This time, Rukia got angry, raised his fist directly at Kirito and swooped down, suddenly Kirito stopped attacking and just stood there waiting for Rukia to come.

Suddenly Kirito disappeared again, and when he reappeared in front of Rukia, Rukia was startled.

"Don't be careless," Kirito looked at Rukia with a smile.

Suddenly, Kirito, your eyes turned red, and the surrounding air also turned red, spreading out around Kirito.

Another domineering domineering.

Rukia just hit the front and fainted directly. It was Kirito who stopped. He didn't want to hurt Rukia and just stunned Rukia.

Kirito hugged Rukia, descended slowly, and put Rukia in his arms. At the same time, Kirito noticed Rukia's dark circles, which seemed to be caused by worrying about himself these days. As Rukia fell asleep peacefully, Kirito couldn't help but kissed Rukia's forehead and vowed to protect Rukia and Hijin.

Kirito picked up Rukia and turned around to take Rukia back when a voice stopped him.

"Hey, let her go."

The voice was a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere, Kirito turned his head slowly, and saw that it was Renji Asai from the [-]th Division.

Kirito also knew that Asai Renji was interested in Rukia, so he wanted to fight with Kirito when he had nothing to do, and this Kirito was too lazy to care about him at the same time.

Kirito shook his head, it seemed that he was very uninterested in Asai Renji, and he turned his head and was about to leave the training ground.

Suddenly, a strange soul-killing knife that was stretched whistled and slammed right in front of Kirito, blocking Kirito's way out.

"Roar! Sheweimaru!"

At this time, Kirito seemed to understand why Asai Ren Minzu did this, because the Rukia he liked was with him every day, and it would be uncomfortable for anyone who said it.

Kirito scratched his head, looked back at him helplessly and said, "What are you doing?"

Asai Renji clenched his fists and said angrily, "Why are you holding Rukia, I know what you're doing!"

Kirito looked at Rukia in his arms, who was hooking Zhengxiang around his neck, and then with the help of spiritual power, he jumped up and placed Rukia in the auditorium next to him.

Kirito glanced at Asai Renji. To be honest, Kirito still resented him, because Rukia didn't write your name, why should he be in charge every day?

After Kirito settled down, Rukia floated down with the help of spiritual power, and then took a few steps to Asai Renji and said to him face to face: "Tell me, what's the matter with you, Rukia is sleeping now. I'm still in a hurry to send her back."

"You can go, it's enough to have me, you can do whatever you want." Asai Rinji frowned and said.

Kirito was equally strong, and he even released Reiji preemptively, then looked at Asai Renji fiercely and said, "What if I don't."


Asai Renji replaced the answer with Shewei Maru. He pulled back the Shewei Maru and threw it directly at Kirito. Kirito raised one hand with disdain and held the Soul Chopping Sword to parry.

Asai Renji released the spiritual pressure at this time. In fact, let alone Asai Renji's spiritual pressure, although it was not as exaggerated as Kirito's, it was indeed very oppressive.

"Let's make a bet. Let's have a match. If you win, I'll let you go and send Rukia back." Asai Renji said to Kirito with a warlike expression.

What Kirito hates is when others speak of him in a commanding tone.

"Why should I listen to you?" Kirito, just as you were about to reach Sheweimaru and turned away, Asai Renji waved Sheweimaru again and slashed at Kirito.

Asai Renji almost roared: "That's up to you!"

Kirito saw that there was no way to shirk, so he had to fight, released his armed domineering domineering to wrap himself, and then raised the weird soul-killing knife to show a posture of fighting at any time.

There was no extra words. After a roar, Asai Renji slashed towards Kirito. Seeing that he was about to slash Kirito with one knife, Kirito instantly launched Shunpo, and a burst of lightning and flint under his feet reached Asai Renji. Behind him, he slammed up with a single handed knife, and directly used the back of the knife to give Asai Renji a big somersault. Fortunately, Rukia was asleep, otherwise Asai Renji would be embarrassed again.

Asai Renji felt that he had been insulted, and got up in embarrassment, looking at Kirito with a fierce face, as if he was going to eat Kirito.

In fact, it seems that Kirito's spiritual power has been absorbed a lot by this Soul Chopping Sword, but Kirito's body seems to have been transformed, and all aspects of the body seem to have been enhanced a lot, especially in physical skills. Yes, but thinking about the ease and ease of swinging the Soul Chopping Blade in the past is not enough, because the current Soul Chopping Blade is much heavier than before.

"Don't underestimate me!" Asai Renji burst into spiritual pressure and swept towards Kirito with Shewei Maru.

Kirito raised his knife and slashed down sharply, and Shewei Maru was directly pressed under Kirito's Soul Chopping Blade.

Kirito raised one eyebrow and looked at Renji Asajing and said, "Hurry up to stop, or I will chop your Soul Chopping Sword!"

Chapter [-]: The Swastika of Reiji

Kirito poured a little water on Rukia and Asai Renji because he slashed them, and all his attacks were aimed at avoiding his vital points.

Asai Renji pulled out the Shewei Pill with force on his wrist, then stroked it, and then released the Reiatsu again, this time the Reiatsu around him was no longer cyan, but turned scarlet.

"Shewei Wan, Shijie!"

His Reiatsu surged, Shewei Maru's appearance became larger, and the pointed fangs on it also became longer.

Kirito didn't take it seriously, and didn't feel that Asai Renji was so powerful, or what kind of storm he could set off.

Asai Renji rushed to Kirito again, and couldn't help but let Kirito's eyes narrow, because Asai Renji's speed was much faster than at the beginning, Kirito raised the Soul Chopping Sword and stalemate with him, because Kirito The absorbed spiritual power of people has basically been exhausted, and now Kirito's only advantage is only physical skills, and Asai Renji's spiritual power is still rising, another knife, this knife is completely. Seeing the comparison between Kirito and Asai Renji's current Reiatsu, this knife pushed Kirito 5 meters away.

Kirito held the knives in both hands, and felt that things were getting more and more complicated.

"What's wrong with you? Didn't you crush me just now? Why don't you understand, and you still look down on me? And I've always wanted to know why your spiritual power is so weak." Asa Jing Lian Tsuki looked at Kirito suspiciously and said.

This sentence hits Kirito's sore spot. He is not a god of death at all. He relies entirely on Rukia's power of death to maintain the form of the Soul Chopping Blade, but now the Soul Chopping Blade can't be summoned and can be used. It's this bulky big guy, let alone any solution, even the first solution can't be done by Kirito now.

Asai Renji said with a serious face: "I don't care why you are unwilling to fight with me wholeheartedly, but I tell you, if you don't show all your strength, you will lose."

Kirito also clung to the Soul Chopping Blade in his hand, waiting for Asai Renji's next attack, once again urging his armed arrogance on his body.

Asajing Renji seemed to be a good opportunity, so he rushed forward and rushed to the same person again, Kirito had already thought of a countermeasure, and Asajing Renji's knife was about to slash at Tongren. When he was on the human body, Kirito made a bold move, suddenly stretched out a hand and firmly grabbed the neck of Asai Renji. on the shoulders of people.

Asai Renji looked at Kirito in horror, because there was not a drop of blood left where he was cut!It would be better to say that his attack had no effect at all, and it was completely offset by the hardening of the armed color.

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