Mito Menyan understood the current situation, no matter what, the initiative rested with Kirito, not their Konoha, and immediately asked straight to the point, "Hyuga Kirito, tell me your real purpose. "

"Okay, it seems that someone is finally aware of the reality." Kirito slowly stood up, and one of the biggest reasons for the battle with Tsunade was to show Konoha his powerful strength. , which is actually a threat of force.

Kirito's tone paused, his sharp eyes swept across the faces of Konoha everyone, and then he said coldly, "Now, my opinion should be able to influence your decision-making."

Chapter [-] Yun Ren comes to make

The incident between Kirito and Tsunade just came to an end. Only the senior staff of Konoha knew about it, and they could not spread it out. However, Kirito is not that kind of character.

In this way, the Konoha villagers who were intoxicated by the fact that there was a powerful five generations of eyes leading them forward, no one knew that the Senju Tsunade, whom they worshiped like a god, was defeated by a young man.

Kirito doesn't need to let these insignificant people know anything, he only needs to let the top management of Konoha know that he has the ability to easily upset Konoha.

After that, Kirito began to attend the high-level meeting of Konoha, and proposed to unconditionally return the Tiantian family property illegally occupied by the terms of the Iwanin Overlord.

According to Kirito's opinion, Konoha's high-level officials began a heated discussion, with some voices of disapproval and some voices of approval. To Kirito's surprise, there were many who agreed with his suggestion.As the representative of the family, Hyuga expressed neutrality, the Qiu Dao family agreed, the oil girl family opposed, the Inuzuka family opposed, and the Nara family and the Yamanaka family, who had always been wearing the same pair of trousers, actually had a disagreement at this time, and the Nara family opposed And, while the Yamanaka family agrees.Of the six major families of Konoha, two were in favor and four were opposed.

However, regardless of the outcome of the discussion, Kirito will stick to his opinion with an absolutely tough attitude.And blatantly used force as coercion.Although the senior management of Konoha was dissatisfied with Kirito's domineering, but because some voices agreed with the opinion, they could not make a strong response, and finally the two consultants of Konoha discussed.

The calculation of the stakes, Kirito Hinata's domineering will bring more losses to Konoha than to fight against Iwanin.In addition, Konoha also began to feel disgusted by Iwa Shinobi's insatiable greed, and considering whether it could be compromised through this matter, he was looking forward to attracting Kirito Hiuga to get closer to Konoha.

However, only people who are really familiar with Kirito will understand that Kirito is the kind of person who is far more emotional than rational. Compared with knowingly treating Kirito with reason, telling him the right thing and the pros and cons of doing so.It is easier for Xiaozhi to impress Kirito with affection, not for you to tell Kirito that he should do this, but for you to make Kirito think that he should do it himself.

Unfortunately, there are not many people in Konoha who really know Kirito.

In the matter of Iwa Shinobi, Konoha finally compromised with Kirito.

Kirito killed the three remaining members of Iwa Shinobi's group, and expelled them from the village, and asked them to go back and tell Tsukage that Konoha would not recognize the unequal treaty they signed before!

In the ninja world, Konoha, who has been in the doldrums for a long time, suddenly became unusually tough, and it suddenly caught Yun Ren Yanren by surprise.You must know that the high-level officials of Iwanin have analyzed and studied the authorities of Konoha, but [-]% of them are sure that Konoha will compromise with them, and the overlord clause of annexing the mining industry as a test is also analyzed by the high-level officials of Iwanin. In the same way, Konoha soon signed a treaty. They were going to go one step further with Konoha and offered to ask Konoha's Hyuga clan to have a blank eye. However, before the second batch of negotiating teams set off, they received the envoys from the previous batch of messengers. Embarrassed to return.

Not only did Konoha completely deny the overlord clause he signed with Iwanin, but he also made a similar counter-attack, killing two-thirds of their group.You must know that the small group of Burst Ninjas was the one who wanted Konoha to provoke them. He didn't expect the other party to be so ruthless, so he directly killed all the Burst Ninjas who were ordered to provoke trouble!

The Iwa Shinobi authorities were furious, and immediately announced that they would change the policy of fighting Konoha and Yun as a neutral party, and formally expressed their participation in the war against Konoha.

Compared to Iwa Shinobi's anger, the atmosphere of the Yunnin authorities was a little weird.

They don't understand, what is the confidence of Konoha to do this?Is it just relying on the newly-appointed five generations of the five generations of eyes and hands?And Jiraiya counts as one?

But these strategic-level combat power figures, Yun Ren has already calculated and allocated candidates for each high-end combat power of Konoha.Yun Ren was puzzled by Konoha's sudden toughness.Therefore, the original plan to "cede the Konoha land" was temporarily shelved.I want to let the spy ninja steal specific information in Konoha.

So now, as a test by Yun Ren to Konoha, Yun Ren has sent another negotiating team to Konoha.The theme of the negotiation plan carried is, "Cloud and Konoha's Friendly Intermarriage Plan".

Now, Yun Ninja's messenger has arrived in Konoha, and at the high-level meeting held in Konoha, Kirito is a guest observer.The other party handed the plan in his hand to Qianshou Tsunade in the first seat.

There was a lot of writing on this document, Tsunade frowned, presumably there were a lot of Yun Ren's contemptuous words written on it.However, Tsunade held back and reluctantly continued to watch.

After reading it, Tsunade did not express any opinion, and directly threw the document to the two advisors on the side. She had just taken over the position of Hokage, and many of the core powers of the village were temporarily taken care of by these two advisors. On the one hand, she is really not good at and doesn't like to deal with such messy things.

