Cloud Ninja squinted his eyes, and there was a slight flash of strangeness in his eyes, and then as a test, he said, "You can say the same, but maybe the eldest lady of the Hyuga family likes us here and asks for a permanent residence..."

Kirito waved his hand and said indifferently, "Okay, okay, let's stop the nonsense. Miss Hyuga is sending Yun Ren as an envoy, we agreed. As for the marriage, let's wait until Yun Ren..."

Speaking of this, Kirito's mouth showed a strange smile, and he said lightly, "Is Yun Ren Yeyue clan... Haha, interesting clan..."

Kirito's words made the Konoha people present at the scene calm down a little. Just now, they were afraid that Kirito would be a shit stick, and they just wanted to obstruct the negotiation between Konoha and Yun Ren, but seeing Kirito After expressing agreement to negotiate, Wei Wei couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

However, after seeing her daughter being used as a bargaining chip for marriage, Hyuga Hizu, who was still able to keep her expression calm and composed, after listening to Kirito's words, her old-fashioned face wrinkled tightly. Staring at Kirito, "Kirito, have you figured it out?"

Hinata was annoyed and stared at him with eyes of deep dissatisfaction.Don't look at his dignified, old-fashioned and arrogant appearance on weekdays. He is quite concerned about his daughter, Hinata. Even if he doesn't seem to pay attention on the surface, he is still quite concerned in secret.

Regarding her daughter Hinata's care, Hinata also knew that her relationship with Kirito was not shallow from the subtleties of daily life.Now that Yun Ren wants Konoha to propose the terms of negotiation, Hyuga Hizu, who has a keen political awareness, can tell at a glance that most of the top Konoha players on the field have acquiesced to Yun Ren's request.This made him very angry, as whether as the head of the family or the most important father, no one would want his own clan, and he was his own daughter, to be used as a bargaining chip for negotiating sacrifice.

Therefore, Hyuga Hizu only pinned her hope in Kirito's hands.

But now, Hyuga Hizu never expected that Kirito would say such a thing in public, and he couldn't help but have a face full of anger.

Chapter [-]: Young Tian's Worries

Konoha Hyuga ushered in a top priority, that is, the eldest young lady of the Hyuga family, Hinata Hinata, is about to send Yun Ren as an envoy to Yun Ren. At this tense time, this is not an ordinary thing, and there are even rumors. Out, Hinata is about to marry the eldest young master of the Yunren Yeyue clan.

As soon as this hot news came out, the Rixiang family also exploded. The elders of Hyuga naturally understood that at this time, Hinata sent Yun Ren as the envoy. The meaning behind it was quite angry, and they asked them to the Rixiang family. The noble lady of the clan came as a bargaining chip.So after Sun Xiang, the head of the house, came back, the elders were ready to question him, but when they saw the latter's livid look and the anger he had never seen before, they couldn't help but keep silent.

Hinata, who was the party involved, also quickly learned about this.

"Lord Hinata! Please resolutely oppose the engagement with Yun Ren!" Beside Hinata, the young man who spoke very excitedly and impatiently belonged to a branch of the Hyuga family, but the difference was that the previous generation was As a member of the clan of the Hinata clan, the elder is also one of the elders of the Hinata family, so even if he belongs to the split family, he will still give him some face among the same generation.

"..." Hinata frowned, and was even more worried in her heart. Although she was a little cowardly, she was born in a big family and had been affected by her eyes and ears since she was a child, so she was naturally very smart and keen. After the meeting returned, he had a livid face. It was very difficult for a well-mannered father to make such an expression, which also proved that the rumor in the matter was probably the Really.

Of course, Hinata was unwilling to marry Yun Ren's famous Yeyue clan, not to mention that when she was young, Yun Ren kidnapped her and forced Hyuga, her uncle was Ning. Tsu's father was handed over to Yun Ren as a cold corpse for the sake of the family and Konoha.This matter made Konoha Hyuga and Yun Ren have a bitter hatred.The cousin Neji, who used to have a good relationship with him when he was young, now hates him because of Yun Ren.In addition, even if the other factors of family interests and reputation are thrown away, Hinata will not be willing to marry Yun Ren.Because in this little girl, in her heart, a long time ago, there was a shadow of a person that was indelible.

"Lord Hinata, you are the eldest young lady of my Hinata clan, and the future heir of the Hinata clan. The object of marriage should... should be the best son of the Hinata clan to be selected. This is also the purest blood force to protect my Hyuga clan... ..." The young man kept instigating with red eyes, as if an adult was coaxing a little girl who was not familiar with the world.

