
Bruno hurriedly fell to stop his figure. You must know that he is a devil fruit capable, a real land duck. If he is blown into the sea like this, he wants to know what will happen to him.

Although he stopped his figure, at the same time his body also fell straight down.

Kirito, who figured out the reason, leaned over and chased after him, so all his moves were abolished. I don't know why Bruno was so unfortunate, because it was a battle plan, and Bruno was equipped with a small phone bug. To act as a walkie-talkie, he took advantage of the time of his whereabouts to report all this: "Attention from all sides, my disruptive plan here has been blocked, and you continue to act according to your respective responsibilities!"

A cold reply came from the other party: "I know, you don't have to worry about the rest!"

Kirito also said with a hint of joking on his face: "Oh, I didn't expect you to have time to care about others! I advise you to think about yourself first!"

As he said that, his punch close to the speed of light had already hit Bruno in the face, and Bruno flew down faster.


Brono, who was completely unprepared, didn't have time to activate the Superman [-]-style iron block until he received such a punch, but he still suffered half the force.

Landing on the ground first, Kirito activated his ability again, targeting Bruno who was smashed to the ground by the force of the impact.

"Is that a gun? Then you come and try my purification gun!" Kirito said with a smile.

Six hundred and fifty-ninth chapter six styles are broken

Even with the ability of iron blocks, Kirito still managed to open a few transparent holes in Bruno's body!

With such a serious injury, Bruno lost his prestige and mystery at all, and he fell to the ground like a piece of rag.

"Haven't gotten rid of the other party yet? We're about to act!" Such a voice suddenly came from the intercom bug.

"Uh, I'm sorry! I'm afraid he can't talk to you now. If you have anything important to tell me, I will tell him!" Kirito picked up the phone and said apologetically.

The other party cut off the connection directly, and there was no sound from the phone bug.

After he finished speaking, Kirito regretted it again. If he had known, he would have stopped talking nonsense. In this case, he would be able to know each other's every move with this walkie-talkie.

After throwing away the walkie-talkie, Kirito stepped on the microphone very angrily, and then he kicked Bruno fiercely, and then got up and left.

And the boatman who guarded the entire mansion came here at this time, and found Bruno lying unconscious on the ground.

This mask and dress clearly tell everyone that this person is the one who broke into the place just now to make trouble.

The mask was gently lifted, and the mysterious man's face was suddenly revealed, which surprised everyone.

Isn't this Bruno, the bar owner?Why is he here?

Some people even rubbed Bruno's face in disbelief, as if they could rub the face down.

Although they didn't want to believe that it was this person who injured the man who guarded the mansion just now, everyone tied up Bruno, who was seriously injured.

Let's wait until he wakes up. There will definitely be results by then. The most important thing now is to continue to search here to see if anyone else has sneaked into it.

In an instant, I came to the door of the iceberg. The five people who were supposed to be sitting there and guarding them all fell to the ground crookedly, and they seemed to have been knocked out.

Gently pushing the door open, the iceberg on the bed had disappeared, suddenly making Kirito think that he had gone to the wrong room.

This time, the trouble is big. The disappearance of the iceberg is really a bad thing, and Kirito's heart began to be extremely worried.

"Kirito!" A voice came from under the bed, and it wasn't the iceberg who came.

Angrily and funny, he pulled the iceberg out, and Kirito scratched his nose and said, "You little idiot, why did you get under the bed?"

If other people see this scene, I'm afraid they will get goosebumps, two big men actually made such a move.

However, Bingshan didn't take it seriously, it seemed that this way of communication was what they should have, and he said with lingering fear: "You still say, how can people not be afraid of the chaos outside, how did you come here after so long! "

Kirito said lightly: "It's nothing, I encountered a small fish just now, so I solved it easily."

Then he asked nervously: "Have you done your job? Don't make any mistakes!"

She wrinkled her nose cutely, and Bingshan said coquettishly, "You don't trust people so much? Really! Barry has already done that!"

With a sly smile on his face, Kirito touched Bingshan's head and said, "Then you wait here obediently, and I'll go see if Barry is in any danger!"

As he said that, he immediately flashed to Bingshan's office. Fortunately, he had been here before, otherwise it would have taken a lot of work.

Barry held a stack of blueprints tightly in his hand and stared at the two masked men coldly.

"Yo! It turns out that everyone is there! I don't know if it disturbs everyone's interest?" Kirito leaned against the door frame and laughed.

Both sides turned their attention to him at once, as if he should be the focus here.

Touching his nose in embarrassment, Kirito said with a smile: "Uh, excuse me, I have something to do with Barry, and I will be able to fix it soon!"

As he spoke, he winked at Barry, as if he wanted to liberate Barry from this dangerous situation.

The two masked people said in unison, "You can do whatever you want, just bring the blueprints first!"

"If you want to take the blueprints away, don't even think about it! This is what my master gave me!" Barry exclaimed angrily.

"Hey! Barry! You stole my money to pay off the debt. How are you going to explain this?" Kirito said impatiently.

"Who took your money? God knows where your money is!" Barry yelled.

Although this Barry's situation was a bit embarrassing, he definitely didn't take Kirito's money, it was just a trick of Kirito.

Since the eyes and ears of the World Government do not know how many, these things are not told to Barry in detail, so he does not know what Kirito is looking for him for.

Gently sniffing his nose, Kirito said meaningfully: "Why don't you two listen to persuasion? It's been a day, and you still smell like alcohol!"

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