At this time, Kirito also launched the domineering domineering again. Using the domineering color at such a close distance is the highest in Shanghai. A piece of red air emanated from Kirito's body again. In an instant, Renji Asai spurted out a mouthful of blood. When he came out, he fell into a short-lived coma. Seeing that the opportunity was ripe, Kirito clenched the Soul Chopping Sword and poured his spiritual energy into the sword energy, which was cut into Renji Asai, and flew out with the sword attached. , fell to the ground and rolled back for a long time before stopping.

It seems that the outcome is already decided. Kirito undoubtedly won the battle. Kirito put the Soul Chopping Sword on his shoulder and was ready to walk in the direction of Rukia.

At this time, Kirito felt a very powerful Reiatsu, even stronger than himself in his heyday at that time, and the direction of this Reiatsu was in the direction of Asai Renji just now.

I saw Asai Renji holding the Soul Chopping Blade against the ground with one hand, stood up staggeringly covered in blood, pointed the knife at Kirito, and said, "Hum hum hum, I... admit that you are very strong, But you still can't take Rukia away, you were supposed to show it in front of Rukia's eyes, so I'll show you right now!"

I saw him holding the Soul Chopping Saber high, and even the air flow next to him, his spiritual pressure was released again wantonly, this time the scarlet color of his spiritual power was even more obvious, and Kirito also felt the crisis, just like at that time. Kirito felt the same strength of Ulquiorra.

Asai Renji raised the knife and dropped it, holding the knife in both hands into the ground, shouting loudly.


What Kirito didn't expect was that Asai Renji's progress was also fast, and he mastered the solution so quickly!

The curling heat swept through the layers in the direction of Asai Renji, and suddenly the smoke all dissipated, and I saw Asai Renji's body was covered with a baboon's hair shawl, and Shewei Maru became more vivid, now completely. It is a large living snake, as high as a 5-story building.

Asajing Rinji looked at Kirito in high spirits, it seemed that because of the solution, all the injuries just now healed by themselves, and then looked at Kirito with an aloof look and said, "Your move doesn't seem to be this way. The world is very strange, the last time your Soul Chopping Blade was very strange, and this time it is even more strange, but I have to say, you are very powerful, but it is a pity that it is you who will lose today!"

Before Kirito could respond, Asai Renji had already rushed over, Kirito was going to parry him with a knife, and then exerted his domineering domineering again.

But Kirito's expectations were in vain. When Asai Renji arrived in front of Kirito, Kirito released the domineering arrogance, but Asai Renji had nothing at all, but the child spit out blood. .

Obviously, Asai Renji's spiritual power and spiritual pressure are now higher than Kirito's. Kirito's overlord color is only useful for enemies with the same strength or higher enemies, but once the opponent's cultivation base far exceeds his own, he will be attacked. .

"What are you doing there!" Asai Renji swung the snake's head directly on Kirito's chest. As the tongue moved and stretched, Kirito was directly taken flying, and even the Soul Chopping Sword All fell to the ground.

Asai Renji danced Shewei Maru directly into the wall, and Kirito was also pushed in by Shewei Maru, and it seemed that the outcome was decided.

Asajing Renji threw out the Shewei Pill, and Kirito also fell to the ground. There was no response for a long time. It is said that Kirito's spiritual power has almost been consumed. It is not easy to resist such a powerful attack.

Asai Renji did not quit the swastika mode, just because he was afraid that Kirito would stand up again, and walked to the painful soul-killing sword and kicked Kirito's side, saying, "You are also defeated in my hands. It makes sense, after all, I will understand, but you will not know anything."

Then Asai Renji walked in the direction of Rukia, not to mention how high the complacent end was, at this time Kirito also slowly grabbed the Soul Chopping Sword and stood up staggeringly. The attack really hurt him enough.

The first thousand and sixty-one chapters of the solution?

At this time, Kirito also poured the last bit of spiritual energy in his body into the Soul Chopping Blade, and the Soul Chopping Blade released a very pure blue light directly on Kirito's body, giving birth to a transparent The protective cover of Kirito has also undergone some changes, and his body is gradually covered with a layer of blue armor.

At this time, Kirito raised his head and slammed the soul-killing knife, and a pure blue sword energy cut through the air and threw it in the direction of Renji Asai.

Asajing Renji also felt the dense spiritual pressure behind him suddenly flashing over God, the sword energy directly hit a thick pillar, and the pillar was cut off in response, but you must know the aura of the competition arena It directly halved everyone's cultivation, but Kirito's sword qi was still able to cut the pillar into two pieces.

Asai Renji also seemed to feel the crisis, and looked at Kirito in horror.

But even though he knew about Kirito's change, Asai Renji couldn't help but muttered.

"Is this the solution? No, it's not even the solution! Why is it so strong."

