From this we can see how eager they are to be able to walk in the sun, and how oppressed they are.

Gradually floated up, and the scenery above suddenly became a panoramic view. The environment here is indeed many times stronger than underwater.

I kindly introduced Kirito and the group to my friends, and they greeted everyone enthusiastically, so the few people who had nothing to do with them chatted like old friends for many years.

The purpose of Kirito's coming here is also very clear. He and others have entered the country illegally, and it is impossible that no one will come to him.

As expected, it didn't take long for a few people to drive a mighty and luxurious ship from the sky to the front.

These people are the three princes of the Dragon Palace, and they arrived here after receiving the news that someone had entered the country illegally.

"Beautiful girls, have you ever seen a few illegal trespassers?" the princes asked politely.

They looked at each other in dismay, and the murloc girls didn't know what to say, because Kirito and his party didn't dodge at all, but they were still lying on the shore very comfortably.

Slowly raising his head, Kirito said with a smile: "It seems that your Excellency is from the Dragon Palace, right?"

The three princes looked at Kirito and said, "Then you should be the pirate who entered the country illegally. Come with us!"

He clapped his hands and stood up. As expected, Kirito walked in front of them as he said, and raised his palms and waved them.

The faces of the three princes suddenly became strange, as if they had seen something incredible.

The eldest prince asked suspiciously: "Are you from that? I wonder how they are doing recently?"

Nodding indifferently, Kirito did not answer their questions, but instead waved to the members behind him.

The princes seemed to have reacted and greeted enthusiastically: "Sir, please get on the boat quickly, this is not the place to talk!"

After all the members got on the boat, Kirito greeted again with a smile: "Kemi also come with us, I think it should be no problem!"

Several princes hurriedly said with a smile: "Of course, since she is your friend, she can naturally go!"

Amidst the envious eyes of many mermaid girls getting on the boat, Kemi stood there nervously, not even knowing where to put her hands!

The ship flew up quickly, but the target was not the Dragon Palace, but the place where Papagu lived. No matter what, everyone was in trouble together. Presumably if he went with him, it would also be of great help to his reputation. .

Several girls have been talking to the somewhat restrained Kemi, but Kirito has been talking to the three princes with a solemn expression.

Just now Kirito showed them the logo of the Whitebeard Pirates. You must know that the Whitebeard Pirates are different now. Those who dare to carry this kind of thing must have a relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates. very close relationship.

When Whitebeard was still alive, the entire Mermaid Island was thanks to the care of the Whitebeard Pirates, so the residents of the entire island had great respect for the people of the Whitebeard Pirates.

After carefully inquiring about the current situation of the Whitebeard Pirates, several big men couldn't help but sigh. I didn't expect the famous Whitebeard in the past to die at the Navy Headquarters like this.

I don't know what principle this ship is relying on to float in the air. In short, the speed is very fast, and soon their goal will become the Dragon Palace in the sky!

After successfully arriving in the Dragon Palace, the three princes hurriedly told their father Neptune about it.

Nipton obviously also attached great importance to this matter, and quickly received Kirito and his party, which can be said to be a great courtesy.

There were no ten thousand or eight thousand ships that had ever been to this island, but very few of them could be received by Neptune.

Chapter [-]: The Misfortune of the Mermaid Princess

After a few brief greetings, Kirito cut straight to the point and said solemnly, "Your Majesty, I have some very bad news to tell you, I hope you won't be surprised when you find out!"

Nipton nodded, indicating that he was ready, but in fact he still felt quite disapproving in his heart.

After all, he has been sitting in this position for so many years, and what can surprise him!

"You must have discovered that there are fewer and fewer people coming to Mermaid Island recently!" Kirito said seriously.

This matter is no longer a secret. Everyone can feel the depression on the island. Before, the island was full of people, and the bustling scene was unbelievable.

The main financial revenue of Fishman Island was brought about by tourism. After all, the small island in the deep sea is still very attractive.

"This should have been influenced by the Whitebeard Pirates, and it won't take long for it to return to its original state!" Neptune said thoughtfully.

Shaking his head, Kirito said, "This matter is far from simple, do you know why we entered the country illegally?"

King Neptune looked at him and said, "Didn't your lord do this on purpose to see me?"

With a slight smile, Kirito said lightly: "This is only one of the reasons, but it is not the main reason."

With that said, he told Nepton exactly what happened under Fishman Island, and Nepton's expression suddenly became solemn.

He analyzed and said: "If this is the case, I am afraid that the new fish-man pirates will have some big moves. I don't know if it will affect the country!"

It seemed that Neptune still had a bit of luck in his heart. Kirito looked at him seriously and did not speak, but just looked at him without blinking.

Seeing this, even Nipton, who was used to seeing wind and waves, began to feel guilty. He bowed his head embarrassedly and said, "I wonder what you have in mind, sir?"

Looking back, Kirito sighed and said: "This matter will not only threaten the country, but also has a lot to do with the country, because the new fish-man pirates are now conspiring to steal the country, so they are so ostentatious. The wanton recruiting and buying of horses!"

As soon as he said these words, even the king who was used to seeing wind and rain couldn't help but take a deep breath. The new fish-man pirates were right under his nose. It was impossible to say that he didn't know anything about it. .

He had always known that the New Murloc Pirates had great ambitions, but he never thought that they would have such a big appetite and want to subvert a country with the power of a single ship.

"Is this news reliable, sir? I don't know where you got the news!" Neptune asked anxiously.

Seeing the king's anxiety, Kirito couldn't help but smiled and said, "Your Majesty doesn't have to worry about it. This matter should be stopped before it starts, but I hope Your Majesty can be fully prepared!"

Of course, the person who stopped this was the avatar Shura who recently got Kirito's forehead. Such a big ship will definitely be targeted by the New Murloc Pirates, and Shura will definitely not be bullied like this.

Hearing Kirito say this, Neptune let out a heavy sigh, but dense cold sweat was already oozing out of his forehead.

Then Kirito changed the subject again, and he asked quietly, "I don't know if your Majesty's confidant still wants to solve it?"

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