Chapter [-] at sea

The "Magic Resistance" bonus of the Banshee Veil, coupled with the ultimate defensive power of "Nine Yang Gangqi", made Kirito bombard from the sky even in the face of thousands of fog ninja troops gathered in Dongpu City. Ninjutsu attacks can't give Kirito the slightest damage.

"Water Escaping Great Waterfall Technique!" The signature A-level water escape of Mist Nin Village was released by dozens of Mist Ninja at the same time. For a time, a large amount of chakra was injected into the water vapor, which quickly condensed and formed like a big river and waves. It is worth mentioning that this is an open and flat land. If it is in a place with water, I am afraid it will be even more spectacular and terrifying!However, if there is a lack of geographical advantage, the amount should be piled up. Almost every ninja of the mist ninja will be able to escape by water, but the gap between the levels of the water escape. In this Dongpu City, there are about 80 mist ninja and joinin. There are probably more than 80 people who can use the A-level high-level water escape technique.

As far as the Mist Ninja A-level betrayal of the peach land is concerned, the strength of the elite Junin, the technique of the great waterfall that he exerts with all his strength, is enough to cause the water volume of an entire lake to burst, which shows its great power, and of course its feet Occupying the advantage of the river and the location, among all the escape techniques, the water escape is the most affected by the geographical environment.

The 30 Kirin-Junin in front of them, although they are only ordinary shounin, and do not occupy the geographical advantage, the technique of the waterfall is much weaker, but if these 30 people use it together, it is different. At least it's about 1520 times what Taoji Zaibuzhan did alone!

The 30 A-level water escape attacks just exceeded Kirito's physical defense.

"Forget it, I believe it's enough to attract the attention of the senior members of the mist ninja..." Kirito muttered meaningfully, and then moved his palm, the temperature in the air dropped sharply, and snowflakes fell in the sky.

"Sleeve Snow!"


The snow-white blade waved gently, and immediately at the foot of Kirito, a huge icicle rose from the ground, and Kirito stood on the icicle that rose rapidly, easily avoiding the huge waves of the flood under his feet. attack.

Sometimes, there is no need to be too obsessed with attacking from the front, although it does not mean that he does not have the ability to attack directly, but it does not require that much effort to do so.The so-called skill is also a kind of strength.You can disintegrate the opponent's all-in-one blow at the click of a finger, so why bother to brute force to crack it?

"Huh" avoided the impact of the torrent on the ground, and Kirito slowly fell from a height, his toes landed, and when he landed on the ground, he was immediately frozen by the freezing cold, and the frozen area was even more A very fast point, spreading in all directions.

Originally, as a mist ninja mainly based on water escapes, coupled with a well-trained army, how could so many people use such a huge A-level high-level water escape at the same time, and without strict feints, It is difficult to directly hit Kirito, but they did so, in fact, to test Kirito's ability, and the large-scale water escape created a favorable fighting environment for themselves.

But what they never imagined is that the geographical environment created by the consumption of so many chakras not only did not bring them the benefits of fighting, but also brought them the freezing frost of death!


The entire one kilometer of the ground was covered by water currents, which brought an excellent fighting environment to Kirito's sleeves.

The freezing cold air spreads faster on the water than it spreads from the ground.In just a few seconds, the water surface over a kilometer range was covered by frost, and at the same time, there were many Mist Ninjas who were too late to react. Their legs were frozen and fixed on the ice surface, and the limbs that were unconscious were severely frostbitten. Made them howl helplessly.


With one enemy against a thousand, Kirito hasn't played a lot of trump cards. These thousands of fog ninjas were killed by Kirito, and there is no climate.

Kirito didn't mean to slaughter them in blood, so after the other party automatically exited his encirclement, Kirito swaggered into Dongpu City under the fearful gazes of everyone in the fog, and went forward alone in the direction of the wharf. During the period, No one dared to come to stop the death god's footsteps.


Xianglin was already waiting for Kirito at the dock, and she stared at Kirito with wide eyes as if she had seen a ghost, and said solemnly, "Really... from the front of those thousand people, broke through from the front?!"

However, before Kirito could answer, Xianglin condensed the seal with one hand and released his senses to see it.

"..." Xiang Lin was silent for a while.

"Let's go." Kirito said he didn't care, shrugged his shoulders, and said lightly, "Invade any boat and set off to the center of the country of water!"

After all, Kirito swept his eyes on the pier, and finally his eyes stopped on a merchant sailboat moored along the pier.