"Huh" Hinata didn't even look at the young man beside her. Although she was only thirteen this year, she was not the kind of little girl who didn't understand the world at all. can be seen. "The marriage partner should choose the best children from the Hyuga clan." This sentence means that her husband is chosen in Hyuga, and there are other reasons for "protecting the purest bloodline power of Hyuga", that is simply bullshit. .The power of the bloodline will not become cloudy because the family is combined with outsiders. If the target is ordinary people, then the party with the power of the advanced bloodline will completely occupy the inheritance of genes.For example, when the people of the Hinata clan are combined with ordinary people, the descendants will only inherit the power of the Hinata clan.However, if two families with the same strong blood lineage are married, the power of the bloodline inherited by the offspring will be half and half of the probability of both parties, and there is a very small possibility that a person who inherits both blood lineages at the same time will be born. genius.

That is to say, in theory, it is the most advantageous choice for the people of the Hyuga clan to marry the children of the excellent blood-based boundary clans of the same level as the Uchiha clan.But in the hundreds of years of Hinata's history, there have been very few clansmen and outsiders combined, and they are all separated, and there are only a few people in the clan.There are two reasons. First, as a powerful family, Hinata does not look down on ordinary people, and secondly, it has the same status as Hinata, but the descendants born from the combination of the two sides, then which side is this descendant from?Is it the Hyuga home or someone else?It is also because of the second and the most important reason that Hyuga rarely intermarry with a family of foreign blood descendants. On the contrary, in the history of intermarriage between Hyuga and foreigners, 95 is a family with a similar level as Hyuga, but These worlds do not possess the power of blood following the limit.

In the ninja world, there is an unfamiliar rule, that is, the offspring born by both parties in the marriage, if they inherit the blood line of the previous generation, belong to the clansmen who inherit the power of the blood.It is more significant than the paternal surname.For example, the woman of the Hyuga clan is of the same level as the foreigner even if the man is from a family of the same level, but because the descendants inherit Hyuga's eyes, the descendant's surname Hyuga belongs to the Hyuga clan.The most typical one is Konoha's fourth-generation Hokage Nami Feng Minato, and Uzumaki Kushina, a descendant of the Uzumaki family.The former has such a huge identity as Konoha Hokage, but because he came from a commoner and not from any family, and Kushina is a descendant of the Uzumaki clan who was once famous in the ninja world, so his child Naruto belongs to the Uzumaki clan, and his surname follows his mother.

A bit too far, back to the topic.The young man Hinata, although the reason for the statement is incorrect, but the statement itself is not a problem.Intermarriage within the Hyuga clan was not intended to protect the purity of the Hyuga bloodline.But in fact, intermarriage within the Hyuga clan accounts for the vast majority.Hyuga is very happy to marry other families of the same level, except for the Xueji Boundary Power family, because the descendants born will only inherit Baiyan as a Hyuga clan.The reason for refusing to marry the Xue Jijiejie family is because it is possible that the descendants will inherit the power of the non-white-eyed Xuejijianjie, which is equivalent to giving the white-eyed clan to another family for nothing.Of course, those families that are not bound by blood are not fools. Not only do the children and descendants of the union do not follow their own families, but they also have to pay for their own clan to enter Hyuga. As a family on the same level as Hyuga, they also do not want Hyuga to step on their own. on the head.

All in all, for the above reasons, most of the intermarriages of the Hinata clan were carried out within the clan.And now the clan has arranged for this young man with good aptitude to replace the vacancy of the guardian of the clan of Hinata, that is, to replace the position that originally belonged to Kirito.The political implications of it are self-evident.Hinata is not willing to marry Yun Ren, nor is she willing to marry this fellow.

However, no matter what was in her heart, she knew clearly that she couldn't get rid of the decision of the senior members of the family. At this moment, the distressed Hinata had the urge to cry to someone.

Can save her from this sea of ​​misery.

Chapter [-]: Hyuga Kirito will handle it alone

In the Hyuga Conference Hall, the senior executives of Hyuga are having a heated discussion about the marriage of Hinata and Yun Ren.

The head of the chief elder, Hyuga, is second only to the patriarch Hiyaka in the Hyuga clan. I saw that he was suppressing the huge dissatisfaction in his heart at this time, and said solemnly, "Lord Patriarch, the five generations of the day before yesterday are currently coming to me, Hyuga. Regarding the marriage contract between Miss Tian and Yun Ren Yeyue clan, she also said that the patriarch has already agreed to this matter, what the hell is going on?"

