However, the decision they finally got, and now seeing the figure appearing in front of them, the previous heated discussion seems to be a kind of irony!

The plan also became a joke, and it went bankrupt before it was implemented.

"Hyuga Kirito..." Turning to bed, Xiaochun couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted angrily, "You bastard, how dare you come back to Konoha?"

Following this angry shout, Kirito turned back subconsciously, and when he saw the high-level personnel gathered together in front of him, all of them were Konoha, he waved his hand slightly, and said hello politely, "Everyone. , stay safe."

"Hyuga Kirito, I'm questioning you, didn't you hear it?" Xiaochun continued to say angrily. As a senior old lady of Konoha who was the same era as the third generation, although she has entered the age of [-] years old, this voice The shouts were not small at all.

"I'm just the person who came to find me." Kirito didn't even look directly at Xiaochun, who turned to bed like an old woman in a street, and then his eyes fell on Hyuga Hizu, who bowed slightly, "Chief Hyuga, Today I came to look for Hinata. Since Hinata is not here, I will come again to visit the Hyuga's house in the future. Then, the junior will say goodbye first."

It's also for Hinata's face to give Hyuga Hizu a good face. As for the others in Konoha's high-level, Kirito has no interest at all, but these guys are really annoying sometimes. In the past, it was also for various reasons. He has also fought with these people in front of him. Until now, there is nothing to say about who is right or wrong. All in all, Kirito will always carry out his own heart, and no one can change his mind.

Chapter [-]: Training every day's marksmanship

Ignoring Konoha's high-level people and others, and then looking for a reason to get rid of Hyuga Neji and Li Luo, Kirito brought Tiantian to a small forest on the back of Konoha Mountain.

The lush forests, branches swaying slightly in the breeze, with the fragrance of leaves and trees, plus the sound of the running water of a clear creek not far away, stay here, giving people a relaxed and happy feeling.

The two stood under the shade of the forest and trees, with a few unknown flowers growing at their feet, which filled the fresh air with an elegant fragrance.

"..." Tian Tian's eyes seemed a little erratic, and his eyes glanced around. There was a burst of tension in his heart for no reason. Two little hands were placed behind him, kneading at a loss, and pictures couldn't help but emerge in his mind. It was a beautiful and shy scene, and I was thinking that if I was confessed here, I would definitely respond well...

Do not!How can it fall so easily?This guy is a clear-cut radish!Tian Tian slightly shook his messy thoughts, and then stared at Kirito in front of him in a fit of rage, as if he wanted to say, you guy, everything is fine, gentle and so on, but why is it not a man who is dedicated to himself? ?

"What's wrong, Tiantian, is there anything you want to tell me?" Kirito smiled.

"Hmph, I should be asking you this sentence, right?" Tian Tian waved his hand, and then said softly, "So, what's the matter with calling me here?"

Kirito's eyes moved slightly, he seemed to have found something, and then he couldn't help but take a step forward. At this time, he stopped in front of Tiantian, he was taller than him, and his chin was just enough to hold back. On the man's forehead, he pretended to be ambiguous and said, "Hey, what do you think? A man took a woman to a place in the wilderness."

"Uh?!" Seemingly aware of the danger, Tian Tian couldn't help but take a few steps back, wrapping his arms around his shoulders, staring at Kirito with his wide-eyed eyes, and there was a hint of voice in his voice. Frightened, he whispered, " guy, aren't you thinking of something bad?"

"Hey, who knows?" Tiantian stepped back, Kirito continued to take a big step forward, his head lowered slightly, his eyes stayed on the same line as the other party, pure black eyes and the latter's wide eyes They looked at each other at close range, and then got closer little by little.

"Da" Kirito approached step by step, causing him to keep retreating every day, and finally bumped into a tree on his back and was blocked from retreating.

"Wu" was blocked from retreating, and the gentle smiling face with a faint smile in front of her continued to approach, she could even clearly feel the strong man's breath oncoming, and her heart kept beating violently. , the two hands that were on his legs kept clenching tightly, and finally, as if giving up resistance, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.


Tian Tian, ​​whose eyes were tightly closed, only felt a light touch on the tip of his nose, as if he was aware of what was going to happen next, and his heart tightened. At this moment, he seemed to be holding his breath.

However, time seemed to stop at this moment, becoming abnormally slow, even giving her an illusion, as if time had stopped.

However, if it is an illusion, it is too long, right?

After a while, Tian Tian couldn't help but cautiously opened one eye first, then widened both eyes.

