They were entangled and turned into a cocoon-like thing trapping the two giants there.

Touching the strange light tentatively, a gap appeared in the giant's thick finger, as if it had been bitten by something.

Seeing this situation, the two suddenly calmed down. This strange cage must not be forcibly broken through, otherwise, it will definitely be dismantled into eight pieces.

"Can you calm down a bit like this?" Kirito said with a slight frown.

The two giants looked at each other without saying a word. They didn't want to speak to the man who had sabotaged their plans.

Kirito said indifferently: "Actually, I have seen your leaders, Tori and Broki!"

Oymo exclaimed in surprise: "How is it possible? The world government clearly said that the bosses were locked up!"

Cassie also shouted angrily: "Hey! You've beaten us, you're amazing, but please don't make up these lies to deceive people, okay?"

"Don't you believe your boss? Who do you think in the navy can catch them?" Kirito asked loudly.

The two fell silent for a while. Indeed, judging from the strength of the two leaders, absolutely no navy could catch them.

After telling Oymo and Casey the cause and effect of the incident, the two of them wept with joy like children, which shows the status of Dongli and Brockey in their hearts.

After successfully reversing the two giants, the danger of everyone behind was minimized, and Kirito came to Spandam's office in an instant.

Judicial Island is known as the city that never sleeps, which is really convenient for Kirito, a user of the ability of light.

Just finished the meeting with the members of CP9, Spandam is lying on the office chair and drinking coffee leisurely.

"Ah! Damn, who made the coffee so hot!" Spandam jumped up after taking a sip.

With a thud, there was a slight laugh on the table, and Spandam raised his head quickly, only to see a pair of feet.

And these feet belonged to Kirito. He leaned comfortably on the back of the chair and said with his eyes closed, "I'll give you thirty seconds to call someone. You should take this opportunity!"

Spandam shouted loudly, "Who are you? Why did you suddenly come to my room?"

Ignoring Spandam's questioning at all, Kirito counted the numbers leisurely: "One, two..."

Picking up the phone bug in a hurry, Spandam hurriedly called the guard, and he loudly ordered: "Where did CP9 die? Let them gather in my office within ten seconds!"

The order was quickly issued, and an air door quietly opened from behind Kirito.

The people of CP9 came out one by one, standing neatly in a row waiting for Spandam's instructions.

Obviously Tongren was sitting there, but they didn't seem to see this person.

Lu Qi said slowly: "I don't know what the commander has ordered? We have all arrived."

Slamming the table hard, Spandam stood up angrily, but the sound he made was not very loud, but he held his hands and screamed in pain for a long time.

"Bastard! Can't you see this man? Hurry up and throw him into the sea to feed the sea kings!" Spandam exclaimed.

"The reason why we didn't do it is very simple, that's because the commander didn't have an order!" Lu Qi said lightly.

Kirito folded his arms and smiled: "Hey! You seem to look down on your superiors, this is really interesting!"

Not shy, Lu Qi smiled and said, "That's right! It's just like you said. If you can help me kill him, I really want to thank you!"

Kalifa also complained and said, "Why give him time to call people with your ability?"

"Lucci! Kalifa! Didn't you hear my order?" Spandam exclaimed angrily.

"Yes! I know sir!" Lu Qi replied with a nonchalant expression, but he had no intention of doing anything.

"You are sexual harassment! Sir!" Kalifa also said solemnly, as if there was such a thing.

Chapter 9 Spike CP[-]

Gabra said non-yin and not yang: "Hey hey hey! How do you talk to our respected officer?"

Otonashi also opened the zipper on his mouth and continued chattering: "Although the commander's Dao Strength value is only 9, you shouldn't hit him like this, it will make him lose his confidence to survive, crap. !"

Kirito stood up all of a sudden, and the momentum of the whole person also spread out all of a sudden, which made several CP9 members who were laughing can't help but get serious.

This man has become stronger than when he was in the city of water, which is really unacceptable.

Stretching out his fingers, Kirito pointed to Lu Qi and Bruno and said, "You two seem to be injured, right? I advise you to get off the ground and rest."

For a moment, everyone even suddenly thought that the young man in front of him was their commander, and the kind of aura he exuded was what a real commander should have.

In fact, what Kirito said is really wrong. After years of training, these people have not only superhuman strength, but also superhuman resilience.

The injuries on their bodies had already healed, and everyone suddenly surrounded Kirito in the middle, and it turned out that they wanted to join forces to beat him alone.

Like no one's land, Kirito pointed to Spandam's nose and said, "Do you know why I didn't kill you? Because I haven't seen the true power of the Demon Slaughter Order, I hope you don't let me down. what!"

Dog dog fruit wolf form!

Gabra directly used his Devil Fruit ability and turned into a brown humanoid wolf in a blink of an eye.

"I advise you not to use the power of Devil Fruit, because I'm afraid that my stomach will hurt from laughing." Gabra laughed softly at Kaku.

Before he finished speaking, he took the lead in rushing towards Kirito, and his sharp claws directly grabbed Kirito's head.

If you are caught in such a blow, I am afraid that the whole head will be caught in pieces.

In fact, Gabra's attack was made out of hatred. You must know how beautiful Lu Qi was when he went out to perform official duties. At that time, he was the strongest force in the entire judicial island.

But now several people have not only returned, but also successfully completed the big task. The most important thing is that their combat effectiveness has improved by such a large amount.

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