At this time, Asajing Renji had no reason to step back. You chose the matter, and you forced it to pretend. Then you have to finish it when you kneel.

Asai Renji waved the Shewei Maru and stabbed Kirito with a whimper, but the next scene directly scared Asai Renji.

When Shewei Maru just touched the protective cover on Kirito's body, it bounced off, and Kirito looked at him at this time and said lightly: "Although I don't know what happened to my body, but now you still think you Is it possible to win, why don't you stop now, you are not idle."

Asajing Renji didn't let go, and said with a look of disbelief: "The outcome is still undecided, I don't know who will win!"

Saying that, Asai Renji also grabbed Shewei Maru and rushed towards the fan again. Kirito shook his head and just waved a sword qi in an understatement. Asai Renji happened to resist the sword qi, so Jia Jia The release of the great spiritual power finally offset the sword qi, but he also had some changes. Shewei Wan's snake head collapsed suddenly, and the baboon fur on his body disappeared.

Although it offset Kirito's sword qi, Asai Renji also lost the capital to fight with Kirito, and then Kirito inserted the soul-killing knife into the ground, patted his body, and protected the protective cover and spiritual power. Kai also disappeared.

Kirito hugged his shoulders and said to Asai Renji, "Do you still want to fight?"

With an unwilling look on Asai Renji's face, he didn't say anything, and then rushed towards the colleague with a Shunbu. When Kirito also raised the Soul Chopping Sword and was about to give Asai Renji the last blow, A magnetic voice suddenly came through, and Kirito and Asai Renji stopped their movements at the same time.

"Stop! Stop me!"

I saw that Rukia didn't know when she woke up, looked at Kirito and Asai Renji with an angry face, and one of them gave a punch and said, "I said no, neither of you are allowed to fight anymore, Are you taking my words on deaf ears?"

Kirito and Asai Renji looked at each other, immediately started acting, and said to each other, "We are actually good brothers! It's just that we learn from each other, don't you believe it's true. "Not to mention that the two are really tacit, and they are really good at lying.

Rukia watched Kirito and Asai Renji's performance suspiciously, and even scolded Asai Renji and said, "Brother Kirito has been injured recently, and it seems that Xiuwei has been swallowed up by some force. And bullying him! Don't do this in the future! Renji."

"Rukia, I didn't..." Asai Renji explained to Rukia while looking at Kirito suspiciously, as if not believing that my cultivation base was swallowed up.

Kirito patted Rukia on the shoulder, and took a glance at Asai Renji and said proudly: "Rukia, don't be angry, brother Renji and I are just discussing, you have to trust brother Kirito. what."

Asai Renji was so angry that she was so angry that she wanted to fight Kirito, but I have to say that the protective shield and shoulder armor developed with the Soul Chopping Sword other than Kirito are so powerful, even Kirito never thought that one day he would be so strong.

I realized that the state also resonated with the Soul Chopping Blade. I don't know what state it was, but it only saved Kirito when he had no spiritual power. Kirito also looked at the cumbersome Soul Chopping Blade in his hand. I like it more and more.

Seeing Kirito say that, Rukia said: "Well, since brother Kirito has said it, then I won't pursue anything. I forgive you this time, Renji, and I must be good with brother Kirito. Get along."

The last second Asai Renji was still threatening Kirito with his eyes, Rukia suddenly looked at him, his expression changed immediately and said, "Ahahahahahaha. That's a let, Rukia, I have a very deep friendship with Brother Kirito, how could we really fight."

Seeing that Kirito and Asai Renji both swear, Rukia nodded in satisfaction and said, "Renji, you go back first, brother Kirito and I have something to do tomorrow, so we will leave first, and you also hurry back. Bar!"

Asai Renji was afraid of making Rukia angry, so she nodded weakly and said, "Okay, Rukia, rest early, and I'll go first."

Asai Renji threatened Kirito with his lips and said, "If you dare to do anything to Rukia, I will destroy you!"

In fact, he was right in what he said. Asajing Renji and Rukia are childhood sweethearts, so Kirito is not angry with Asajing Renji, because it is human nature to see the girl he likes with others. uncomfortable.

Therefore, Kirito did not feel strange about love times, and also felt that he would also be a friend of science and education in the future.

"Brother Kirito, you were really amazing just now. When you were dueling with me, what skills did you use to make the skin harden, and later shocked me. What kind of death art is it? Teach me if it's good or not."

It's really not that Kirito didn't teach her. Armed arrogance requires acquired opportunity and hard work. For Rukia, this may be something that requires strength, but overlord arrogance needs to be in the body first. The aura of the overlord can only be awakened, and generally it cannot be awakened. Kirito was successfully awakened because he was in a desperate situation, otherwise he would not know when he would awaken.

Kirito scratched his head and said, "Well, Rukia, I will give it to you when I see the time, and you can be as strong as brother Kirito."

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