The inexplicable sentence made the atmosphere in the whole room fall into silence.

After a long time, one of the masked people said, "How is it? I told you already, and he really discovered our identity!"

"It doesn't matter, as long as you don't kill him!" Another masked man said very easily.

"You don't have to talk with your pigeon, I'm really not used to it!" Kirito said jokingly, as if he didn't care about the other party's harsh words at all.

Lan feet!

Without warning, the other party kicked a kick, the momentum is very amazing, as if the world only needs such a kick.


The whole person turned into a brilliant light, and Kirito's body suddenly became as brilliant as the sun.

Without any hindrance, the opponent's foot kicked into Kirito's body, and soon his foot burned.

This is still the result of Kirito's mercy, otherwise this foot will not be left at all.

"Pointing guns, iron blocks, shaving, moon steps, languid feet, and paper painting, I have already tried these tricks, don't you have any other tricks to entertain guests?" Kirito scratched his ears and said disdainfully. .

Chapter [-] Kirito vs Lu Qi

Looking at Kaku whose feet were still burning, Lu Qi didn't care about his partner at all. He said coldly: "Hey! Are you okay? If you are okay, go to the iceberg! Just leave it to me here."

It can be seen that in the small group that CP9 performed this mission, Lu Qi's prestige is still very high, Kaku went out of the room without hesitation, and was not worried about whether Lu Qi could handle it.

"Is it you who beat Bruno just now?" Lu Qi asked coldly, his eyes shining strangely behind the thick mask.

Kirito said nonchalantly, "Yeah! To be honest, this is the worst fight I've ever played!"

Lu Qiqi smiled and replied: "Then I hope my hospitality can satisfy you!"

As he said that, his body swelled up rapidly, the whole person became tall and mighty, and a little pattern began to appear on his body.

"Cat Cat Fruit! Leopard Form!" Kirito said lazily with his arms in front of his chest.

"Uh... how do you know?" The opening remarks that should have been said by himself, but suddenly became the other party's stealing, and Lu Qi suddenly became embarrassed.

"Ah, I'm so sorry, it seems that I stole your words again, I'm so sorry!" Kirito said jokingly, not planning to answer Lu Qi's boring question at all.

Point the gun!

The sharp claws quickly stabbed towards Kirito's chest, and Lu Qi planned to solve the opponent with one blow, because this matter has cost them five years of hard work, and there is no room for a little mistake.

Kirito dodged away, and he said helplessly: "How many times do you have to tell me before you can understand? Whether you get bigger or faster, as long as you can't hit me, it's all in vain!"

Light gun!

As if a pop fell to the ground, Kirito's fingers emitted a dazzling light, and he came to Lu Qi's stomach almost in the blink of an eye.


"What? Didn't Bruno tell you the power of this move?" Kirito said with a smirk, at this time his fingers were as smooth as a hot knife inserted into the candle, without the slightest block.

A blood flower spurted out along with Kirito's voice, and Kirito suddenly said apologetically: "I forgot, Bruno seems to have been beaten by me, I'm so sorry! But I think you shouldn't need him to convey it. Right? Experience is better than hearsay!”

Ignoring Lu Qi who fell to the ground, Kirito directly helped Barry and walked towards Bingshan's bedroom.

When they got back here, the iceberg was already controlled by Kaku, he said with a sinister smile: "If you still want him to live, I suggest you don't move!"

Barry suddenly stopped, how could he bear to watch his teacher die like this.

On the contrary, Kirito did not receive any threat from the other party, and continued to stride towards the iceberg.

"Hey! Please don't move around, please? Mr. Iceberg is still in their hands!" Barry cried nervously.

Kirito didn't pay any attention to Barry's plea, he said meaningfully to Kaku as he walked: "Would you?"

"Hey! What do you mean? We are robbers! Is it the most normal thing to tear up tickets?" Kaku shouted nervously.

"Do you really dare to let the iceberg die without confirming the specific whereabouts of Hades' manufacturing blueprint? CP9's spy? Huh?" Kirito said with a splatter of blood.

All the opponents know everything, and Kaku's combat power has no way to take the opponent, and he doesn't know what to do all of a sudden.

"Hey! Did you get it there? We've caught Frank!" A voice suddenly came from Kaku's walkie-talkie.

Kirito, who had been calm all the time, could not help but stop. He didn't expect both of them to be caught. This is really a tricky problem.

Kaku quickly replied: "Yes! The iceberg has been caught, but there is a little problem here, and Kirito Hyuga of the Double Blade Pirates is blocking us!"

The other party paused and said, "Is that so? Then I'll lock up Fox first. As long as the other party can't find him, there should be nothing to do!"

"No need! I'll take care of it here. You must hold Fox in your hands to prevent the other party from doing anything!" Kaku replied very simply.

This sentence really hit Kirito's dead end. As long as Kalifa dares to lock Frank up, Kirito can save the iceberg without any scruples. After all, the ability he masters can be easily found. Frank's location.

But just because of this sentence, all Kirito's plans were in vain, and he could not abandon anyone no matter what.

Holding the iceberg in one hand, the iceberg commanded loudly: "If you don't want the iceberg to die here, you'd better transport my companions to the station immediately!"

Seeing Barry who was just as nervous, Kirito spread his hands helplessly and said, "That's really a pity, I believe you heard his request too, I hope you can do as they say!"

The teacher is in the hands of the other party, how can Barry disagree, let alone let him help transport those bad guys to the station, even if they ask Barry to commit suicide, as long as he can save the iceberg, he will definitely not have the slightest. hesitantly.

Soon the injured Bruno and Luigi were placed on blue, and the group rushed towards the station under the threat of Kaku.

Due to the imminent tsunami, the entire city is like a dead city, without the breath of a living person.

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