Is this still a Mercao?Is this still the stubborn, outrageous old man?Is this the same boatman who refused to give in to Drake?

How holy is this young man, to be able to be treated so politely by this Mekao, who doesn't take anyone seriously.

With a slight smile, Kirito nodded and followed behind Mekao, and they came to the small workshop just now.

Without looking back, Mekkao said with certainty, "You are the owner of that pirate ship, right? What's your name?"

"My name is Hiuga Kirito, how did you see it?" Kirito replied with a smile.

Judging from the certainty of Mekao's tone, he knew that this sentence was not conjecture, but had been confirmed.

He clearly knew that Kirito was a pirate, but he did not expose it in front of Drake and Jonathan, which was enough to prove that Mekkao was not malicious.

"Because your eyes just now are different from others!" Mekao said with great certainty.

Kirito also smiled, and he asked incomprehensibly, "Could it be that different eyes can be suspicious? Everyone is different!"

Mekao said with a stern face: "That's because your expression is too different from others. When others see a senior officer, they will be more or less afraid and restrained, but you are indifferent at all. ."

"What's the matter? I don't want to be promoted and get rich, and I don't want to be appreciated by the superior. What's so strange about this attitude!" Kirito said naturally.

"Haha, good! Neither humble nor arrogant! I really did not see you wrong, Hiuga Kirito!" Mekkao's stern face suddenly stretched out, as if the ice of the nine cold days melted under the scorching sun the same.

Not only that, but he also laughed, and there was a smile in every wrinkle on his face.

"I'm starting to doubt you too!" Kirito's expression changed, and he said with a serious expression.

Mekao was stunned for a moment, and he asked hesitantly, "Doubt me? What do you doubt?"

"Your expression is not right! You know that I am a pirate, yet you can still be so calm!" Kirito said teasingly.

"What's the matter? I'm a poor old man with neither money nor a high-ranking official. What am I afraid of pirates?" Mekao said frankly.

This time, it was Kirito's turn to be stunned. He didn't know what he thought, and the whole person was frozen.

After a long while, Tong Cai murmured: "So, there is nothing, but a happy thing?"

"Of course! Those high-ranking officials and rich people didn't know that they got the life that others dreamed of in this life, but they will never be able to do what they like!" The old man said as a matter of course.

Yes, how many people can live clearly and clearly in one's life?

what did you get?What has been lost?What did you get everything in exchange for?What has been lost in return?

In the whole life of a person, it is just such a bad debt that no matter how shrewd people are, they can't calculate it clearly.

These things can only be calculated clearly at the moment when a person is dying. When a person has no regrets when he is dying, then he can be said to have not lived in vain.

Life cannot be repeated, and every exchange must be carefully considered, because if you lose it, you may never get it back.

Looking at the expression of the old man in front of him, Kirito thought to himself: "This old man must have no regrets, he has lived his whole life according to his own wishes, and his whole life has been devoted to the things he likes! Maybe being able to stay on the boat for the last time of my life is the happiness of Mercao!"

So, what is Kirito's happiness?

The first thing is to find Tiantian, as long as you are with the four girls, it will be perfect if life is a little more exciting!

Kirito is so unwilling to be lonely, that is, he likes adventure and challenges.

"Why don't you tell the navy about me?" Kirito asked casually.

Glancing at Kirito, Meekao said slowly, "I've heard a little about you. You've never done anything bad, and you've never felt sorry for any ordinary person!"

Kirito smiled, his smile was very free and easy, he said word by word: "But I am a pirate, and you belong to the navy!"

"If it is a crime to mention the word pirate, then the navy is the worst offender, because they shout for pirates all day long! And I'm not a navy, strictly speaking, I'm just a boatman !" Merkao said seriously.

Before Kirito could speak, Mekkao continued on his own: "Whether it's a pirate is not someone who says it, but it is judged by behavior! Just like I call myself a boatman, if I don't Can I still be considered a boatman when it comes to repairing ships?"

How many people in the world can see everything like the old man in front of him?

He was right, whether pirates judged by their behavior!

"Thank you! I didn't expect to meet a person who is willing to justify the name of the pirates in the naval base!" Kirito said with a deep bow.

"Many of your ideas are very interesting. Are you interested in staying with me and being an excellent boatmaker!" Mekao invited.

"I'm sorry, maybe I still can't promise you!" Kirito said apologetically.

Mekao hurriedly said: "You don't have to worry about the navy, there is no problem with them! As long as there is an old man like me, they absolutely can't do anything to you!"

Kirito couldn't help laughing. With his ability, how many people could hurt him?

But he still couldn't treat an old man's kindness like that. He smiled and said, "It's not because of the navy that I refused!"

Frowning his brows, Mekao asked suspiciously, "What was the reason for you not to stay?"

"Because my ideal is the sea!" Kirito said seriously again.

Chapter six hundred and twenty second leave

Hearing Kirito say this, Meekao seemed to be very stunned. The hand he was holding up just now suddenly dropped, and his lips wriggled for a long time. After all, he still didn't say the words of persuasion. He sighed. He waved his hand feebly.

Seeing Mekao's depression, Kirito said to him seriously: "Actually, I also like a quiet life, but I have a reason to go. My companion is waiting for me in the depths of the sea!"

Staring at Kirito's eyes for a long time, what he saw in Kirito's eyes was sincerity, and Merkao suddenly gathered up his courage, he said solemnly: "If you have enough drifting at sea one day Come to me if you want! I will give you all my skills!"

Being able to say such a thing is enough to prove that Mekao really liked Kirito's brain and talent, but he also knew that the twisted melon was not sweet, so he had to wait.

A lifetime of hard work cannot be wasted, he must find a suitable successor, either wait for Kirito to come back here, or wait for the next such capable young man.

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