know, even Yohabach couldn't find out about this, because even Yohabach couldn't find out that there was a little flaw in the plan he gave him!

The first thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight chapters of the monologue of the military division

The plan just given by the military advisor to Youhabach seems to be a very simple few steps, but in fact, there are several very small details that are very difficult to notice. You must know such small details, and sometimes even a military advisor They'll all be ignored, let alone the careless guy Yohabach!

What's more, although Youhabach apparently listened to the counselor's words and said that he had done everything, but in fact, Youhabach just listened to a general idea, he knew that he probably did nothing wrong, that's right. !

It is precisely because the strategist knows this that he can set this trap against Youhabach. If Youhabach is a very cautious person, then his plan cannot be implemented!

And the plan just made by the strategist, in fact, is full of traps and traps, and these traps and traps, Youhabach basically avoided all of them, but it is the last trap, because Youhabach is too He was happy, so he was not prepared!

In fact, the last very small detail was not even thought of by the strategist at the beginning. The excuse that the strategist is thinking of now is actually the time when the strategist left from Youhabach. History thinks, so now he can't say it at once, because he has not perfected many details of this matter!

Thinking of the strategist here, he has also continued to perfect the plan that has been constantly tending to perfection in his mind, but now in order to make Youhabach believe in himself more, his tricks have to be played a little more like it!

So after listening to Youhabach's words, the strategist also said to Youhabach with a look of anger: "Sir, you are really going to piss me off, why did I tell you? Two puppets, holding both hands. This mysterious golden beam of light, why do you need both hands? Huh? Do you know?"

After the strategist finished speaking, he even stomped a few feet on the ground, in order to act more like it.

But in fact, the strategist was not angry at all. He was a little angry just now because of Youhabach's attitude, but now Youhabach's attitude has long since become a little submissive, so his little bit The anger has long since disappeared.

And just now he stomped his feet fiercely, which he made up temporarily, because he had never tried this kind of anger before, so he almost laughed, so in order to prevent himself from laughing, he also stomped his feet fiercely. , said that it was very angry!

Sure enough, Youhabach was stunned by this angry expression of the counselor, and even looking at the counselor seemed a little wrong!

This kind of wrong is not because Youhabach doubts the military division, but because Youhabach doubts himself a little now!

What Youhabach doubted himself was, what did he do to make the military division so angry?Is it just because of the last thing I just did?But that one thing is just that he didn't get this treasure of his own?Has this happened often before?Why is it so wrong today? !

However, although Youhabach thought about these things, Youhabach did not express it, but said to the strategist: "I, I don't know."

In fact, Youhabach also wanted to be like the strategist, and said one by one to a bunch of questions he asked, but Youhabach really didn't know where to reply, because the strategist just asked a bunch of questions, It's so messy!

So Youhabach can only answer that he doesn't know now, because now Youhabach doesn't know what else to reply except he doesn't know!

At this moment, when the strategist heard Youhabach's reply that he didn't know, the strategist was also secretly happy in his heart, because although Youhabach didn't know, but what he knew could no longer be known, when the other party confronted him When you can only answer a series of questions that you don’t know, it means that you have the right to speak!

Therefore, the current military division has also successfully grabbed the right to speak from the military division to him!

Don't look at this as just a simple right to speak, but it is such a simple right to speak, but it represents the initiative, and the military advisors who have the initiative can, based on such a little opportunity, directly If it is unfavorable to yourself, turn defeat into victory!

Thinking of the military advisor here, I also smiled in my heart, knowing that I have the right to speak, then I can take the initiative to play everything!

So the strategist also said to Youhabach: "Sir, you still don't understand, you don't know how complicated the plan I provided you is, how much energy and thought I spent to come up with it, you It's so inconsiderate of me!"

After the counselor finished speaking, he also showed a very miserable expression, and when Youhabach saw the expression of the counselor, he also wanted to comfort the counsellor a little, but before Youhabach had time to speak, the counselor The next sentence I said directly: "Okay, sir, I know you will never understand me, but can you understand a little bit about the good intentions of the plan I came up with, even if you don't understand me, you You shouldn't blame me now and later, you may not have thought about it until now, why should I ask you to listen to every word of mine seriously!"

After the strategist finished talking to Youhabach, he also turned around and stopped going to Youhabach!

And Youhabach was a little bit unbearable when he saw the military division like this, and even said that now Youhabach is even a little ashamed, and he doesn't know why he is ashamed, but he just feels a little sorry for the military division, so he is also Reaching out his hand, he wanted to pat the sergeant on the shoulder to comfort the sergeant.

Just when Youhabach stretched out his hand and wanted to pat the military advisor on the shoulder, the military advisor turned around suddenly and looked at Youhabach!

Youhabach, who had already stretched out his hand, actually didn't have any defenses, but he was startled when he saw the strategist turning around suddenly. He didn't know that the strategist would suddenly turn around. , so the military division scared him all of a sudden!

Youhabach only saw that after the military division turned around, he looked at himself with a very resentful look!

Chapter [-] "The Truth Comes Out"

Seeing the commander's look, Youhabach, who had already recovered, was once again taken aback by the commander. Looking at the commander's appearance, he felt a little flustered inexplicably!

And all of this has long been practiced by the strategist, because the strategist has already memorized these movements of Youhabach by heart, so he knew that when he turned around, it was impossible for Youhabach to ignore it. His own, so the moment he turned around, he began to meditate in his heart!

What the strategist meditated on was nothing but the time of Youhabach's reaction, and now he saw Youhabach's expression, which perfectly confirmed his judgment, and even the time when he judged Youhabach was exactly the same. of!

However, the strategist has no time to praise himself now. Now he wants to infuse Youhabach with a concept that he is wrong in his heart, and the condition for the infusion of this concept is also the strategist. The words and the foreshadowing that I have been saying and doing with Yohabach before!

Thinking of the strategist here, he didn't give Youhabach a little time to react, and directly gave Youhabach a final "lore"!

"Sir, do you know that the reason for all these explosions is precisely because you didn't listen to me carefully, you can even say that you didn't take my words to heart at all, I didn't let you take that The golden beam of light, you took it without authorization, and it exploded, and now you have to ask me why, tell me, what should I do?!”

After the strategist said this, he also directly replaced the pitiful expression he had just now with a cold expression just now, staring at Youhabach coldly, and even able to see from the strategist's eyes. , to see a trace of angry expression!

Seeing Youhabach here, he was also a little confused by the question after another question from the counselor. Although he didn't hear what the previous questions were, he could hear the last question from the counselor and him. What are you talking about!

That is: I used a puppet of the Star Knights to take the mysterious golden beam of light, which is why the golden beam exploded, and the strategist told me many times before that I would use two puppets of the Star Knights to take it. That golden beam of light, otherwise, there will be serious consequences!

Thinking of Youhabach here, he also felt that something was wrong, but he still reported a trace of luck, and asked the military advisor: "Military, you mean, because I just used a star knight regiment. The puppet went to get that mysterious golden beam of light, so did he explode?"

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