"Don't worry! If they have something to do, I won't let them do it with confidence!" Kirito whispered to persuade.

The two of them are happily drinking small wine in the underground warehouse at this time. The two of them have not been drinking together so comfortably for many years, and the most surprising thing is that the two of them can get along peacefully without quarreling. .

The boatmen of the Carrera Shipbuilding Company have also been dispatched. They cannot tolerate someone treating Mr. Iceberg like this, and they vowed to find the murderer who did this.

The whole situation became a mess under Kirito's interference and arrangement, and it was easier to catch fish in such a situation.

After stretching, Kirito said lazily: "Everyone, rest well, there are still a lot of things to do at night!"

Yes!The reason why the World Government dealt with Iceberg at this time without killing him was to find out the whereabouts of Hades' design drawings.

Chapter [-]: Destruction Plan

Chapter [-]

put a spoke in wheel

Of course, at night, Kirito would not bring Kaolin and Mekkao, because it was too dangerous for them.

Soon night will come, along with the tsunami, the annual evacuation day is coming.

If the culprit can't be found before night falls, I'm afraid we can only wait for the tsunami to pass.

The voice of the phone bug rang clearly, and this voice directly woke Kirito who was sleeping.

He got up and picked up the phone, and a sentence came out of the phone bug's mouth: "The other party has already acted!"

"Okay! I get it! Let's go now!" Kirito cut off the communication after saying two words neatly.

After he finished speaking, he immediately got up and rushed towards the Iceberg's mansion, because Bruno, the bar owner, had already started to act.

For Kirito, who has mastered the ability of light, such a distance can only be reached in the blink of an eye, and soon he found Bruno wearing a mask from the crowd.

This guy has the ability to eat the fruit of the door. If you want to trap him, you must work hard.

While Bruno was speaking harshly, Kirito threw something out and threw it into his mouth.

This is the sea floor stone that Kirito carries with him. Now we can only hope that this thing can be successfully excreted from the body. Otherwise, his fruit ability will basically be abolished.

Bruno felt a moment of weakness in his body, and the fruit's ability was limited.

With a gloomy look on his face, he looked at the place where Hailoushi was thrown, and Bruno said viciously, "Damn it! Get out of here!"

Slowly standing up, Kirito jumped directly in front of Bruno, he said slowly: "Tauren, do you have any tricks?"


The figure suddenly became ethereal, and then completely disappeared in front of him, as if Bruno had never been here before.

Slowly closing his eyes, Kirito said amusingly: "It's really a little trick, you seem to be similar to Chloe's stalking!"

Through the ability of the heart, a trace of fluctuations appeared in Kirito's induction, and he could clearly know Bruno's position.

Point the gun!

Suddenly Bruno appeared, and there was even a metallic wink on his fingers.

There is no suspense, Bruno's fingers directly inserted into Kirito's chest, but the blood splattered scene did not happen.


A ray of light flew directly from Kirito's body, and the target was Bruno's chest.

Treat others with their own way!Kirito simply and directly returned the opponent's attack just now.


Bruno's muscles suddenly became tense, and his whole body was like cast iron.

"Ah! What is this?" A scream came from Bruno's mouth, mixed with deep questions.

The six-style Superman, which has always been unfavorable, has no effect at all. Whether it is attacking or defending, it is like a child playing a house.

Moon step!

Before he could check the injury on his body, Bruno jumped into the air at once. His idea was very simple. If he couldn't cause harm to the other party, he would just divert the other party away.

The weight of light was almost negligible, and Kirito easily followed Bruno's footsteps.

"Hey! Stop! I don't have much time to waste here!" Kirito's voice came from behind Bruno.

With a sneer, Bruno of course ignored Kirito's words, he was still flying back and forth in the air.


Kirito directly blocked the opponent's trajectory and shouted loudly: "Can't you just listen to me honestly?"

Paper painting!

Bruno's body suddenly became light, as if it was made of paper, and he was about to bypass Kirito's containment.

Seeing the opponent's actions, Kirito couldn't help sneering. This move is similar to the power of the fluttering fruit, so just don't bring the wind when attacking.

Unfortunately, both sides forgot that the tsunami was about to hit the city. How could they stand so high without a shred of wind.

Just as he staggered Kirito's shoulders, Bruno faced the strong wind in the night sky, and Bruno, who was as light as a piece of paper, flew out at once.

"Nani? What kind of weird trick is this?" The attack failed, and Kirito was stunned. He thought that the other party had some unknown trick.

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