"Bang!" The masked man waved his right arm and smashed Emiya's chest with a punch, the pale right arm exposed from the sleeve, this punch had quite heavy power, and it hit Emiya with a single blow. It flew out.

"Huh" However, at the moment when Emiya was knocked flying, I saw a move from his palm, which projected several swords and shot at the masked man, but unfortunately the swords shot through the masked man one by one. Figure, the damage caused to it is completely 0

"It's really a shocking pupil technique. Is the ability conceived a yin and yang escape method? And although it's just a doll, each of them has a combat power above the shadow level..." The masked man looked at Emiya with a stern gaze. He pondered, "Also, the person who seems to be the weakest has the strange ability to continue fighting after being pierced through the heart..."

"Hey" Although Emiya is still standing, but from the looming and gradually blurred body, it must not last long.

"Sure enough, no matter how patient you are, if your heart is destroyed, you will end up with a dead end." The masked man then used time-space ninjutsu with his right eye, and his figure gradually disappeared, "In this way, even if you let it go, you I won't live long, so I don't have to risk fighting a guy like you..."

Seeing the masked man disappear, Emiya dissipated the pseudo-spiral sword (CadBolg II) in his hand, and glanced around, the thick fog made it impossible for him to use his superb bow skills, although "alone" The ability to "act" can also allow him to continue to fight, but he has no way to deal with the space-time ninjutsu possessed by the masked man.And the strong intervention of the masked man made the situation of the Mist Ninja who had the upper hand in the first place to be reversed soon, so the first thing to do now is to inform Kirito of the main body of the real-time battle situation here.

"Call" Therefore, under Emiya's initiative to give up, its fatally injured body turned into fly ash and dissipated, and at the same time, some of its remaining power could be fed back to the body.

"Just now, a strange chakra suddenly appeared! Also, the chakra of the archer disappeared!" Although it was in the thick fog environment, the white-eyed Qing was able to turn everything around him. Look in the eyes.

"Sure enough, it's still a shot." Terumi Mei's eyes flashed coldly, and she whispered to Qing who was beside her, "Qing, keep monitoring that chakra at all times, and at the same time give orders, temporarily stop action, and all staff stand by! "

"It's Shuiying-sama!"


Keeping the skills and eyes, can let Di Lumuduo insight into the invisible time and space of the masked man!

"Puchi" The gun shadow flashed, and the masked man who suddenly appeared behind him shot an arm away!

"Hmph... I was actually spotted at the moment of materialization... Sure enough, the guy who makes the spear is a lot stronger than the archer. But..." The arm was split, but the masked man didn't care at all, raised it up The empty right arm, from the gap in the broken arm, sprayed out a large bundle of branches and branches, and grabbed Dirumdo like a flexible tentacle!

"Bang" DiLumuduo immediately raised his left spear and slashed it. However, this branch seemed fragile, but in fact it had quite amazing toughness. Under DiLumuduo's shot, it was surprisingly not broken. !

"Kacha" However, if one shot can't be broken, then two shots will be stabbed with a long spear in Dirumdo's right hand, and the red rose of the demon will penetrate the wooden chakra that maintains the toughness of the branches. With the Mudun Chakra, which has powerful life force, this branch is just like an ordinary branch, which is fragile and easily shattered.

"It's really amazing, but..." The masked man stared at the kaleidoscope, and a huge shadow suddenly fell from the sky!

The behemoth that suddenly descended from "Boom" instantly crushed Dilumuto into meat sauce!


Three tails appear!

Chapter [-] Risks of Pupil Surgery

"Lei Dun Lei Abuse Level Chiyo Dance!"

A single blow with all his strength is also the strongest of all Raikage Ninjutsu techniques, with an amazing record of severing the horns of an eight-tailed ox with one blow. Ordinary people, even ninjas with shadow-level strength, are confronted head-on. With this blow, there is basically no chance of life.

"Pfft!" Kirito was slashed in the chest by the face, and the center of the chest was forcibly sunk in, and a large mouthful of blood was spit out.

"Huh?!" Seeing Kirito in front of him being knocked away by him, Raikage was also surprised, "Did he hit?"

"..." The two Yukito originally planned to attack after Kirito evaded or blocked Raikage's attack, but she never imagined that Kirito would have been attacked by lightning without her preparations. Shadow hits.

"Big brother's attack is as fast as lightning, and the enemy didn't have time to dodge," Kiraby danced.

"What's going on? I shouldn't have been able to catch up just now..." Not only Yun Ren was puzzled, but even Raikage, the person involved, was puzzled.

Nozomi, who is a perceptive ninja, saw something to some extent and explained, "Just now, Kirito Hyuga's chakra suddenly dropped sharply!"

"Cough cough" Kirito slowly stood up from the ground and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with one hand. At this time, his face was very pale, and the turquoise chakra coat covered with Tenseigan pattern was also looming. gradually subsided.

