
Kirito raised his hand and grabbed it forward, but he didn't see how fast the movement was, but in a blink of an eye, the bullet with the power to kill the medium-sized psychic beast with one blow was held in the palm of his hand.

Flicking the palm of his hand, he raised the bullet that was still flashing and belonged to the enhanced energy fluctuation in front of Tiantian. Kirito smiled and said, "Now, can you go all out?"

"Although I already have this mental preparation, but when I saw it with my own eyes, it's unimaginable that someone could stop this kind of attack..." Tiantian hooked his finger on the gun and turned it around, as if he was fully active. He snapped his finger, then held it, "If that's the case, then I'm welcome!"

There was a flash of excitement in her eyes. As Konoha's first weapon family, she has a natural love for weapons, and she couldn't put it down even more for the desert eagle gifted by Kirito. However, the desert eagle has a huge lethality, and the bullets are limited, so she is not willing to use it every day, so she has not completely let go of the estimate to use the desert eagle so far.

As if knowing what the other party was thinking, Kirito smiled and said, "Don't be stingy with bullets, I will have as many as you want."

With Kirito's words, Tiantian was even more completely unafraid of his body and mind, and he didn't say any more nonsense immediately, and didn't immediately raise his gun to shoot, but the figure sprinted to one side.

"Oh? Moving shooting, then you need to have good control." Kirito said with a slight surprise.

With the affirmation of Kirito, Tiantian responded with a shot that was fired while running, "bang bang bang bang"

He fired five rounds in a row, from different angles, with a certain time interval in between.

Kirito's figure stepped forward, and before he took a step, a bullet would swipe beyond his cheek, and his skin could even feel the heat generated by the friction between the bullet and the air resistance.

However, after dodging the five bullets in front of him without difficulty, Kirito found that Tian Tian had come to him unknowingly.

"Attention, Tiantian, for the gunman, you can't let others get close to you easily." Kirito's eyes flashed brightly, and then his body accelerated, and he rushed in front of Tiantian in an instant, and opened his eyes. His hand was grabbing at the opponent's hand, as if he was about to grab the gun from the opponent's hand.

Facing Kirito who was pounced from the front, Tian Tian subconsciously raised the Desert Eagle and shot at a very close distance.


"Drink!" Two sounds were made almost at the same time. I saw Kirito facing the latter's close-range shooting. Even if he was at such a short distance, it was difficult for him to avoid such a rapid attack. However, since he could not dodge If it falls, then there is no need to hide!

"Clap" his hands slammed forward, and the two fleshy palms clamped down the bullet in front of him, "Listen to Tiantian, the original design of the Desert Eagle was to deal with enemies below the Chunin. , Under my strengthening technique, even the Joinin will have to kneel after being shot. However, if it is used to deal with enemies of the shadow level or above, it will be difficult. For example, your Hokage Senju Tsunade , it is possible to grab a bullet with bare hands like this.”

Chapter two hundred and seventy-fifth inner confession

The capacity of a pair of "Kacha" Desert Eagle's magazines is only 7 rounds. After finishing the shot, Tiantian immediately took out a brand new pair of magazines from his sleeves.In order to better reduce the gap time for reloading, instead of putting it on the psychic scroll, a psychic spell with a single storage method was adopted, and the spell was drawn on the inside of the sleeve.

The empty clips in the gun body were adjusted, and the new ones were ready to be replaced immediately. A series of movements were smooth and smooth, and the proficiency was extremely high. At a glance, it was obvious that they had undergone a long period of training.It’s a pity that just being skilled is not enough in Kirito’s eyes. He knows the advantages and disadvantages of firearms. The explosive power of the attack is extremely high, and at the same time, it consumes almost zero for himself. The only disadvantage is that the magazines are used up. , needs to be reloaded. For the gunner, the replacement of the magazine is the biggest and fatal weakness.Therefore, Kirito also conducts special training on Tiantian for this weakness.

With a hook of the finger, a light burst from the fingertip, and it hit Tian Tian's forefinger with a clip with precision.

"Yeah." The fingertips were numb for a while, and the clip that was caught suddenly slipped from his hand.

"Come again, Tiantian! You must be faster to reload!" Kirito trained him severely.


The sun goes down, the evening goes down, and the time is just so inadvertently, just caressed by the fingertips.

On top of the hill, the teenagers and girls were leaning against their backs, sitting and standing in the sunset.

The girl held her head high, her lips were slightly open, and she spit out the exhausted heat. The buns of the buns had been loosened at this time, and the long black hair swayed slightly with the breeze. That smooth neck has been dripping wet the front of the clothes.

Wheat-colored healthy skin exudes a unique little fresh smell at this time.

Kirito unabashedly sucked on his breath, and the corners of his mouth outlined a shallow arc, which was the taste he had always liked.

He also seemed to feel the subtle movements of Kirito from behind. In Tian Tian's slightly closed eyes, there was a touch between his eyebrows. There was no movement on the surface, but a cute crimson color appeared on the base of his ears and around his neck.

With a slight movement between his fingers, Kirito's dangling hands, naturally and naturally, moved slightly and held the other's hands.

The hand that was held trembled slightly, but there was not much resistance. The fingers moved slightly, as if giving up and letting the other party hold it.

"Ha!" Kirito's raised lips couldn't help but let out a happy laughter.

"Wh...what, are you complacent and laughter like this?" Tiantian couldn't help wrinkling his nose at Kirito's laughter that he didn't know what it meant.

The cool night wind was blowing gently, and the scene in front of me entered a tranquility.

Feeling that the current atmosphere is a bit weird, Tian Tian couldn't help turning her head slightly, but from this angle, she could only see Kirito's profile.

It was obviously close at hand, but from the concept that she received from her childhood education, she always had an uneasy feeling about everything he thought.

What are you thinking about right now?Is it really as said, will it be...

"I love you, Tiantian."

Kirito's head moved slightly, and he rested on the shoulder behind him and turned his face.

The earlobe that the lips were facing, said a simple sentence, and it was dyed with a layer of red.

"..." Tian Tian also turned his head around at this time, with a series of complexities, his eyes were slightly hazy looking at those sincere and clear eyes, but the latter's eyes did not shift in the slightest, always Look straight into her eyes, her heart.

"You're always like this... It's like you've read through my mind, and when I'm defenseless, you say things like this without any hesitation..."

Annoyed, confused, and painful, but the answer she finally got was so simple that she couldn't help laughing.Tian Tian raised his head and stared at the sunset on the horizon.

Here, there is the smell of earth, there are potholes and potholes left by the collision of the two people everywhere, scorched metal bullet casings scattered on the ground, the setting sun casts the light and shadow of the branches overhead, the quiet time, because the people around you , the world seen in the eyes began to change.

Kirito, like Tiantian, raised his head high, looked up at the sky, moved slowly towards the horizon, and gradually reached out to the clouds that wanted to block the sunset.

So, there is wind.

Blow away the darkness.

Because of the high-energy exercise, the sweat brought by it is endless.The palm of the hand is empty.

So, there is water.

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