weigh anchor!Sail!Dive!

Hinata gave instructions decisively, and everyone followed the instructions of the navigators in an orderly manner.

In the blink of an eye, Kirito and his party disappeared into the sea, and the navy reluctantly fired a few torpedoes before retreating.

As for the people who surrounded and wiped out the fake Kirito Pirates, they also failed completely. Whether it was a hot weapon or a cold weapon, they were all blocked by a blood-red figure.

Due to the lack of attention from the navy, the fake Kirito Pirates escaped even more smoothly than Kirito and the others.

After carefully catching the torpedoes, Kirito did not throw them back as they were. After all, the navy also has family members. If the torpedoes are thrown back, the whole ship will be blown up. I don’t know how many people will die by then.

He threw the torpedo to the sea, and Kirito lay on the deck comfortably. It's been two years, and he hasn't returned to this ship for two years. It's really nostalgic!

There seems to be some agreement between the navy and the pirates. Once the pirate's ship dives into the water, the navy will never hunt it down again.

In fact, this is not an agreement, but because no one is willing to coat the navy ship, the correct statement should be that no one dares!

The composition of the coating is similar to that of the bubbles on the Bubble Islands. It is useless if it is far away, and the navy controls the way from the water to the new world. The coating is purely superfluous.

It is not that no one has coated the navy in history, but they were all brutally killed by pirates without exception.

Things in the world are like this, and if you refuse to leave a way for others to live, you are tantamount to suicide.

Later, the coater saw an unwritten rule that he would never coat the navy anyway.

At least the navy couldn't force them to coat because of their reputation, and their family members were able to survive unscathed.

The sea water is like a barrier, protecting the pirates who have thrown into its arms and blocking the navies with weapons.

Through the connection between the souls, Kirito instinctively felt that the puppet's ship was not far away from him, so that the next plan would be able to proceed smoothly.

Through the crystal clear film, the sea in the eyes seems to be different, there are colorful fish everywhere, and there are the intertwined tree roots spreading down from the Bubble Islands, the bizarre landforms and rocks.

This reminds everyone of the empty island. Isn't it this light and elegant feeling when it falls from the sky?

It's just that this journey has added a little bit of mystery and hazy, which makes people feel more attractive.

Carefully bypassed the stones and fish on the seabed, and everyone was staring at the ship's surroundings, so that if they encountered a sea king, they could avoid it in time.

Everyone was so nervous, but Kirito lay there like a rich man with his eyes closed, making people want to kick him up.

But soon everyone was completely convinced, because Kirito, who had his eyes closed, kept reminding Mekao, who was steering the rudder, where there were large schools of fish, where there were reefs and coral reefs, and where there were traces of large sea kings. .

It was as if the entire sea was his intelligence officer, that kind of clear, thorough and well-understood sense of mastery made everyone feel more and more unable to see through them!

"Xiao Nan! Prepare to fight back!" Kirito's voice suddenly changed from leisurely to serious, as if he had encountered some powerful enemy.

On another ship, a blood-red figure loudly ordered: "Sink that ship for me, there can only be one Kirito Pirates in the world!"

This person is the avatar left by Kirito before, and somehow attacked Kirito's pirate group.

Others don't know about this, but the fake Kirito knows that the blood-red skinned monster in front of him is from Kirito.

He asked cautiously: "Boss! That's Kirito Hyuga's ship! Are you sure you didn't give the wrong order?"

The implied meaning is self-evident, this is undoubtedly confirming the relationship between the two: that is Hiuga Kirito who is with you!Do you really want to kill him?

Glancing at the fake Kirito Hyuga, the blood-red puppet said slowly, "Don't you understand what I said? I am the only Kirito Hyuga in the world, those who want to fake me or control me are the best All die!"

The coldness emanating from his words made even the cunning and cunning fake Kirito shiver.

You must know that this guy is a monster left by the powerful and almost perverted guy of Hiuga Kirito. God knows what the consequences of angering this guy will be.

But it seems that this guy wants to get rid of Kirito Hinata's control. Is there anything better than this?

The so-called fight between two tigers is bound to hurt. As long as you can take this opportunity well, you will not only be able to successfully regain the captain's position, but maybe even the [-] million head of Kirito Hyuga!

Cariboo and Kribe exchanged glances and acted according to the puppet's instructions.

Originally, their purpose was to kill the fake Kirito, but they were defeated by the puppet, and they were only on this ship to take the puppet's head.

Now the puppet wants to kill Kirito, and if it succeeds, it will definitely double its net worth, and it will definitely be much better to kill him at that time than it is now!

Chapter [-] The Flying Pirates

This coating is amazing, but in the final analysis, it is just a matter of tension. As long as a large enough hole is opened in the coating, or if there are too many damaged places, the tension will not be maintained and it will break.

Although the puppet didn't dare to fire an attack, Kirito didn't dare to fire back. Although he could easily pass through the [-]-meter-deep seawater with his ability, the people around him couldn't do it.

Therefore, the attack method on the seabed is very simple. They can only absorb the coating on each other's ships by colliding with each other.

This kind of battle does not depend on the strength of the members of the ship, but on the size of the ship and the amount of coating. The attraction and repulsion of molecules and atoms is so subtle.

"Hurry up and ride the falling current, otherwise it will be dangerous!" Kirito ordered anxiously.

Fortunately, they were not far from the descending ocean current, so they quickly found and rode up, and they quickly widened the distance driven by the ocean current.

But it was obvious that the puppet didn't intend to let them go like this, and chased after them with the pirate ship.

Because Kirito's boat took the sea earlier, it always kept a distance, Kirito couldn't widen the distance, and the puppet couldn't catch up.

"There are sea monsters! Everyone, be careful!" Kirito suddenly said nervously, knowing that the pressure in the deep sea is enormous, and the force is enough to compress the steel plate into a tight ball.

Even if he didn't need to say it, everyone knew, because the octopus-like sea monster had already stretched out its incomparably huge tentacles.

Seeing that the coating on the ship was about to be destroyed by the attack of the sea monster, Kirito could no longer sit still, and his body disappeared in place at once, and then countless rays of light converged on him in the outside world. It seemed that even that layer of soap bubble-like coating was not touched in the slightest.

He stood gently on the head of the sea monster, and the proportions were exaggerated, as if a mosquito had fallen on the head of an elephant.

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