When he resisted the impact of the unicorn, the black flames directly attached to him.

"What is this?" Aizen wanted to put out the flames on his body directly, but he found that he couldn't do it at all.

"That is my Amaterasu, the inextinguishable flame!"

Kirito's voice sounded coldly. Facing Aizen, he would not show any mercy. All the means that could be used would be applied to Aizen.


This is the strongest skill Kirito has mastered so far, and it was born through the ability to write a kaleidoscope.

Kirito didn't want Aizen to have any chance to breathe, that's why he chose such a crazy attack.

On the other hand, Aizen was enduring the burning of the black flame at the moment, and at the same time resisting the attack of the unicorn unicorn.

Above the sky at this moment, dense dark clouds gathered in an instant, even though there has never been such weather here.

But Kirito's Thunder Escape Kirin has the ability to forcibly change the weather at the location where he casts the spell.

The black thunder has been shown from the thunder cloud, and the power contained in it is the strongest attack Kirito can launch.

At this time, Aizen was defending against Kirito's Amaterasu's scorching attack, but his expression still did not appear to be under any pressure.

Even the current Aizen has a little interest, because in this spiritual garden, people like Kirito who can cause trouble for him no longer exist.

Aizen is also belligerent. Facing Kirito, his fighting spirit has all been challenged, and he will start to take this battle seriously.

Lan Ran looked down at the black flame on his body, he was very decisive, and immediately cut off the skin with the black flame attached.

He had tried before and wanted to extinguish the black flame, but the properties of the black flame seemed very strange.

Even though Aizen's knowledge was extensive enough, he still couldn't detect Kirito's bizarre attacking power.

There is no way, if you don't deal with this black flame, you may be greatly restricted in the next battle.

Because he doesn't know what kind of damage this black flame will cause to him.

After Aizen chopped off his own skin, he immediately got rid of the burning of the black flame, which made him feel more relaxed.

Then, under Kirito's gaze, Aizen's originally damaged wound healed in an instant, as if she had never been hurt before.

"This is? Super speed regeneration?" Kirito was shocked by Aizen's ability, because it was beyond his imagination.

"Could it be that even Aizen has absorbed the power of the virtual?" Kirito thought to himself, he was very strange.

Because Aizen is such a arrogant person, even if he is the master of the virtual circle, how can he become the same as the virtual?

Aizen heard Kirito's question, and said to him with a smile: "This is not the super-speed regeneration of low-level creatures."

This is Bengyu's will, Bengyu has the ability to protect the master, so as long as Aizen is not directly fatally injured, Bengyu will instantly heal Aizen's injury.

So in his eyes, Kirito's skills don't play a big role for him at all.

Even with his bare hands, he was able to smash all the light blades released by Kirito without taking any damage.

However, the thundercloud in the sky didn't feel as easy as the light blade, because he also felt a strong threat in it.

It's like a beast with absolute destructive power hidden in the thundercloud, which makes people feel a little palpitated.

Even if it is as strong as Aizen, he doesn't feel very good at this moment, so he is also vigilant.

Even if he didn't want to regard Kirito as an opponent, the performance of Kirito at the moment really surprised Aizen.

Although Kirito's Amaterasu did little harm to Aizen, it was able to delay him for a while.

Now, the Lei Dun Qilin is completely ready, because the huge thunder beast has already revealed its hideousness.

The dark black unicorn head protruded from the thundercloud, his eyes widened with anger, and he stared at Aizen closely.

The filaments of lightning also flickered constantly around its body, and each shred of lightning contained a huge amount of energy.

"Does this move look strong?" Aizen looked at the unicorn beast in the sky and said to Kirito.

Kirito still maintains a vigilant attitude towards Aizen at this moment, and he does not want to be defeated because of his own negligence.

"Just by looking at it, how can you know how powerful my move is? Why don't you feel it for yourself."

"Come on, Youlei Qilin!"

Following Kirito's shout, the unicorn beast in the sky roared and rushed towards Aizen as if he had received instructions.

Don't look at the huge and bulky body of this unicorn beast, but its speed is impossible for ordinary people to keep up with.

And the lightning escaping from its body alone can already cause huge damage to some people with poor strength.

If it was a head-on collision, there might not be any result, and even Kirito who unleashed this move had no idea at all.

The first thousand and thirty-seven chapters three-stage fusion

The huge unicorn beast opened its huge mouth in the sky, and thunder and lightning spewed out from it.

The target is Aizen floating in the air, and the black thunder wrapped in the power of destruction slammed straight on Aizen's body.

Facing the black thunder, Aizen did not choose to escape, but chose to fight recklessly.

The Zanpakutō in his hand burst out with unprecedented power, and he slashed out suddenly. That power, even in the face of Youlei Qilin, had no slight disadvantage.

Two completely different forces collided like this, and a shocking vibration broke out directly between the sky.

After the attacks of the two people slammed together, the burst of air waves directly destroyed those buildings.

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