The pure black pupils directly transformed into Tensei Eyes exuding a strange light, and condensed with one hand, "Creation of Yin-Yang Escape Technique and Fortune-telling!"

A man born of the sword, known as the bone of the sword - the heroic spirit Emiya!

Irish Knights of Fiona, Chief Warrior - Dirumdo Odina!

The captain of the fourth division of the thirteenth team of Godou, the first generation of Kenpachi - Uno no Hanaru!

From scratch, the ultimate yin and yang escape method to create life, with Kirito's control of Tenseigan, at most three can be created at the same time. The pupil power that can be controlled continues to increase.

Kirito's eyes were full of white light, and he shouted violently. Suddenly, he saw that there was a fourth person on the field after the three!

Born from the darkness of darkness, a nameless knight clad in black armor.

British legend, one of the twelve knights of the round table - Lancelot!

Ability to hold:

Madness, as a special ability of the Berserker class, the parameters of strength, defense, and speed will be improved by a grade.

Infinite martial arts training, known as the unparalleled martial arts training in a certain era, makes the mind, body and body completely unified, and even under the influence of any spiritual restriction (including madness), it can also exert a perfect fighting ability.Ignore illusions.

For magic power, under the influence of madness, the ability of "magic resistance" (such as Ninjutsu, Xianjutsu and other Chakra attacks) is greatly reduced.

Possess a treasure:

Knights do not die with their bare hands (Knight of Honor), they can transform anything they grab into their own Noble Phantasm, and they can be transformed and strengthened at will to upgrade the prototype to a level.

The fourth warrior under Kirito's transformation, Lancelot!

"Then, let's get started!"

Chapter [-] Sea War!


The fog ninja ship, the ninja in charge of perception, suddenly exclaimed, "At 3 o'clock, the enemy attacked!"

"What? Isn't that 3 kilometers away?"

The reminder from the perception personnel suddenly made everyone in the fog endured by surprise. They looked at the sky subconsciously, and saw that in the distance of the sky, a red light came through the clouds, leaving a perfect parabola in the air. Call precisely to the ship they are in!

"Whoosh!" With the reminder of the perceptual ninja, everyone in the mist ninja reacted quickly. From the deck, two mist ninja and shinobi jumped up, only to see the two pulling out their ninja knives.

"This is... an arrow?" The two who jumped high, looked at it from a close distance, and realized that the red light that broke through the sky was actually an arrow!

"What a joke, this is 3 kilometers away... Can a bow and arrow fly that far?" Although they wanted to complain, the two of them didn't dare to neglect, they raised their ninja knives tacitly, and they crossed towards this The arrow slashed.

"Boom!" There was an explosion in the sky. After the blast, two slightly embarrassed figures fell from the sky. They were hit by the blast from the front, causing them to be injured to varying degrees. He pondered, "Impossible! This arrow will still explode..."

It has a very long range and will produce an exploding arrow. There is no doubt that this arrow is an attack from the heroic spirit Emiya. The detonation of the fantasy collapse, and it suddenly makes the two jounin ninjas lose their fighting ability. .

"The enemy also has excellent perceptual ninjas. Give the order, and immediately mobilize the battery to fight back!" Originally planned to drive at high speed and approach the enemy without knowing it, but Kirito's side did not expect Kazuo on Kirito's side. .After being discovered, the mist ninjas had no plans to hide, and resolutely fought back.

Kirin's three ships moved in place, and the side of the ship was aimed in the direction of Kirito.

"Boom boom boom boom" the twelve gun batteries were fired at the same time, and the shells filled with explosives and attached with a special high-explosive detonator, shot at Kirito 3 kilometers away. .

"Boom!" One after another artillery shells fell on the sea, and the double explosive power of the synthetic explosive high-explosive detonating charm has surpassed the attack of large psychic beasts. Also, the "Water Escape Iron Cannon Jade" issued by the big toad, but the power is there, but the accuracy is still a little bit worse.No wonder Kirin's ships wanted to get closer to attack at first.

"咻咻咻" However, with the simultaneous shelling of the three ships of Kirin, the 123 can launch a total of 36 shells at one time. The problem of accuracy can be made up for with coverage strikes. In order to deal with the shells that will fall nearby from time to time , the heroic spirit Emiya had to change from the attacker to the defender, shooting arrows to offset the enemy's shells.

The task of being in charge of long-range attacks fell on Uno Hana Lie.

I saw her standing on the mast of the bow, her hands held flat, and the dazzling thunder light quickly condensed in her palm, "The Sixty-Three Thunder Roar Cannon!"

There was a thunderous roar, followed by a burst of thunder guns, like a laser cannon that annihilated everything, shot out!

"Attention! The enemy's attack is coming again, too soon!" Mist Ninja sensed the ninja's alarm sounding loudly, but in fact, he didn't need his promotion at all. The galloping thunder came from a distance and was clearly visible to the naked eye. thunder light.

"What kind of powerful attack is this, it's like an S-rank Thunder Dun!" Wu Nin people were horrified, not only were they shocked by the enemy's ultra-long-range attack, but even the skill level was so huge, it was unbelievable .But while shocked, Kirin also immediately took an emergency response plan.

Dozens of mist ninjas came to the bow, and their hands skillfully formed the seal of the water escape, "Water escape water formation!"

Released by dozens of mist ninja troops at the same time, and occupying an absolute geographical advantage on the sea, a large current of water formed a water wall like a huge wave in front of the ship.

"Boom!" The thunderstorm hit the huge waves head-on. One side was a violent thunderbolt, and the other side was a deep and heavy ocean wave. The two collided head-on and broke out immediately. The thunderstorm pierced through, and a large amount of water spray turned into a rainstorm and fell on the ship, making the mist ninja noodles on the deck drenched in soup, but at this stage, the thunderstorm was finally completely defended. .

But even so, it was enough to shock everyone by the fog ninja. The geographical advantage is absolutely superior, and the water escape defense released by dozens of fog ninjas at the same time only just offset the enemy's attack. I can't imagine it. , If you are hit by this at close range, I am afraid that the entire ship will be blasted out of a big pit, right?

However, the shock was not over yet, and Mist Ninja's perception ninja sounded the alarm again.

"800 meters ahead, there is an enemy!"

"What?! It was attacked directly from the sea?" Wu Ninja and the others were shocked again. They couldn't imagine that there were people who dared to come straight from the waterway in the face of the ship that was full of artillery fire!

"How many enemies are there?"

"Judging from Chakra's reaction, it's... riding alone!"


Mist Ninja's people widened their eyes again, and stared at the sea level in the distance. They saw that from the horizon line with the sky, one person and two guns were running towards their ship alone at an amazing speed!

"Really... one person?!"

"You bastard! Don't underestimate people! The first, second, and third squads, give it to me!" In the final determination, there was only one enemy running from the front in front of him, and everyone in the fog turned from shock at the beginning to The flaming shame and anger suddenly caused black shadows to fly down from the three ships, and hundreds of mist ninjas fell to the surface of the water.

Chapter [-] Lancelot Battleship!

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