After Kirito struck, it was his second attack. At this time, he had already started to seal, and a powerful attack was coming soon.

"Vision. Nine Heavens Wind and Thunder!"

"Wind is the shape of Aotian, thunder is the bone of regretful sky, the wind causes thunder to move, thunder shakes the wind, the wind is the soul, the thunder is the soul, the vision rises, the bones are cold, drink!"

This is Kirito's chanting of Jiutian Fenglei, because the power of this move is amazing, so the energy of Kirito's body alone cannot be satisfied at all.

So find a good way to rely on this kind of chant, borrow the power of heaven and earth, to make up for this lack of power, and form a deadly attack.

This trick exists on the basis of the spiral pill, but the power is not known how many times larger than that of the spiral pill.

I saw Kirito slammed it, and Jiutian Fenglei's sphere shot directly at Aizen. At that speed, even Aizen couldn't avoid it.

However, Aizen didn't mean to avoid it. He had already resisted the damage of the light blade. What he needed to resist next was just a slightly more powerful attack.

At the moment when Jiutian Fenglei shot, Kirito's palm was sealed again, this time, what he wanted to use was Youlei Qilin.

One by one, Kirito did not believe that Aizen could easily take over all of them. As long as he was injured, he would have a chance to defeat him.

"Darkness descends into the world. The unicorn emerges!"

Just as Jiutian Fenglei's sphere collided with Aizen, Kirito's Yulei unicorn was ready.

This is the ultimate move he relies on to attack. Every time he uses it, he will receive miraculous effects. Kirito believes that this time will be no exception.

Lan Ran supported the hundred shields and looked at the sky. At this time, the sky had become a state of dense clouds.

And Sisi Leiguang was already looming in the clouds, and he could even feel the destructive power of this move.

But his expression is still very calm, because he does not think that Kirito has the ability to defeat him.

After all, his true strength has not been fully demonstrated until now. Giving him a little time is his peak moment.

After performing this series of attacks, the consumption of Kirito is very large. At this time, he has already withdrawn from the virtual state.

Because his spiritual pressure is running out, it is not enough to support him to stay in the virtual state.

However, although the power was exhausted, Kirito was not so worried, because Urahara Kisuke gave Kirito a small pill in the space tunnel.

Urahara Kisuke told him that this was his newly invented medicine, and the effect was to instantly restore all Reiatsu.

However, such a powerful drug naturally also has strong side effects, that is, there will be a period of sluggishness for up to a month after taking the drug.

During this period, your spiritual pressure will not remain at all, no matter how hard you try, there will be no spiritual pressure.

And your body will be very weak, and even the level of ordinary people will not reach the level of ordinary people, or even more serious.

However, despite such serious side effects, Kirito has to swallow this medicine now.

Because he has to continue to attack Aizen, only in this way can Aizen be crushed by a powerful attack.

At this time, Jiutian Fenglei has already demonstrated its power, and coupled with the Lei Dun Qilin, the double Lei Dun exudes the power of destruction.

Urahara Kisuke looked at Aizen's direction, thoughtful in his heart, and then he immediately went to the interior of Seoreitei.

He wants to go back to the [-]th Division. Although he is no longer the captain, there are still things he left behind.

At this time, Aizen, although the expression on his face did not change, but his Hundred Shields could not withstand the attack of Jiutian Fenglei.

Even if Aizen has been instilling spiritual pressure inwards, the crystal wall of Baidun will shatter.

The dense cracks have been covered with a hundred shields, and Aizen is ready to retreat at any time, after all, his defense can no longer hold.

With the sound of "Boom", the hundred shields made by Aizen fell apart directly under Kirito's attack.

However, Aizen retreated very timely, and was not injured by the fragments of Hundred Shields, but the power of Jiutian Fenglei had not dissipated.

After the extremely fast thunderball shattered a hundred shields, the next target was naturally Aizen, and Aizen had already drawn his sword to prepare for battle.

Chapter [-] Showdown II

There is still a lot of remaining power in Jiutian Fenglei, so even Aizen does not dare to be too careless. After all, an attack of this level will cause huge damage if you are not careful.

In the face of Jiutian Fenglei's attack, Aizen's Zanpakutō was directly in front of him as a means of defense.

Because Aizen's own spiritual pressure is extremely high, even if Jiutian Fenglei's strength is very strong, it is not enough to defeat Aizen.

On the contrary, after the constant consumption of Aizen, its power is almost gone.

But it doesn't matter, because at this time the thunder unicorn has already appeared, and the huge thunder beast's head in the sky suddenly protrudes out.

This is already the first time Kirito has used this ninjutsu, and the power is even greater every time.

Aizen looked at the dense thunderclouds while dispersing the nine-day wind thunderball that had little remaining power.

"Are you still looking?" Aizen's expression was still not solemn, because his method had not yet been used.

At this time, Kirito had already swallowed the recovery potion that Urahara Kisuke had given him, and the majestic spiritual pressure instantly filled his body.

Kirito, who has regained his strength, is ready to continue his attack. This time, he is ready to use the power of his own writing wheel.


This is the powerful power contained in Kirito's kaleidoscope, a scorching black flame that is powerful and hard to erase.

Amaterasu's flames can appear directly at the enemy's position, so no matter how fast Aizen moves, he will be burned by Amaterasu.

The powerful black flames attacked together with the unicorn unicorn in the sky, causing Aizen to suffer a lot of pressure for a while.

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