"Gu" There is no doubt that Kirito at this time was indeed injured to a certain extent, but this was not a ninjutsu attack from Raikage. The chest that was slashed into a piece looked very terrifying. However, with the protection of the power of the Nine Suns, an injury of this magnitude would not have much impact on him at all. In just a few breaths, the sunken chest quickly returned to its original state.

What really caused Kirito's injury was another reason.

"Huh" Kirito tightly covered his left eye with one hand, and his wide right eye was also covered with bloodshot eyes, and his breathing was short. Compared with the damage to his body, it was more from the damage of his mental will.

"Is there a problem over there?" Kirito pondered to himself, "Eigong died in battle..."

The reason is here, Kirito was injured, and it also affected the maintenance of his own Tenseigan mode, because as an artificial life form created by Hitomi, there was serious damage.From the information fed back by Emiya's death, Kirito also knew that on Mist Ninja's side, the masked man suddenly appeared, successfully attacked Emiya, and summoned the three tails, which severely damaged Dirumdo.Thinking of this, Kirito speculated that the remaining Uno Hana Lie and Lancelot would not be able to last for a long time. After all, in order to defeat Kirin, their respective consumption was approaching the limit.

At this point, the weakness of Kirito's reincarnation eye pupil technique, Tianshou's creation, was fully exposed. No matter what kind of technique it was, it all had its weaknesses. The stronger the technique, the greater the risk it contained. The power of Emiya and others is derived from Kirito himself, and the two rely on the huge pupil power to carry out a contract similar to a certain price, which is greatly affected by the state of the caster, and there is also the contract itself. The state of the spell is also closely related to the practitioner himself.To put it simply, just like the current emiya has been severely damaged and disappeared, it also caused a certain degree of mental blow to Kirito himself.

Just now, before Raikage's attack arrived, Kirito had enough time to use his pupil technique to resist, but it was precisely because of Emiya's death that Kirito in the body caused a violent chakra shock in his body, and he was beaten. Unprepared and unable to perform, Kirito suffered a heavy blow from Raikage.

"Hey... What a joke, that guy was hit by the boss's nirvana head on, and he was only injured by this..." Darui said in horror.

"Don't be too alarmed! Compared to before, the chakra in Kirito Hyuga's body has been consumed by nearly half, and it seems that he has suffered an injury similar to the backlash of chakra..." Xi continued to report.

"Very good, then let's continue like this." As a Raikage with real-life real-level strength, he was also keenly aware of the change in Kirito's breath, knowing that the latter's state had dropped a notch, and if he continued to fight, The battle will slowly turn to their side.However, although Raikage has already performed a lot of powerful spells at this time, the remaining chakra in his body is still quite sufficient. Chiyo Mai, who has the highest damage level of thunder cruelty, barely breaks Kirito's nine-yang strength. The defense inflicted a certain degree of damage on it, which seemed to be nothing special.But Raikage's biggest advantage is reflected in its strong lasting combat capability, such as the nirvana of Lei Yu-level Chiyo Mai, in its heyday, he can swing a dozen or even dozens of attacks of this level.

Also well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of both the enemy and the enemy, Kirito immediately took a preemptive attack after adjusting the turbulent atmosphere due to the backlash of the pupil technique.

"Shut up!" A huge array of knives rose from the ground, starting from the tip of the blade, the entire blade turned into countless cherry blossom-shaped blade petals, converging into an overwhelming torrent of numbers, rushing towards Raikage.

"Whoosh whoosh" Raikage immediately cast an astonishingly fast thunderbolt, turning into a flash of lightning and roaming fast in the chase of the cherry blossoms.The speed battle between the two is not so easy to tell the winner.

If at this time, Kirito intervenes to pursue Raikage, then the latter will undoubtedly be defeated, but unfortunately, it is not alone now, and Kirito has to face the other five Yun Ren!

"Roar!" Erwei's figure fluttered, but the speed of the behemoth's body did not feel bulky at all. The blue flames flashed past, and a huge shadow appeared behind Kirito, grinning. , that is, a spit of flames that is much more powerful than any A-level fire escape!

Kirito was about to raise his sword and slash, but this, Yawei attacked him at the same time, extending a large bundle of octopus tentacles, firmly grasping the Ex in Kirito's hand, even though Ex's edge kept cutting Yawei's body. There were tentacles, but there were too many of them, and they couldn't break free immediately.

Chapter [-] Bloody Battle

Kirito was about to raise his sword and slash, but this, Yawei attacked him at the same time, extending a large bundle of octopus tentacles, firmly grasping the Ex in Kirito's hand, even though Ex's edge kept cutting Yawei's body. There were tentacles, but there were too many of them, and they couldn't break free immediately.

"In the phantom flames, turn into ashes!" As one of the nine fire-type tailed beasts, Erwei Yulu has its own unique ability in addition to the tailed beast jade, which can be extracted almost infinitely. The powerful fire that is higher than the A-level fire escape, although the power is not as powerful as the tail beast jade, but its casting speed is fast, and the fire breathing is as simple as spit out a breath for Erwei.

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