Kisuke Urahara continued to explain to Kirito, and he drew out his Zanpakutō, a thin sword hidden in his cane.

"My knife is called Hong Ji, and I usually don't use it to fight, but now it's a special situation, and there's nothing I can do."

Urahara Kisuke looked at the Zanpakutō in his hand as if he were looking at a woman he deeply pityed.

"I'm telling you now, if you want to suppress that phantom power, others can't help you, you can only rely on yourself."

Urahara Kisuke's remarks surprised Kirito, "On myself? How can I rely on myself, I've been tortured by this power and can't hold it anymore."

Kirito's heart is very entangled at the moment, but looking at Urahara Kisuke's posture, there should still be a way to help him, so Kirito asked Urahara Kisuke.

Chapter [-]: The Power of Void

Seeing that Kirito was ready, Urahara Kisuke said to him, "Now, I will consume all the power of death in your body."

Hearing Urahara Kisuke's words, Kirito was even more shocked. Originally, he used the power of death to suppress Xu's power, but now Urahara Kisuke said such words, doesn't that mean Kirito will directly become Xu?

"There is no other way for your situation. Only by letting the power of the virtual break out completely, and through your firm consciousness, can you completely suppress it."

Urahara Kisuke saw Kirito's puzzlement from Kirito's face, so he explained to Kirito.

"Once my death power is completely exhausted, I'm afraid I will directly become empty." Kirito expressed his worries.

"It is only in the gap when you become virtual that you will have the opportunity to suppress this force. I will help you when that time comes, but it will mainly depend on you."

After Urahara Kisuke said this, he rushed towards Kirito directly. He wanted to fight Kirito to consume Kirito's virtual power.

"Wake up, Hong Ji!"

As soon as he came up, Kisuke Urahara opened his first solution. Seeing this, Kirito directly gave up the suppression of the power of the void, and the firepower was full.

Since it needs to be consumed, then the trumpet is a little more thorough, and the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and the armed color domineering are instantly activated.

"Blow out the light, Qiuhong!"

Because this is not a life-and-death battle after all, Urahara Kisuke just opened the beginning of understanding, so there is no need for Kirito to open his swastika.

Kirito will take this battle as an opportunity to experience, he knows that a smart person like Urahara Kisuke will never be reckless.

Since Urahara Kisuke chose to consume Kirito's power in this way, it proves that he has a power that will never belong to Kirito.

That's exactly what happened. When the two Zanpakutō slashed together, neither one's strength suppressed the other.

"Tweet, Hong Ji!"

Urahara Kisuke also wanted to try Kirito's true strength. He wanted to see what kind of strength the new captain in front of him had.

Urahara Kisuke's sword, with his voice, sent a red wave of light directly to Kirito.

The flying speed of this light wave is extremely fast, and it has reached Kirito's face in the blink of an eye, but Kirito's strength is not fake.

"Is this the ability of that red princess?" Kirito looked at the Zanpakutō in Urahara Ki's assistant, thinking in his heart.

Although the main purpose of Kirito's battle with Urahara Kisuke this time was to exhaust his death power, the battle is a battle, and as long as it is a battle, Kirito wants to win.

So he will try his best to use the power he can use to fight Urahara Kisuke. Thinking of this, his eyes have changed.

Kirito, who already has a Kaleidoscope Shaker, can use a very powerful pupil technique. Although he only has Amaterasu now, this ability alone is strong enough.


Kirito stared at Kisuke Urahara and used this skill directly, and the black flame burned directly to Kisuke Urahara's body.

Because Kirito can summon and extinguish Amaterasu at any time, he is not worried that this move will cause too much damage to Urahara Kisuke.

After confirming this kind of thing, Kirito will use this move, and this is the first time he has used this move in actual combat.

Although Kirito's attack is sharp, Urahara Kisuke is not an ordinary person. He can feel the destructive power from the black flame released by Kirito, so he also took timely precautions. .

"The Shield of Hong Ji Xuexia!"

A red shield formed by a spiritual child appeared directly in front of Kisuke Urahara, blocking all of Kirito's Amaterasu.

However, the power of Amaterasu is also extremely powerful, it can be attached to anything and burn, even the spirit child is no exception.

Urahara Kisuke was also a little surprised to see this attack method, so he simply pushed the shield of Xuexia away, so that even if the shield of Xuexia couldn't resist the burning of Amaterasu, it would not be hurt by being too close. he himself.

What Urahara Kisuke did was right, but when Kirito saw that Amaterasu had nothing to do with Urahara Kisuke, he gave up his plan to continue using ninjutsu.

He still wants to consume the power of death, so he increased the release of spiritual pressure and concentrated all this power on the blade.

Now that Kirito's Reiatsu has flooded the underground world, a leader-level Reiatsu is not something to be underestimated.

He wanted to learn the same way as Zanpaku Kenpachi, fighting with the slashing of the Zanpakutō alone, which would not only consume the power of the god of death, but also appear extremely passionate.

Kirito has already displayed his lotus step at this moment, constantly changing positions while slashing at Kisuke Urahara.

But Urahara Kisuke didn't panic at all. He seemed to be able to guess Kirito's attack direction, and he could always take timely precautions, and he could even give Kirito a strong counterattack.

The battle between the two was very fierce, and even Tie Zhai, who was watching from the side, had his eyelids twitching. The two of them seemed to be on fire.

The two of them kept slashing at each other with their knives. If they didn't know the specifics, they would think that the two of them were enemies, trying their best to cause damage to each other.

Urahara Kisuke still looks calm, but looking at Kirito, he has started to go crazy now.

Because he gave up the suppression of the power of the void in the body, with the lack of the power of death, this violent power emerged.

What Urahara Kisuke has to do is to let this power burst out completely. Now, he is like an introduction.

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