The temperament of the two consultants was also well-trained. Yun Ren occupied more than 70 pages of arrogant nonsense in the document, and they didn't even frown after reading it.

It was just that Wei Wei spat out the entire pages of documents, and in the end there was only one thing she wanted to say, "Marriage."

"Patriarch Hyuga, this is about your family, tell me your opinion." The two advisors frowned and did not express their position on the spot.

"It's about our Hyuga home?" Hyuga Hizu was also puzzled, and immediately concluded the document, glanced at the content above, and filtered out most of the junk in the document at a speed of ten lines at a time.

"..." The Konoha people present here have read the document, some have not read it, but those who haven't read it can probably guess what the content of the document is about from the expressions of others.

Immediately, they all set their eyes on Hiyaka Hizu, wanting to see what kind of wishes this rigid and conservative man who always sticks to the rules will express.

However, what surprised everyone was that after reading it, Hyuga Hizu remained calm. Judging from his expression, he could not see his intentions at this time, and he did not reveal any opinions that agreed or disagreed. , but under the puzzled eyes of everyone, he handed the document to Kirito, who was sitting on the last seat, and the top of Konoha didn't want to see it.

"Kirito, you can take care of it yourself."

Chapter [-] Results of Negotiations

"Ding" task trigger

Mission Type: Dark Storyline

Mission level: A

Mission content: Send Hinata Hinata, the eldest lady of the Konoha Hinata clan, to Yunnin Village, and then bring it back safely.

"Huh" In the conference hall, Kirito looked at Yun Ren negotiating documents in his hand, and couldn't help but took a deep breath, his icy expression had not changed from beginning to end.They only knew Kirito to a certain extent, but Konoha's high-level executives were probably aware of the difference, and they all looked at each other in dismay.

The people of Konoha couldn't help but look at the high-ranking head of the house, Sun Xiang Hizu, with strange and doubtful eyes.Knowing that Kirito is a troublesome guy, Konoha had to compromise with him last time when he discussed his decision to Iwanin, forcibly following his own wishes, and coercing with force.However, in the other affairs that followed, Kirito did not participate anymore, which also made Konoha's executives relieved. If Konoha allowed Kirito to do anything recklessly, it was absolutely impossible for them to allow it.

People don't understand why Hyuga Hizu is so nervous, and Kirito, who is synonymous with trouble, says that it's up to you to decide.Isn't this bullshit?Konoha's decision-making power for major matters lies in the voting and negotiation of Konoha's senior management. Even if it is related to the Hyuga clan, if their Konoha senior management agrees unanimously, even Hyuga, who is the head of the family, cannot resist.

From the current point of view, the top management of Konoha has been inclined to compromise with Yun Ren, and finally handed over the documents to Hyuga Hizu, which will give the other party a step in form.The Hyuga clan has always been loyal to Konoha, and sticking to the rules is even more deeply rooted in the hearts of the Hyuga clan.

On the field, it wasn't just Konoha executives who were puzzled by Hyuga Hizu's move, Yun Ren's representative was also looking at Kirito secretly with puzzled eyes, pondering in his heart, "Who is this young man? Why did you attend the Konoha high-level meeting? Also, why does the Konoha group seem to care about the meaning of the young man? There are many doubts about this matter, and you must report it to Raikage-sama when you go back!"

"The Yeyue family of Yunren Village, do you want to marry the eldest lady of the Zong family from the Rixiang family..." Under the eyes of everyone's attention, Kirito indifferently said the thick document in his hand, and wanted to express the final sentence talk.

Hearing Kirito's extremely indifferent words, everyone in Konoha present couldn't help but sweat coldly on their foreheads.

The cloud ninja did not know the true identity of Kirito, but from the changes in the expressions of Konoha and others, he understood that the young man in front of him had quite astonishing power in Konoha.

Yun Ren immediately stepped forward and explained, "Yes. The Yeyue family is one of Yun Ren's leading wealthy families. The eldest young master Ye Yuehui has heard the name of Konoha Rixiang Zong's eldest miss for a long time, and has always wanted to meet her. Unfortunately, Konoha recently I have had many misunderstandings with Yun Ren, and the ninjas below do not know the truth. There have been many conflicts with Konoha's ninjas on the border. In order to show my Yun Ren's acknowledgement, I hope to invite Konoha's No. [-] wealthy family of Hyuga. Miss, go to my Yun Ren as a guest. Of course, it is also about marriage, I hope..."

This cloud ninja's speaking skills can be said to be not bad. As soon as he came out, he showed the momentum of the cloud ninja Yeyue clan, and called the local war between Yun ninja and Konoha during this period of time as the personal behavior of the ninja below, and unexpected conflict.The eldest lady of the Hyuga family was invited, and in her words there was a faint threat of military conflict, which means that I, Yun Ren, are very sincere and want to resolve the conflict between the two sides, but you Konoha are not here, you just don’t want to resolve the conflict, it’s you Konoha There is no sincerity.At that time, Yun Ren has a further war against Konoha, and then there is a reasonable excuse.Don't underestimate the importance of these statements. Once the country of Thunder behind Yun Ninja agrees, then with the support of the state, the military conflict between Ninja villages will escalate into a real war!

However, with regard to the hidden fronts in these words and the art of words, Tong talents would not pay attention to them, and would not even pay attention to them.He just glanced at Yun Ren slightly, and interrupted what the other party was going to say later, "That is to say, you want our eldest lady from the Hyuga family to come with you to Yun Ren, right?"

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