Before he could sigh, Kirito stretched out his palm and said loudly, "Light curtain!"

A huge light curtain appeared along with his movements, and hit the waves without stopping for a moment.

Can light block things?The answer is obviously no!Everyone who didn't know what to do quickly hid in the car and grabbed their seats tightly. God knows where this will knock them and fly.

But an unexpected scene happened. The sea water that hit the light curtain disappeared out of thin air as if it was eaten all at once. A huge gap appeared in the dam formed by the entire ocean wave, and the sea train passed through the gap unharmed. rushed over.

Besides, on the other sea train, the invasion of Xiang phosphorus has been discovered. The reason is very simple. A navy on the train was stunned, and there was also one less phone bug.

The navy immediately searched the sea train, and they wanted to find this mysterious man before he disturbed the big man of CP9.

With ninjutsu, how can these ordinary people find Xianglin, even if Xianglin is standing in front of them, they may not be able to see her.

After searching several times, nothing was found, and nothing happened in the cabins of those big men, so everyone had to pray that the mysterious man had left.

But when the people in the last two carriages wanted to report the situation, they suddenly discovered that they had been left behind by the sea train.

The iron cables connecting the carriages were disconnected at some point, and they could only curse loudly and wait for rescue.

The enemy has not even the slightest sign, and the navy has lost two carriages of troops.

Kirito and the others soon saw these two carriages. Once the high-speed sea train collided, the consequences would be very serious.

A teleport came to the bow, and Kirito stood on the front of the car and stared calmly at the opposite carriage. In just a blink of an eye, he had already seen the situation in the carriage clearly.

It seems that Xianglin has already started. I don't know how she is now, and Kirito's heart is even more anxious.

Light blade!

As simple as cutting a candle with a hot knife, the carriage was cut in half neatly, and the navy inside also grabbed the carriage in a hurry to stabilize his body. Even so, a lot of people still fell into it. in water.

Tightly clinging to the carriage, those who were too late also hurriedly sneaked into their subordinates, and the sea train passed between the two half carriages non-stop.

The crisis has been resolved, but Kirito has not left at all. He continues to stand on the front of the car and stare ahead.

It didn't take long for a scrawny figure to appear in front of him. It was the famous Captain T-Bone of the Navy Headquarters, nicknamed the Ship Slayer.

The T-bone heard the voice behind him, and the old one had already turned his head. He recognized the boy standing on the bow at a glance - Kirito Hyuga!

He raised the long knife in his hand high, and Chief T-bone was about to slash the pirate with a bounty of [-] million Baileys under the knife.

Light Arrow!

A little star appeared directly on Kirito's fingertips, and then shot straight at the T-bone Chief's long knife.

Kirito did not intend to kill this man who loved the people and his subordinates wholeheartedly. At most, this man could only be regarded as a knife used by the naval government.

Just like Tom said, no matter what people do to make people hate, don't blame it on a tool.

This is a tool, it is great when used in the right way, and sinful when used in the wrong way!In fact, they themselves have not changed, and it is only human beings who are responsible for all this.

There is no suspense, the T-bone Chief's knife was cut in half neatly, and the light arrow shot into the T-bone Chief's body without fail, immediately carrying a bloody flower, tall and thin. The body also suddenly fell on the sea.

This seems to be very serious, but in fact it didn't hurt the vital point. There will be nothing wrong with the T-bone Chief.

It wasn't until after all this was done that Kirito got into the sea train again, and everyone who had been watching by the side breathed a sigh of relief.

You must know that this time it is against the world government, it is impossible to say that you are not nervous.

The eyes of everyone looking at Kirito are different from before. Before, they were just grateful to Kirito for saving Bingshan and Frank, but now they are all in awe of the strong.

Can do all this easily, how can it be an ordinary person?Maybe this boy can really become the Pirate King!

Chapter [-] The Battle of Judicial Island

After chasing for a while, Judicial Island can already see the shadow from a distance, and Kirito can't wait. If he hadn't been there, he would have passed by immediately.

"I'm going to save people first, you just follow behind, don't worry about anything! Remember that we are here to save people, so please pay attention to safety!" Kirito said solemnly.

Before he finished speaking, Kirito had turned into a streamer and disappeared on the train. He arrived at Judicial Island in an instant, and his enemy had not noticed it at all.

Very directly woke up the sleeping giants Oymo and Casey, and the two giants jumped up.

They have a gentleman's agreement with the world government. If someone breaks into this gate, their hard work for the past fifty years will be in vain.

With a loud roar, the two took up huge weapons and smashed them down at Kirito's head.

Speaking of which, their Elbaf warriors are really strange, they are like martial idiots who hug their weapons tightly even when they sleep.

Rebel Blade!

After all, these two people are also the younger brothers of old friends. Kirito doesn't want to hurt them, otherwise it will be a problem when they meet Tori and Broki in the future.

With a bang, Kirito was rushed out by this powerful blow, and only stopped when he hit the thick city wall.

In fact, it wasn't as hard as it seemed to resist this, but Kirito couldn't help but get restless.

Space Blade!

Kirito simply picked up his strongest weapon before, and rushed up again, this time he decided that he had to knock down these two people.

With a swipe, the weapons of the two giants were cut off quickly and neatly, and they fell to the ground with a loud noise.

It cannot be said that the giants rely heavily on weapons, but without the tailor-made weapons, their combat effectiveness will still be greatly reduced.

Light bound!

A huge beam of light appeared in front of him, and then it turned into countless filaments that seemed to be stripped of cocoons.

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