I saw Kirito in front of him, staring at him seriously, with a "bewildered" expression, as if he was talking, what are you doing.

"..." Tian Tian's face slowly darkened, and his silver teeth clenched, "Are you kidding me?!" Just as he was about to say the words, Kirito took a step ahead.

"Tiantian, should I wear the Desert Eagle I left for you?" Kirito said earnestly.

"Scared? How do you say this?" Tian Tian subconsciously touched the ninja bag on his waist and took out a delicate silver pistol, only to see the silver light on it, which seemed to be frequently wiped . "I wear it on my body, but I wear it all the time."

"Tian Tian, ​​are you finally going to accept me?" Kirito suddenly reached out and grabbed the latter's hands.

"It's not... it's not!" Tian Tian hurriedly shook off Kirito's hands, then raised the desert eagle in his hand, explaining, "This... It's not because of you that you wear it all the time, then It's because, this thing is stronger than all my ninja tools, it's the strongest weapon! And... Kirito, you're so cunning, it's always so sudden..."

Kirito waved his hand, expressing that he was not discouraged and said, "Okay, it's my fault, I'm in a hurry, I'll take it slow."

"Well, take your time... eh? Let's not talk about that! Now you can tell me what you want to do with bringing me to this place and taking out the Desert Eagle?"

"I really don't understand the style. It's such a good atmosphere." Kirito said helplessly, "Okay, let's get back to the topic. Tiantian, I believe that after contacting this, you already understand the power of the Desert Eagle, right? "

Tian Tian nodded and played with the Desert Eagle, "Of course this thing, but it can knock down a medium-sized psychic beast with a single blow!"

"Very good, Tiantian, it seems that you have already mastered the Desert Eagle. You are indeed a genius among weapon ninjas. You, who have never been exposed to overheated weapons, are able to use actual combat so quickly." Kirito figure slightly He stepped back a little and said softly, "Come on, Tiantian, I'm going to train your marksmanship today!"

Chapter [-] Training every day


The bullet that came out of the chamber was so fast that it was almost impossible to see in the eyes of ordinary people, and it flashed by.However, in Kirito's eyes, all of this is as slow as standing still. For a long time, he has played against famous and powerful enemies in the ninja world, and Kirito has also exercised his amazing neural response ability from it.

"His" The two fingers caught the bullet, Kirito glanced at it, and the round iron bead between his fingers said lightly, "Tiantian, did you change the bullet?"

"Of course, the power of those bullets of yours is too terrifying. If they hit people, they will either die or be disabled. It's too dangerous!" Tian Tian said with a natural look on his face.

However, Kirito raised his brows and said solemnly, "That's not good. If you don't use live ammunition, it's difficult to practice good marksmanship. Also, this ninja world is not as peaceful as you think, and soon, there will be Before a war breaks out, you must have the power to protect yourself every day."

"Isn't it? War or something..." Tian Tianyi was stunned. Born in a peaceful era, it was hard for her to imagine a real war of blood and blood. "But... with live ammunition, the destructive power will be..."

"Don't worry, if I can't handle this level of attack power, so far, the head on my neck has dropped countless times." Kirito just stood there empty-handed, his breath was calm, and his body I can't feel a little chakra, and at first glance, it looks like a harmless young man.

"Okay..." However, Tian Tian, ​​who is very familiar with Kirito's character, knows that although Kirito is overconfident, he never makes a false statement, saying that he can handle it, so there will be no problem at all.However, Tian Tian, ​​who witnessed the power of the Desert Eagle with his own eyes, reminded Kirito a little uneasy, "Then you are optimistic, I am going to attack!"

"Come on, Tiantian, don't need to keep your hands, just attack my body. Only in this way can you fully practice the marksmanship of one-shot kills."

"Kacha" took out the self-made steel ball clip, and then replaced it with the original bullets of the Desert Eagle. The bullets with a little brilliance on them were all enchanted and upgraded by Kirito's strengthening magic, and their power was also Originally, firearms in the ordinary physical sense were much stronger.

It is almost a raised hand, and every day has completed the shooting preparation for aiming.

"Bang!" With a loud explosion that was much louder than the previous one, Kirito's pupils shrank, and he saw a sharp warhead the size of half a finger was constantly expanding in front of him. Instantly predicted the attack trajectory of the warhead, and in the end it just swiped his shoulder.The quasi-head is really not very good, but Kirito knows that Tiantian is not worried about releasing water.

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