"It's a pity, you are still a step behind." Facing the full-strength strike of Raikage from the front, Kirito couldn't dodge for a while, and he didn't have to dodge, because the time interval between the absolute world had already arrived.

However, just when Kirito, Yun Ren and Wu Ren were fighting to the white-hot stage, the masked man who had been hiding his strength for a long time finally had to do it.

"Gee!" The giant tortoise-like behemoth, at this time, the huge pupil of the copper bell was occupied by a scarlet writing wheel eye.

"Come on, Sanwei!"

Chapter [-] Emiya who was attacked

The blood-bathed two-gun knight Dilumduo, the Mist Ninja vanguard force that his battle situation is dealing with, has almost wiped out the enemy. Although he has suffered a lot of injuries, he still maintains a good combat effectiveness.

"Zheng" was holding a long sword in one hand and a huge axe behind him. Berserker Lancelot, after hitting the main ship of Mist Ninja, the Mist Ninja fleet did not dare to fire at him. , without the suppression of long-range firepower, suddenly in the almost invincible "infinite martial arts" in melee combat, Wu Ninja's large ground troops were beaten to pieces and almost wiped out.

Both fighters who fought in close quarters were victorious, as the ranged support emiya, not to mention the situation where it was time to clear the battlefield.

Right now, among the ground troops, only Mizukage Terumi Mei is left with ten Kirin-Junin members directly under Anbu and the rest of Ao.

"Huo" Maozhihualie, Emiya, Dirumdo, and Lancelot, surrounded by four people of about [-] people, although the number was several times less than the enemy's, but they were surrounded by four aspects in the south, east, north and west respectively. The four of them, Wu Ren and the other twenty or so people could only form a group with each other, and they didn't dare to go over half a step.

"Lord Mizukage..." Qing Eyes glanced around, the blood stained the sea, and the bodies of mist ninjas were everywhere. However, all this was caused only by the four people in front of him. At the same time, what was even more terrifying was that the fog caused the fog. These four people who endured such huge casualties, not a single one was defeated!

"Shut up, Ao. Don't panic, they don't have much energy left." Terumi Mei glanced at the four people in front of them one by one, as a real shadow-level powerhouse, and he was the first of an inch of water. Shadow, in the face of the current situation can still remain calm.And there seemed to be something hidden in those twinkling eyes, and he whispered, "Qing, always monitor everything within this three-kilometer range with white eyes."


The masked man pointed straight to the edge of the sky, and the scarlet-like writing wheel eye turned into a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye pattern of a triangular windmill!

"Do it, Sanwei!"

The three tails, controlled by the pupil power of the Kaleidoscope Shaker, were originally wild-tailed beasts. Because of the lack of a container, they could not control their huge chakras. However, at this time, they had the power of the kaleidoscope to control their chakras. Condensed into high-density chakra clusters.

"Tailed beast jade!"

A black high-density chakra shell broke through the sky and entered the battle that was about to end!

"Master Shuiying!"

"According to the battle plan!" In the face of such a situation, Terumi Mei still has a hidden battle plan for the Jedi counterattack? !

Under the precise calculation of the orbit of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, the tail beast jade attack of the three tails is aimed at the position of emiya!

Although the attack of the tail beast jade came suddenly, it was indeed a bit of a surprise, but Emiya responded very quickly and immediately took corresponding defensive measures.

Blazing Sevenfold Ring (LawAias)!

The purple-red seven-petal flower spit out a total of seven corrugated barriers from the blazing light in the center of the flower, which resisted the sudden attack of the tailed beast jade.

The tailed beast jade that "Puchi" has been poised for a long time, its power is much stronger than the attack of the two-tailed beast jade that Emiya resisted last time in Yun Ren.

"Puff puff puff" The tailed beast jade shattered the six layers of barriers in front one after another, leaving only the last layer.

"Boom!" There was a huge explosion.In the face of this terrifying blow that is several times more powerful than the attack of the largest-caliber naval gun on the main ship of the Mist Ninja, whether it is Karetsu Uno and the others, they all retreat to the surrounding area. dodge.

The violent blast blew huge waves hundreds of feet high, and the blasted sea surface, because the high temperature released by the high-density chakra evaporated a large amount of water vapor in an instant, making the water vapor on the sea surface hazy and blurred, but just in At this time, Terumi Mei's hands quickly formed a seal, ready to add strength to this fog!

"The Art of Hidden Water and Mist!"

A large plume of rising fog covered everything around, and visibility dropped sharply.

Uno Hana Lie subconsciously judged the thick fog in front of him as a factor unfavorable to his own battle.

The Fifty-four Wasted Flames of Breaking the Way!

A fiery disc-shaped flame flew out, immediately emitting amazing high-temperature energy, quickly evaporating the surrounding fog.

However, the evaporation of the mist is much slower than expected. After all, this is on the sea, and it is undoubtedly a unique absolute advantage for ninjas who are proficient in water escape. At the same time, Terumi Mei's Hidden Hidden Technique uses the help of the three tails. The huge energy generated by the tailed beast jade, the thick fog was not so easy to disperse for a while.

In this way, the four other people, including Hana Lie, were isolated by the thick fog.

However, Mist Ninja was also blocked from vision.

In addition, she resisted the full blow of the Tailed Beast Jade on the front. Emiya destroyed all the Law Aias and suffered a certain degree of damage. At the cost of that, it was a strategic move that was enough to flatten a mountain. After the attack, the local defense was finished.

It is indeed quite an amazing ability. In the entire ninja world, there are not many ninjas who can compete with the tailed beasts, but there are even fewer people who can defend the tailed beasts with all their strength. Emiya has done this well. worthy of the name of the hero.

One knee touches the ground and rests for a while. Emiya is gradually recovering from the backlash that LawAias was destroyed just now. After all, it is the only and strongest defensive shield in projection magic. If it is broken, emiya will still suffer a certain amount of damage. of backlash.

However, when Emiya was in a short period of power emptiness, suddenly, a sharp knife stabbed fiercely from behind her without warning!

Chapter [-] The situation is unfavorable

Chapter [-] The situation of the battle has turned sharply!

"Pfft!" The sharp blade pierced through the chest from the back, pierced the heart, a fatal blow, and a normal person would probably die on the spot. There is not much difference between normal human beings, but they do not have their own will.Emiya will also die if it is hit at the vital point, but Emiya itself has the ability to act alone, which is very rare as a heroic spirit. Even if it is severely wounded and fatally injured, it is still in a state of dying in a biological sense, and it can still continue for a short period of time. ability.

After resisting the Tailed Beast Jade, during a short period of weakness, someone launched a fatal sneak attack from behind. However, the success of the sneak attack itself was extraordinary, because even Emiya, who was on the verge of weakness, was not easily attacked by anyone. of.


Mo Xie, a capable general, was projected with both hands in an instant, and the figure quickly slashed behind him. His movements were like flowing clouds and water, and his combat power was not affected by the fatal injury at all.


The sneak attack didn't seem to have thought that Emiya, who had the strength to fight back after the blow that destroyed the heart, didn't have time to dodge, and the sharp blade in Emiya's hand slashed towards the latter's neck. .

"..." Gan Jiang Mo Xie's blade did indeed cut through the opponent's neck, but Emiya's hand didn't have the slightest sense of cutting the opponent's neck. It was like a sword that penetrated the opponent's neck. What is illusory is not your own sword, but the other party!

Emiya saw the attacker's face clearly, and saw that the latter was wearing a red cloud and black robe, with a vortex mask on his face, and the only right eye left was a scarlet eye.

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