The navy soldiers holding Mekkao suddenly became embarrassed. They looked at Jonathan and then at Drake, not knowing who to listen to.

The soldier did not obey the order immediately, and Jonathan's face became even more ugly, and it seemed that he might break out at any time.

Seeing the actions of several soldiers, Drake didn't know how many times he scolded them, wishing he could kill them immediately.

The war between the first-in-command and the second-in-command has always been a very hot topic, as long as one is not careful, it may cause trouble.

Drake is still very satisfied with Jonathan, the hand-lover boss, but he never thought of taking his place.

Jonathan is idle all day, and everything is handled by Drake, which not only gives him real power, but also satisfies his kind of psychology, so what else does he have to say?

Even if he is really loved by all the officers and soldiers, Drake is not Jonathan's opponent. After all, he has the support of the upper class, and no amount of support from the soldiers can replace it.

In the world of One Piece, the advantage of a large number of people is not obvious, because this is a world where the strong are respected. As long as the fierce men at the naval headquarters are still there, no matter how many soldiers are, they can be recruited at any time.

"Didn't you hear what Commander Jonathan said? Don't let go!" Drake scolded.

A few navy soldiers seemed to be amnesty, and they quickly let go of the Mekao in their hands, and the cold sweat had already flowed down.

The naval careers of several of them have ended before they even started, and the behavior just now angered both Jonathan and Drake.

As long as they are still in the naval G8 base, they will never be promoted. The world is actually so cruel.

Drake played this hand very cleverly, which not only solved the embarrassing situation in front of him, but also showed his loyalty to Jonathan.

That's what naval discipline is. No matter what happens, obey orders first. Liberalism doesn't work in the military.

Jonathan's character is like that. Although he is very dignified when he is serious, he enjoys his leisure time more.

Looking a little better, Jonathan asked, "Major Drake, you'd better explain it to me!"

It was obvious from Jonathan's title that he was really angry, otherwise he wouldn't have called Drake's full name like that.

Drake had to tell Jonathan everything that happened before in detail, and he also told me how Merkao didn't obey orders.

After listening to these things quietly, Jonathan nodded and said, "Okay, I understand, then let Mekkao continue to repair that ship!"

"What? Commander Jonathan, that's the pirates' ship!" Drake said in disbelief.

After a moment of silence, Jonathan continued: "Well, I know! I said allow him to continue repairing!"

"How does this work? We are the navy, how can we help the pirates repair the ship?" Drake asked loudly.

Looking at Drake, Jonathan said in a low voice, "Drake, what are you worried about? Do you have no confidence in our navy?"

Hearing Jonathan's rhetorical question, Drake was slightly taken aback, and he said in astonishment, "What does this have to do with that?"

Jonathan said solemnly: "It doesn't matter who the ship was before, what matters is that this ship is now a trophy of our navy, it was captured by us, it's our navy's ship!"

After a slight pause, Jonathan continued: "I don't know what's wrong with Mekkao repairing our navy's own ship!"

"But..." Drake wanted to continue his defense, but was interrupted directly by Jonathan.

"There's nothing to blame! In the dock, Mekkao is the commander. Everything he does has his reasons, and I will be responsible for anything that happens!" Jonathan said seriously.

Why is Jonathan so supportive of Mercao?

In fact, the reason is very simple, because the boat is the most important thing in the sea, so a good boatman must get due respect.

The highest commander of the base has already spoken, and of course there will be no more obscure guys to stop him.

Unexpectedly, Jonathan would stand on the side of Merkao so resolutely, and Drake's expression suddenly became exciting.

His face was red and white, until it finally turned iron blue, and Drake's teeth were rattling, as if he had a lot to say.

But he still didn't say it after all, all the cruel words were turned into a simple sentence: "Let's go!"

With the guards leaving in a daze, Drake can be said to be disgraced this time, and I don't know if the few sailors will be angered.

Mekkao's face has not changed from beginning to end. When he was caught by Drake, he was not afraid, and when he was supported by Jonathan, he was not proud.

Glancing in the direction where the two left, Merkao silently returned to the ship again and started his maintenance work.

All of this was seen by Kirito, and Kirito's heart was full of praise for the old man. Although he didn't know what other aspects of him were, at least he was perfect in the field that Mekkao liked.

Everything around him has nothing to do with him, his mission is to repair the ship, and it is this kind of investment that makes a great person.

The old man lowered his head, with iron nails in his mouth, in a trance, people thought that everything that happened before was an illusion.

Shaking his head, Kirito didn't know what to say. He learned a lot from the old man's every move, and he was full of gratitude for the old man's actions.

Although he did not repair the ship for the pirate Kirito, he actually helped them repair the ship.

After the previous debates and plans, everything has already had a draft in the old man's mind, so the speed of repairing is also very fast.

Standing there for a while, thoughts were flying in Kirito's mind, and he didn't know what he had in mind.

Chapter [-] Conversation with Merkagull

"Young man, what are you thinking about?" Mekao's voice interrupted Kirito's meditation and woke him up from his lost state.

And all the problems on the pirate ship have been carefully repaired, and even some problems that have not been found before have been handled very properly.

"Ah? Nothing, I thought of some people, they are very similar to you!" Kirito replied hurriedly.

Merkao smiled, and he said kindly: "Well, I still have some things, can you come with me?"

When the members of the preparation team next to him heard Mekao's words, their jaws and eyes shattered!

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