"The coating has been fused together. Do you want me to kill you?" Van Dieken said viciously.

The red puppet said with a smile: "Actually, I don't mean anything, I just want to ask you a question!"

It was said that there was no malicious intent, but the other party's actions were not as friendly as they said.

The puppet said calmly, "I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Shura from the Blood Blade Pirates, and I want you to come to my ship, what do you think?"

Fan Diiken frowned and said displeasedly: "I can only say sorry to you, I am not used to doing things under other people's hands!"

Shura didn't force it, and simply said: "If that's the case, then I won't disturb your journey, little ones, let's go!"

Although they said that, it was obviously threatening the other party. As soon as their big boat left, the coating on the small boat would definitely be snatched away. Even if there was some leftovers, there would definitely not be enough air to breathe.

"Mr. Shura, since you're here, don't leave in such a hurry! It's too outrageous to say that you won't be disturbed!" Fan Diiken said with a smile.

"Then the question I asked just now, presumably Your Excellency has already answered it, right?" Shura said with a sinister smile.

Although Van Dieken is a murloc, unfortunately, he ate the devil fruit, which caused him to be not afraid of water pressure but the weakness of sea water.

If a choice must be made between habits and life, I think most people will choose life, after all, only by living can there be more hope.

And it seems that the other party is not human, because he has a distinctive blood-red skin.

Thinking of this, Van Dieken immediately knelt down on one knee and said, "I, Van Diekon IX, is facing the Spiritual Mage today, and I am willing to join the Blood Blade Pirates for Your Excellency Shura to drive."

Shura helped Fan Diiken and said happily: "If this is the case, then it's the best, I will definitely not treat you badly!"

Even the entire pirate group was recruited without blood, and even Kribe had to admire this guy who didn't look like a human at this time.

Following the right captain at sea can greatly improve the survival rate, and this person is also very angry. Krib no longer wants to kill him as much as before, but he still wants to kill Kirito to improve his reputation.

So far, it can be considered that they have experienced life and death together, but Shura has never revealed the ability to master, which shows that this person is a cautious person, and he is also a person who is unwilling to believe.

I didn't expect that a small action could capture everyone's heart so easily, and the Bloodblade Pirates suddenly became united.

At least they were much more united than when the fake Kirito was in power. These members had unconsciously developed a sense of dependence on Shura.

And Kirito and his party have also come to the outside of Fishman Island along the trench, and they are confronting the members of the New Fishman Pirates.

A conspiracy is quietly taking shape, and the plan that the new fish-man pirates will be wiped out has gradually taken shape.

Hammond laughed and said, "How is it? Kirito Hyuga, haven't you thought about it yet? There are definitely great benefits to following our new Murloc Pirates!"

Kirito smiled and said, "Is there such a big benefit as ONEPIECE? It's not that I refuse to join your pirate group unless you agree to a condition!"

With a contemptuous smile, the three murlocs all felt a sense of disdain. It seems that the famous Kirito Pirates are just like that.

The three looked at each other and said, "Just say it, let alone one condition, even ten conditions are fine!"

In their opinion, they only need to rely on the reputation of Kirito, as for Kirito himself, it is not within the scope of consideration at all.

With a faint smile, Kirito said easily: "As long as you can let me be the captain, I will agree to your request!"

This time even the fools knew that Kirito was playing with them, and they rushed up after a loud shout.

Since it can't be used for oneself, then just get rid of it directly, anyway, it's just a despicable and dirty human being.

Until now, they didn't believe that Kirito could be as strong as the legend, and not everyone believed in the legend!

Chapter [-]: Go to Dragon Palace

Light burst!

As if the propellers were installed, the pirate ship flew towards the fishman island above. The fishmen in the air didn't even have time to react. They could only watch Kirito's pirate ship fly away. .

It was only at this time that Kirito remembered that if he entered directly like this, it should be counted as illegal entry.

But at this time, he can't take care of so much anymore, because now Kirito does not plan to fight against the new fish-man pirates. To put it bluntly, they are not qualified.

Judging from the level of death of the New Fish-Man Pirates, the day of death is not too far away.

After passing through that layer of film, the coating on the ship was immediately sucked away, and a large amount of seawater rushed in in an instant, and the line of sight in front of him was completely blocked by the waves.

But this is completely difficult for Kirito and his party. The reason is very simple, because no one on board is a Devil Fruit ability.

I don't know how long it took to see the building, Kirito searched for a long time with the help of memory, and finally found Kemi with the help of the enthusiastic mermaid.

Seeing Kirito and the others coming here, Kemi seemed to be very surprised and pleasantly surprised. She kindly took the hands of a few girls and started chatting, as if she hadn't seen Kirito and Meikao.

Of course, even if you can remember Kirito, you may not be able to recognize Mekkao, because the appearance after the transformation is not the same as before.

Glancing at each other with a wry smile, the two of them really had nothing to do with these women, so they just sat on the side and carefully looked at the furnishings in the room.

I don't know how long it took, the women finally finished speaking, and Kirito said, "Kemi, I want to meet King Neptune, I wonder if you have any good ideas?"

Hearing this, Kemi couldn't help but froze for a moment. She really couldn't understand what Kirito, who had never met before, saw that high-ranking king.

Frowning his brows, Kemi said hesitantly, "This is really difficult. That big man rarely leaves the Dragon Palace. It's probably not that easy to see him!"

Hearing this, Kirito nodded clearly and said: "I don't know if there is any space for water here, we want to go up and breathe!"

Kemi also knew that Kirito and his group were all human beings, so she would definitely feel uncomfortable staying underwater all the time, she said with a smile: "I just want to introduce you to my friends, so let's go up! "

Despite the fact that murlocs and mermen are oppressed and bullied by humans, there is still a very serious class concept within them.

Only when the financial resources and power reach a certain level can they afford to buy a house on the upper floors, and the more powerful live in the luxury residential area.

Here, the raised house has a very romantic name called the place closer to the sun.

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