If even he can't solve it, then I am afraid that no one can really help Kirito, and Kirito can only be slowly and completely eroded.

However, because Kirito has been banned, he is not allowed to live in reality within five years, so he cannot go directly to the world from the gate of the world, and his current special situation cannot be known to others.

Otherwise, based on the thoughts of those people, maybe Kirito will be killed in advance because he will become a virtual at any time, so as not to cause some trouble.

Kirito didn't want to die, and Broken Bee also didn't want him to have an accident, so after the two discussed it, they decided to let Kirito sneak into the world quietly.

After all, Soul Soul World is so big, if you want to sneak into the world secretly, you just need to find a place that will not be monitored, and add some special methods.

Fortunately, Broken Bee was prepared. When Kirito set off for the world, he gave him a protective clothing. This clothing was invented by Urahara Kisuke, and it has the function of hiding his spiritual pressure.

In this way, Kirito will not be discovered when he arrives in the world through the piercing gate, otherwise, with his captain-level Reiatsu, he will definitely be noticed.

With the help of Broken Bee, Kirito successfully passed through the gate of the world, and after he came to the world, he immediately rushed to the Urahara store.

Now only Urahara Kisuke can help Kirito, he is Kirito's last hope.

Chapter [-]: Hong Ji

Kirito's current state is very bad, and he may be unable to control himself at any time, so he must seek help from Kisuke Urahara as soon as possible.

Urahara Kisuke was currently having a lot of trouble with Xiao Yujin, and he was shocked when he suddenly saw a person rushing in.

But after seeing it was Kirito, he calmed down, and then he asked the panting Kirito, "What? You miss me? Can't wait to see me? Why are you panting like this?"

Urahara Kisuke still generally knew Kirito's strength, so he was a little puzzled when he saw Kirito like this.

"Hehe, I really can't wait to see you, but it's not that I miss you, it's that I'm in trouble." Kirito said to Kisuke Urahara.

"You won't be poisoned again, will you? It looks like you look like this." Urahara Kisuke looked at Kirito, then laughed.

"Mr. Urahara, I have more troubles when I come to you this time." Kirito was not in the mood to joke about breastfeeding.

So he used a relatively brief language, wanting Urahara Kisuke to summarize his previous state in Seoreitei.

"You mean? There is a void power in your body now? And it's still devouring your consciousness?" Urahara Kisuke asked.

Kirito nodded, this is the situation he is now, but he himself couldn't figure out why, so he came to Kisuke Urahara.

"Mr. Urahara, I'm afraid this is going to be blurred." Teezhai leaned forward and said to Kisuke Urahara from the side.

"Well, I guess so, I'm afraid that's what that person did." After Urahara Kisuke said this, he turned and walked towards the backyard.

"Come with me, Teezhai, come with you too, Mrs. Yujin, stay here, the two of you," Urahara Kisuke said to the crowd.

Kirito immediately followed after hearing this. He was trying his best to suppress the chaos in his body, so he looked tired.

The three walked all the way to the outside of a room, and then Urahara Kisuke opened the door and walked in first.

Kirito also walked in. This is a basement. As soon as the door is opened, it leads to the road below. Kirito has been following Urahara Kisuke.

After walking for a while, Urahara Kisuke opened a door, the three of them walked in, and the scene in front of them suddenly became clear.

The place that appeared in Kirito's eyes was like the underground world of the second division. This place called the basement could not be seen at all.

This place is very similar to the place where Kirito practiced swastika before, even the sky is the same, it is a false sky formed by special means.

"This? How is it so similar to the underground of the second division?" Kirito felt that there should be a great connection between the two, so he asked.

Urahara Kisuke looked back at the same Kirito, then smiled and said to him: "You've been there, yes, this place was built according to the template of the second division underground, how is it? Spectacular, right?"

Although Kirito thinks it is really spectacular, but now his concern is not there, but how Urahara Kisuke knows the appearance of the second division underground.

"Mr. Urahara, forgive me for taking the liberty, the underground world of the second division is a relatively secret existence. I was able to enter because I was a member of the second division before. I don't know how you got in?"

Kirito was very puzzled. Could it be that Kisuke Urahara was once a god of death?And a member of the second team?

"Well? Was the second team? Could it be that you were expelled from Seirei?" Urahara Kisuke did not return to Kirito's question, but asked Kirito.

Seeing Kisuke Urahara misunderstood, Kirito explained: "No, because I defeated three Achukas last time, the captains agreed that I have the same level of strength as them, so they ordered me to be ten Captain of the Fourth Division."

"The [-]th Division? When did this happen, why don't I know." Urahara Kisuke was still very interested, and then asked Kirito.

"It was decided the last time I returned to Seoreitei, and then I received a one-year prison sentence before I officially took office."

After Kirito answered Kisuke Urahara's question, he still wanted to ask why Kisuke Urahara knew a lot about Seirei Tei.

He had asked Shirabee before, but Shirabee didn't answer Kirito on the pretext that he didn't want to mention Kisuke Urahara.

This time, I just had something to ask for Urahara Kisuke, so I just asked together, which would also clear up Kirito's confusion.

"Why are you so curious about me?" Urahara Kisuke walked towards Kirito, and then looked at him from a foot in front of Kirito.

"If you can survive this time, I'll tell you my secret, if not, it's just a waste of words to tell you."

After Kisuke Urahara said this to Kirito with a smile, he turned his head and walked away. He was about to start his duties now.

Since he knew that Kirito was a precursor to blurring, he also had a corresponding method. He was no stranger to blurring.

"Okay, let's get to the point." Urahara Kisuke stood directly opposite the fellow and said to Kirito.

"I'm ready, Mr. Urahara." Kirito didn't know how Urahara Kisuke would help him, but he had to do it in any way, otherwise this virtual force would become stronger and stronger sooner or later, making him self-conscious. completely swallowed.

Urahara Kisuke looked into Kirito's eyes and said to him, "You must know that the power of the virtual is a completely different power from the god of death."

"I know." After all, Kirito has dealt with creatures like Xu several times, and he has some understanding of their nature.

"According to common sense, this kind of virtual power entering the body of the god of death will definitely cause huge damage to him, but now you have not reached that point, so there is still a great hope to suppress this power. "

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