"Yes, patriarch, please explain!"

"Humph! No matter what the reason is, how can the dignified members of the Hi Xiang family marry other countries' families? And it's the Yun Ren family who has a blood feud with me, Hyuga!"

"Master Patriarch!"

"Enough!" In the face of everyone's doubts, Hyuga Hizu, who was in the first seat, was also furious, and couldn't help but shouted angrily.

Seeing that Sun Xiang Sunzu got angry, everyone suddenly fell silent. After being stunned for a while, they couldn't help looking at each other. In their impressions, it was really rare to see Sun Xiang Sunzu make such a big fire.

The chief elder probably guessed that there must be a reason for this, and now it seems that Hyuga Hizu is by no means reluctant, so he could not help asking in a low voice, "Lord Patriarch, did something happen?

Hyuga Hizu shook his head and said indifferently, "This is something that Konoha's senior management has already decided."

Everyone could not help frowning, "This...Impossible? Also, even so, in this matter, as long as you don't nod the patriarch, they can't..."

Hyuga Hizu sighed slightly, but did not speak.Of course he knows about this kind of thing. If he just doesn't nod, Konoha's people will have nothing to do with them, but this will definitely damage Hyuga's reputation in Konoha. After all, what Hyuga does is completely Openly compete with the high-level Konoha and most of the aristocratic families.However, in order to protect his children and to protect his family's reputation as the head of the family, he wisely threw this question to Kirito.

Hyuga Hizu can play this skill ingeniously. As a father, he secretly pays attention to his daughter, and he has never said what her daughter likes since she was a child, but he knows it well.On the same day, Hyuga Hizu said that he would leave this matter to Kirito to decide, because he knew the deep relationship between Kirito and Hinata. Kirito would definitely oppose Hinata and Yunren's marriage, and because of Kirito's strength Strength, Konoha executives can't ignore his opinion at all.In this way, he can not only protect his daughter's happiness, but also avoid the loss of Hinata's reputation in Konoha. As a father and a patriarch, he also fulfilled his responsibilities well.

However, what he never expected was that Kirito nodded and agreed to the content of the agreement that day, which made Hyuga Hizu extremely angry.It is believed that Kirito not only completely betrayed Hinata, but also betrayed his own daughter.

Hyuga's lips moved, and she explained everything clearly and plainly.

Everyone in Hyuga couldn't help but suddenly fell silent. In this matter, Hyuga Hizu did nothing wrong. Even if it was them, they would choose this win-win method of safeguarding the interests of the family and protecting their loved ones, but in the end they believed it. That part of Kirito is very problematic.

"Then may I ask everyone, is there a way to solve the problem at hand?" Saying this, Hyuga Hizu's tone was also quite decadent. In fact, in the high-level resolution held by Konoha that day, he had tacitly agreed that Hyuga was right. There is no opinion on the decision of the senior management of Konoha, and it would be even more difficult to overturn it now.Although Hyuga is the first family of Konoha, but promised to do things, but backtracked, Konoha's high-level and other major families will not let Hyuga act so recklessly.

Everyone was silent, and they couldn't think of a specific method for a while.

On the other hand, a middle-aged old man at the bottom of the seat rolled his eyes and said, "When things have come to this point, according to the normal way, we can't resist the decision of the senior management of Konoha, so why don't we..."

"Seventh Elder, if you have anything to say, just say it." Sun Xiang Rizu raised his brows and said unhappily. He didn't like the latter. He had neither strength nor resourcefulness. Occupied the seat of Elder Hyuga.

The elders were also quite curious that he said he could solve the current almost deadlocked problem.

"Cough cough" Seven elders coughed, pretending to be calm and serious, "Actually, the problem is very simple, as long as we choose a husband for Miss Hinata first, then all the problems will be solved..."

Seeing that the seventh elder was about to continue talking, Hyuga couldn't help but burst into blue veins on his forehead, and said coldly, "Are you trying to tell your grandson, that Hyuga Tianshan."

"That's right, it's that kid from Tian Shan, I..."

"Bastard!" Sun Xiang Rizu was suddenly furious. He strongly objected to sending his daughter to Yun Ren as a political sacrifice, and he was also unwilling to let his daughter's happiness be ruined.In his opinion, the person who can act as his daughter-in-law must be a first-class person. He can't even look down on the kind of things like Tianshan. He was very satisfied with Kirito, but he didn't expect Tongren. People actually "betrayed" him.

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