"If you like it!"

"In the future, your family's spring will also study with me!" I will teach her everything I know, and how far she can reach in the future depends on her own efforts!

Haruno smiled at first and smiled at Fujimoto Kai, then his face suddenly became serious, and then said seriously to the three people in front of him.

"I will definitely study hard under Brother Haruno in the future! It will definitely live up to everyone's expectations of me..." Because

they have been together for several days, Fujimoto Izumi is also familiar with Haruno Xiao. After hearing this, she immediately leaned over and thanked the benefactor in front of her.

"Haruno Xiao-sama, this is our Izumi's worship ceremony!"

When Fujimoto Izumi straightened up again, Fujimoto Kai on the side suddenly took out a scroll and pushed it towards Haruno to laugh.

This is their Fujimoto family's secret ninjutsu, it should be said that it is a part of the Senjutsu secret ninjutsu.

Since Haruno Xiao will be the teacher of their family spring in the future, then he can only ask the other party to teach his daughter all kinds of new knowledge in the future!

After the Fujimoto family left, Haruno Xiao also opened his newly acquired secret scroll.

"Oh! The content is quite rich! "

It's worthy of the Senju clan..."

Haruno, who knew the details of Fujimoto's seabed, couldn't help but marvel with joy, and at the same time secretly sighed that he really did the right thing to accept Fujimoto Izumi as a disciple.

Not only did he get a disciple with very good qualifications, but he also stole many precious flesh and blood tissue samples, and now there are also some secret ninjutsu gifts from the Thousand Hands Family!

Hehe, can this not satisfy Haruno Xiao?

"However, the study of the sealing technique cannot be delayed!"

Looking closely at this secret scroll, Haruno Xiao also saw several special sealing techniques from above.

Tripartite Seal: A three-way sealing formation used in conjunction with the Shadow Doppelgänger Technique, which is a combination sealing technique that can seal the enemy's actions.

Four Elephant Seal: A powerful seal that uses the cycle of four elephants to seal the evil forces.

This leaves an imprint on the human body or other objects, allowing powerful enemies to be sealed intact within the selected object for a long time.

Five Element Seal: A characteristic sealing technique that uses the five Chakra attributes of thunder, wind, water, fire, and earth to seal monsters.

The premise of learning is that you need to master five Chakra attributes, so it is super difficult to learn and difficult to crack.

Bagua Seal: Consists of a double seal of two four-elephant seals, equivalent to an enhanced version of the four-elephant seal.

Fire Seal: An auxiliary sealing technique that seals all Fire Ninjutsu into a single scroll.

Haruno Xiao guessed that this should be a special sealing technique specially developed by the Senju clan in order to target the Uchiha clan.

Evil Seal: A sealing technique that uses a spell seal to block the opponent's Chakra, and a sealing style will appear on the person being sealed. This sealing technique is also divided into even seals and odd seals, each with its own effect.

With the details of these sealing techniques, plus the notes of the fourth generation Memba Feng Shuimen, Haruno Xiao believes that he can quickly enter the sealing technique.

"It's a good harvest!"

"When my level of sealing technique is raised to a certain level, then I will definitely be able to unseal that vortex scroll!"

"At that time, my sealing skill level will definitely be further improved!"

Haruno had previously obtained a particularly large scroll in the bedroom of the fourth generation Hokage's house, and the sealing technique on it was very complicated, so he had been unable to unravel it all along.

And according to his guess, that scroll should be the Seal Secret Legend of Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai! Otherwise, it would not have been so tightly sealed....

And now that there is this Thousand Hands Secret Scroll sent by the Fujimoto family, I believe that the day is not far away from him to unlock that special seal scroll.

During the reign of the three generations, the number of civilian ninjas in Konoha Hidden Village soared, but the ninja school taught only the most basic ninja knowledge, and ninjutsu only taught some simple three-body arts, so these civilian ninjas were mostly used as cannon fodder that could be replaced at will.

And the family ninja, with their own family ninjutsu heritage, is still the mainstay of Konoha Hidden Village, occupying important positions in various departments in the village.

At the beginning, the young Haruno Xiao chose the medical ninja route in order not to be easily sent to the battlefield to be used as cannon fodder. Now it is also very fruitful, and he has successfully promoted to special shinobi and gained a firm foothold in Konoha Hospital.

And those civilian students of the same class as him almost died, and most of the rest were disabled and could no longer be ninjas.

It's scary to think about!

Ninja is such a dangerous profession!

Civilian ninjas are even tools for the high-level of the hidden village to manipulate at will!

And in order to live smoothly, Haruno Xiao has always dared not be careless.

On the surface, as a qualified tool man, he continues to shine for the medical career of Konoha Hidden Village, but secretly he secretly learns various knowledge and constantly accumulates his own strength.

He has always known that only the great power added to his body is an important guarantee for his survival in the ninja world!

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