"Uh, wait for me!" Xiang Lin was stunned when he realized that Kirito had taken decisive action resolutely.


I saw him sprint, and then jumped up high, showing his amazing bouncing power, unexpectedly jumped from the shore to the sailboat a hundred meters away.


"Bah! Where's the stinky brat!"

Facing the sudden intrusion of this stranger, Kirito, there was a commotion on the sailboat, but this commotion was quickly calmed down by force.Kirito also successfully obtained the highest power of this sailboat.

On the one hand, as Kirito headed towards the center of the country of water, on the other hand, the senior management of Mist Ninja Village also hurriedly called the major families in the village to hold an emergency meeting.

Chapter [-] Lancelot!

Go to the sea in the land of water.

Received news from Dongpu City's Mist Ninja Force and learned that the S-class wanted traitor Shinobu Hito Kirito forcibly broke in, and took a merchant ship of the Land of Water hostage and was heading for the Chiba Islands where the base camp of the Land of Water is located.The country of water's military violence machine, Mist Ninja Village immediately took swift action.

It is precisely because the mainland is isolated overseas and the external traffic depends on maritime traffic, so compared with other villages, the most of the villages in the village are the sea troops.

The first military ships set off from each island and headed for the sea area where the invaders were.

"Move faster, people in the power class, please increase the input of chakra. The position of the target is exactly 3 o'clock, and the gunner quickly adjusts the shooting position. Also, the flying psychic beast unit, please prepare yourself. Although there is only one enemy, it is a terrorist who made troubles with Konoha and Yun Ren alone and retreated completely, a powerful enemy who is invincible! Now the opponent is eyeing our country of water, everyone please protect our country, Protect the village, and fight hard for the sake of Mizuying-sama!"

"Yes! I swear to protect Mizuying-sama to the death!" On the ship, the Mist Ninjas, who were ready to go, were full of emotions. The leader's declaration to boost morale was more willing to protect their water shadows than to protect the country and the village. World War I.Since the Five Dynasties came to power, the terror regime in the town of fog and blood has been swept away, and the entire village has been transformed. In the past ten years, the village has concentrated on economic development, allowing them to get out of poverty for a long time and live a rich life. Therefore, for the five generations of Mezukage who changed the fate of all of them, the entire Mist Ninja was all for it.

The ship with amazing speed right now is a new type of Mist Ninja ship that has been researched in recent years by the scientific research class led by Sui Ying.With chakra as the source power, the core technology product is a high-efficiency chakra absorption and conversion device. Ninjas with more chakra are selected as a fixed power class, and chakra is specially provided to the device.Both sides of the ship are equipped with 212 muzzles, and the ammunition is specially designed with industrial synthetic explosives, and the breaking power is amazing.At the same time, there is a ninja eagle imported from the land of thunder on the plywood. As a powerful flying unit, it can not only escort the ship, but also suppress the enemy with firepower from the sky.

Three kilometers away, this commercial vessel isolated above the sea level was where Kirito was.

After listening to the urgent report from Xianglin next to him, Kirito nodded, a little surprise flashed on his face, "The gunboat, the flying psychic beast troop... This is simply a ninja version of an aircraft carrier!" One of the ninja villages, Kirin, I don’t know much. In fact, because of its isolation overseas, it was the ninja village that participated in the fewest wars even during the war of the ninja world. The information on the ninja in the ninja world is even more pitiful.

"What should I do, Kirito? With the speed of our purely mechanical power, it is impossible to get rid of them." Xianglin said solemnly.

Kirito squinted his eyes, and then pondered, "At sea, they have taken advantage of the geographical advantage, and it is not appropriate to fight head-on. It seems that they have to avoid the edge for the time being."

"Then, how to do it specifically?" Xianglin asked suspiciously, "Although this ship also has a chakra power device, with my chakra alone... it can last for about 10 minutes."

"10 minutes..." Kirito glanced at Xianglin in surprise, and supported the power of a ship with his own strength. This amazing amount of chakra really deserves to be a member of the whirlpool family.Kirito pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said solemnly, "Let me leave the question of Chakrayuan. I can last for at least 30 minutes."

"That's not the case! Without the support of Kirito's firepower, it is impossible to resist the enemy's attack. Even if you use high-speed driving, you can avoid the enemy's artillery fire, but you can't stop the attack from the sky army!" Xianglin proposed. a key question.

Kirito smiled indifferently and said confidently, "Don't worry, whether it's attacking or defending, we are no worse than each other, Xianglin, you just need to keep an eye on the enemy's movements."

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