"Keep up the good work!"

"I still need to slowly accumulate strength!"

In order to be able to live safely in this dangerous ninja world, Haruno Xiao also broke his heart.

In the past, in order not to be targeted by Tuanzang, he never dared to perform too well in the village. At the same time, in order not to be used as cannon fodder, it cannot become a dispensable little transparent.

At the same time, in order to learn new ninjutsu, he also secretly developed his own connections, and then privately learned new knowledge from some friends through mutual exchanges.

Otherwise, how did everyone think that he was able to learn these more advanced ninjutsu such as the Shadow Doppelganger Art and Earth Dive at such a young age?

Most of them were learned one after another from others with a cheeky smile, but he had never received any ninjutsu above Grade A from anyone before!

Because most of the ninjutsu above Grade A are powerful ninjutsu, which can be used as a personal hole card, and even the family inheritance has been passed down.

As a ninja, if there is no particularly important relationship, who will be so generous and expose their family background?

After packing up everything in the hall, Haruno continued to pick up the scroll and watch it, starting his own learning journey.

Life goes on and learning doesn't stop!

Time flies by, and three years have passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Chunye Xiao has grown into a young handsome guy, more than one meter and seven meters tall, handsome appearance, with pink ear-covering hair, the whole person looks like a gentle big brother next door, who has secretly fascinated a large number of little fans.

"Laughing big brother! "

What's our show tonight?"

Three years have also brought Fujimoto Izumi and Haruno Xiao closer to each other, and they usually treat him as a big brother they respect. Coupled with his lively personality, he usually behaves in a stormy manner, and he doesn't have much cramped feeling for his teacher Haruno Xiao.

"Hey! In the blink of an eye, the spring has grown into a great beauty!

"Do you want to have a physical battle with me tonight?"

Haruno smiled calmly while looking at the scroll in his hand while saying what he learned tonight.

"Okay! All right!

"Quan, I like to compete with Big Brother Xiao the most!"

Although Izumi is young this year, he has developed rapidly under Haruno Xiao's careful care, and is half a head taller than the students of the same age at the ninja school. Moreover, her level of physical skills is not low, and the ordinary shinobi of Konoha Hidden Village is not necessarily her opponent.

"Snap... "

Not long after, the courtyard was full of traces of Haruno Laughing and Fujimoto Izumi's battle.

Lawns, trees, cloisters, roofs...

The figures of the two kept moving, engaged in a fierce confrontation, one moment here, the other there.

At this time, all parts of Fujimoto's body were in battle, and they all turned into their own weapons, and they shot out at their teachers.

As a master of physical arts, Haruno Xiao of course took it all, easily fiddling with the other party's body and pointing out its shortcomings.

As the flesh of the two collided with each other, the crackling sound sounded non-stop in Haruno Laugher's house.

"Hey! Laughing big brother... Yes...... Can you stop for a moment? "

I, I can't..."

Fujimoto Izumi, who was sweating, finally couldn't hold on after a hand-to-hand fight with Haruno for a while, after all, she was just a little girl.

She is not an existence of magnitude compared to Haruno Xiao, who is Sven on the surface but secretly has a well-developed muscle...

"Give, wipe yourself!"

Haruno took a prepared towel from the cloister and threw it to Fujimoto Izumi, who was lying on the lawn struggling to breathe, the sweat on the other party's body had soaked his messy clothes.

"Hey! I want to drink it too..." Seeing

his laughing big brother sitting on the cloister and drinking his own drink, Fujimoto Izumi immediately stood up with all his strength, stumbled to the other party's side, and then copied the special drink that had been prepared long ago and poured it into his cherry little mouth.

"Ah! It's so cool..."

"I feel alive again!"

"Big brother laughing, I can fight again!"

After drinking the drink that Haruno Xiao specially matched, Fujimoto Izumi quickly recovered some of his combat strength, so he was excited to fight his laughing brother again.


"I've said it a few times! These functional drinks only play a role in supplementing the nutrients in your body, so that the fatigue will subside, but some small injuries on your body are still solid.

"You! Let's stop for a while!

"Come! Lie down and let me come..." With

that, Haruno smile's hand lit up with a soft green light, and then quickly pressed on the girl beside him, pressing the other party down on the cloister.

"Uh-huh..." After

his hand kept roaming on his body, soon the little loli's body was hot, and the comfortable feeling hit like a tide, making her snort.

In an instant, the injuries caused by physical training on his body were completely healed by Haruno Xiao, and his skin was restored to rosy and white, without leaving the slightest dark injury.

He is becoming more and more proficient in this craft....

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