Soul imprint!

Slowly extending his hand, Kirito pressed the palm of the shimmering light on the huge forehead of the octopus sea monster.

As if stimulated by something, the tentacles that the sea monster stretched out to the pirate ship suddenly retracted, three points faster than when they were stretched out.

Immediately afterwards, the huge body of the sea monster began to twitch, and the turbulent undercurrent continued to roll up. If it goes on like this, I am afraid that there is no need for the sea monster to do it. The violent current alone is enough to tear the pirate ship to pieces.

Such a huge creature's soul power can be described as spectacular. If it wasn't for Kirito's own superiority in ability, and the intellect of sea monsters could not form an effective resistance, I am afraid that Kirito would not be able to handle the pirate ship before it was torn apart. .

The momentum of the struggle gradually became smaller, until finally the octopus seemed to be dead and motionless, and even the breath became inaudible.

After a while, the octopus seemed to be alive again, and its movements became much more agile than before, and it seemed that its intelligence had also been improved to a certain extent.

Suddenly, the octopus raised its hand and waved it towards Kirito, so fast that it made people unable to react.

There was still sweat on Kirito's face, and it was obvious that the move just now was not as easy as it seemed, and now he has no strength to dodge at all.

Even so, he still had a warm smile on his face, and it seemed that the thrill of life and death was just commonplace to him.

Under the tense twilight of everyone, the tentacles of the octopus gently landed on Kirito's face, looking very docile and intimate.

After taming the sea monster, Kirito's combat power has reached a new level, and the strength and weakness between the puppet and Kirito have suddenly become reversed.

The face of the puppet, who was still aggressive just now, also turned an ugly dark purple, and immediately gave an order to avoid it.

Because Kirito dodged back to the ship and issued the order to advance and attack through the connection between the souls, the huge tentacles of the octopus have already launched an attack on the opponent's pirate ship.

Kankan avoided the attack, and the puppet hurriedly ordered the sails to be retracted.

Since Fishman Island is in the deep sea of ​​[-] meters, Kirito and his party started diving after repelling the fake Kirito Pirates.

In such a dark place, Kirito's ability can be said to play a very effective role.

The eyes of the deep-sea fish living in the dark have basically degenerated, and a flash attack can completely make them lose their combat effectiveness.

Of course, all this is useless to the lantern fish that relies on lights to attract people, but after this period of rest, Kirito is basically able to participate in the battle.

Light gun!

Making a pistol action, a little light directly penetrated the head of the lantern fish, and it died under Kirito's hands without even feeling the pain.

However, using this kind of heat attack in the sea is really too laborious. The low temperature of the deep seawater absorbs a lot of heat, and more power must be used to be effective.

A bald sea monster came out with a big thorn, reaching out to attack the boats of Kirito and others, and Van der Deaken also appeared from behind, driving the flying Dutchman.

The corner of Kirito's mouth couldn't help but have a smile, he came here for this pirate group.

"Appeared? It seems that today's main dish should be fish soup!" Kirito said nonchalantly.

"Hahaha! The little brother is really humorous, it's fate to meet each other! Why don't we all shake hands and make peace!" Fan Diiken said with a big laugh.

"I don't mind if you're willing to wash your hands after shaking hands!" Kirito said clearly.

Van Dieken's expression changed suddenly. He didn't expect his ability to be known to the other party. His first reaction was to kill this damn human as soon as possible.

You must know that humans have done a lot of excessive things to mermaids and murlocs before, so that a deep hatred has been formed between the two races.

Although it is very funny to say, it has always existed. The fish-man island, which can only survive by relying on the protection of humans, is full of people who hate humans.

Lightspeed kick!

The scene of disobedience appeared in everyone's eyes, and Kirito used such a powerful ability in the deep sea.

And it seems that he is still very comfortable, completely violating the rules of this world.

Not only that, even if the ability can be uncontrolled, but the body can't stand it, Kirito directly came to the deep sea without any measures, as if the pressure of the deep sea does not exist at all.

Chapter [-]: Dealing with the New Murloc Pirates

With just one kick, the menacing bald sea monster fell directly, and a series of blood bubbles bloomed recklessly in the sea.

Van Dieken was even more angry. This guy not only dismantled himself on the spot, but also killed his little brother with one blow.

"The volcano is about to erupt, are you willing to die for a useless little brother, or save your own life first?" Kirito asked with a smile.

Sure enough, after a careful feeling, the water temperature around it has indeed become abnormal, and a series of bubbles have emerged in the direction of the volcano.

After pondering with a dignified face, Van Dieken had to give up, because he was not sure that Kirito and his party would be solved before the eruption of the volcano.

Everyone on the boat also began to get anxious. You must know that no matter how powerful your personal ability is, you can't fight against the might of heaven and earth.

Pointing calmly behind him, Kirito said lightly: "Let's turn the rudder and go to the trench over there to hide!"

Merkao turned the rudder without hesitation, the boat began to drive in the direction of the trench, and the octopus quickly grabbed the boat and dragged it forward.

Fan Didaiken and the puppet pirates also quickly followed behind Kirito. Although they didn't know how Kirito knew about the trench, they couldn't care about it at this moment of life and death.

Just one step slower, Kirito and his party have disappeared, only Van Dieken's pirate ship and the puppet's pirate ship are driving side by side.

The corner of the puppet's mouth also smiled slightly, and softly ordered: "Put the boat on, let's go grab the coating of Van Dieken!"

Although Fan Di Daiken can show off his strength in front of Kirito, in fact, it is only because of the large number of ships.

But it was obvious that the pirate group led by the puppet far outnumbered him, and the ship was much bigger.

Sure enough, everyone from the fake Kirito Pirates immediately attached the boat, and the coatings attracted each other into a larger bubble, wrapping both boats inside.

Van Dieken's face suddenly turned ugly, and he never expected that the pirate group, which had been inactive just now, would suddenly make such an aggressive move.

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